Signing in Datang: Li Shimin was shocked by the start

Chapter 100 Abundant Food 【Part 1】

Chapter 100 Abundant Food

Helpless, really fucking helpless!
Su Ning glared at him, got up slowly, glanced at the maid, and found that her face was much paler than what she saw just now.


Follow the maid to Master Li's room.

When Suning stepped into the room, there were bursts of howling again.


The moment Suning entered the room, he frowned indiscernibly, but quickly recovered his indifference.

The maid came in and went out, closing the door behind her.

Li Shishi's boudoir is very warm, a pink warmth, giving people a feeling of first love.

It conflicted with her own seductive action, but it made people feel unhappy, and even more addicted.

Two experiences, two wonderful feelings.

Sandalwood rose slowly in the room, and the calming breath slowly permeated the whole room.

"My lord, the slave family is waiting for you here."

A soft voice came from inside the white pearl bead curtain, as if the mother was calling to the baby, which made people want to fall asleep.

Very soft and comfortable.

The corners of Suning's mouth raised, and he walked in with a half-smile.

The bead curtain was opened, and Li Shishi was seen in plain clothes.

Now two white cloud-like jade hands are exposed in the air, and at the same time, the body is also wrapped in tight clothes.

Suning secretly commented on her.

"Young master, who dare to ask?"

Li Shishi looked at Su Ning with all kinds of amorous feelings, and his voice was soft like a wife welcoming her husband home.

Some people feel sorry.

Someone is jealous.

There are also people who hate it.

Except for Fatty Wang and Li Chengqian who were happy for Suning, no one else was present to send blessings.

Fatty Wang, although he is a bit lecherous, and he is very greedy for beauties like Li Shishi.

But compared to Suning, Li Shishi's position is far inferior to Suning's.

After knowing that Suning won the lottery, he immediately had no illusions about Li Shishi.

"Damn it! Fucking shit luck?"

Suning muttered strangely.

But he soon realized that something was wrong.

He remembered that when Li Shishi's maid drew lots for the two of them, she obviously looked at Li Chengqian with something wrong.

And just now, when he and Li Chengqian stood up, the two bamboo slips fell to the ground, as if they had changed places with each other?

Su Ning frowned, with some guesses in his heart, he looked up at Li Shishi.

Li Shishi smiled lightly, bowed to Suning, turned and returned to her boudoir.

I didn't see any abnormalities during the whole process, which was very natural.

After seeing Li Shishi returning to the boudoir, everyone present sighed one by one.

"Oh, nothing."

"Is that the owner of Lianyunzhai? You're so lucky."

"I really want to go up and beat him to death. I'll pay some money. Which one of you wants to do it?"

"I'm afraid you're not stupid, are you? Chunxiang Pavilion has a background, and it will not end well if you dare to make trouble here."

"Stop drinking, I don't have any interest in drinking this wine, go home and sleep with my wife."

"Hurry up and go back, I think the old Wang next door to your house looks at your daughter-in-law's eyes, he is uneasy and kind."

"Fuck you, uncle, get out of here"

All of you lost interest, and a large number left at once.

But a large number left, and another large number came again.

Anyway, a good place like Chunxiang Pavilion has no shortage of guests.

Suning ordered some food and wine, and started having sex with Li Chengqian.

About half a stick of incense, the maid who had just drawn lots for Suning came over again.

"Master, Senior Sister invites you to gather together."

The maid saluted Suning and invited him to move.

Before Suning could speak, Fatty Wang laughed out loud.

The girl whispered: "Don't worry, Village Leader, I won't tell the eldest lady."

But before he finished speaking, Su Ning slapped him on the shoulder, causing him to scream in pain, and never dared to say it again.

Su Ning glared at him, got up slowly, glanced at the maid, and found that her face was much paler than what she saw just now.


Follow the maid to Master Li's room.

When Suning stepped into the room, there were bursts of howling again.


The moment Suning entered the room, he frowned indiscernibly, but quickly recovered his indifference.

The maid came in and went out, closing the door behind her.

Li Shishi's boudoir is very warm, a pink warmth, giving people a feeling of first love.

It conflicted with her own seductive action, but it made people feel unhappy, and even more addicted.

Two experiences, two wonderful feelings.

Sandalwood rose slowly in the room, and the calming breath slowly permeated the whole room.

"My lord, the slave family is waiting for you here."

A soft voice came from inside the white pearl bead curtain, as if the mother was calling to the baby, which made people want to fall asleep.

Very soft and comfortable.

The corners of Suning's mouth raised, and he walked in with a half-smile.

The bead curtain was opened, and Li Shishi was seen in plain clothes.

Rao is that the temperature inside the room is higher than outside, and her outermost clothes have already been taken off.

Now two white cloud-like jade hands are exposed in the air, and at the same time, the body is also wrapped in tight clothes.

The navel part exposed the skin around the slap, which made people daydream, wanting to find out the watery place of this woman.

Peerless Stunner!
Suning secretly commented on her.

"Young master, I don't know your name yet?"

Li Shishi looked at Su Ning with all kinds of amorous feelings, and his voice was soft like a wife welcoming her husband home.

It's just that the two are meeting for the first time.

This oiran seems to be able to play anything.

"Su Ning." Suning said softly, walked to the stool by the table and sat down.

"The surname Li is good, but the surname Li is a noble surname."

"Could it be that the young master is from the Li family of the royal family?"

Li Shishi sat down slowly, looking at Suning with bright eyes.

It seemed that he was very excited.

"Didn't you hear Fatty Wang say that I am the head of Lianyun Village?"

Su Ning said flatly.

But his eyes were unscrupulously looking at Li Shishi's pretty face.

He clearly saw that when he said that his name was Suning, the oiran's delicate body visibly trembled slightly.

Although it was very slight, it was caught by a super expert like Suning.

"That's right, the slave's memory is really bad."

Li Shishi laughed at himself and sat down gently.

After she sat down, she picked up the jug on the table, shook it, and poured a glass for Suning.

He also poured himself a glass.

After the wine was poured out, a strong aroma of wine came out.

"What is this wine?"

Suning picked up the wine glass and smelled it, very curious.

But from the taste of the wine, Suning was attracted.

It is good wine.

"This is fine nectar and jade dew traded from the Western Regions. I don't know the exact name."

"I just heard that it can soothe the nerves and nourish the face, so the slave's family got some."

"This wine is easy to intoxicate. I'm used to drinking it. Does Mr. Su drink it?"

Holding the cup in his hand, Li Shishiyu made a respectful respect to Suning, his vermilion lips parted slightly, with a smile on his face, and he drank a cup of Yulu.

In fact, Master Li was very curious.

She was surprised to find that Suning didn't seem to be interested in herself since he came in.

It was only when he smelled the aroma of wine that he showed some curiosity and asked himself.

Could it be that my attractiveness has declined?
That's not right, it must have been faked.

Is this intentional?
(End of this chapter)

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