I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 70 70. Attacked on the Road

Chapter 70 70. Attacked on the Road
After waiting for a while, Mama Su finally finished the operation.

"Doctor, the operation must have been successful, right?" Su Liao asked immediately, eager to hear a good result.

"The operation was successful, but it will take a while to rest."

"My weaving work shouldn't be delayed, right?"

Su's mother is still obsessed with her work.

"Mama Su, quit your textile job! I bought you a new house and hired a nanny, so you can stay at home and recuperate!"

Although Su's mother still felt a little distressed at spending so much money, but Su Liao had finished the matter, so naturally she didn't have much to say.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"As a doctor, my suggestion is to let Ms. Su stay in the hospital for a while. Naturally, it is more convenient to change the dressing and remove it in the hospital. We can also be more responsible for Ms. Su's recovery."

This was quite unexpected, after all, Su Liao didn't study medicine, and he didn't know about this kind of surgery.

I thought that after the operation, I could push the wheelchair home!
"Then Mama Su, you can stay in the hospital here with peace of mind, and I'll go and pay the next hospitalization fee right away."

"There is still some money you gave last time! No need to spend any more money!"

"It's okay, the remaining hospitalization expenses will not be much, so don't worry!"

Su Liao was not giving Su Hui a chance to speak, so he hurried towards the payment window.

Xiaoling had no choice but to assume the responsibility of pushing the wheelchair, and took her mother back to the ward.

It's a pity that Su Liao still has a job, so he can't stay here for long.

After paying the fee, he handed over the key of the new home to Xiao Ling, and took her to familiarize himself with the address of the new home.

The furniture at home is all standard equipment given when buying a house, which saves the time for decoration and allows you to move in with your bags.

Secondly, it is also to make the living environment of Su Ma and Xiao Ling better.

If Mama Su were to choose the furniture herself, it would be as cheap as possible.

Fang Yuan has already cleaned the room carefully.

So the room is very tidy.

As soon as Xiaoling entered, she looked at the bright living room, and was suddenly overjoyed.

Because the living room is very spacious, unlike the previous home, the small living room is full of things.

I can't stretch my arms even if I want to practice basic moves.

And the balcony is also very wide, there is a small garden outside, the scenery is very good, and the air is very fresh.

Presumably, living here in the future will definitely be comfortable.

The girl ran around excitedly, going from house to house.

"Next to it is the master bedroom, which is for our mother. The one inside is yours. If you don't like the decoration style, I will ask Fang Yuan to find someone to redecorate it later." Su Liao patiently introduced it to his sister.

The little girl shook her head: "No need! I like it very much."

Although there is no girly style in the room, Su Ruoling is already very satisfied.

If Brother Liao spends money on decoration again, I will feel too sorry.

"Take a good rest and go back to class next Monday."

"But where is Mom..."

"I'll ask Fang Yuan to deliver meals there on time. You're a student. If you find a way to improve your studies, Mama Su and I will be very happy."

Speaking of this, Su Ruoling felt a little helpless.

"It's not that you don't know, my talent is not good. If there is really no way, I'd better just follow the text honestly."

"Don't worry, I've got the prescription for improving your physique, and I'll bring it to you next time."

Su Liao didn't lie, he just gave Xue Yumo the medicinal bath prescription to improve his physique, but in fact, Xiaoling can just give it.

It's just that this time because I came in a hurry, I didn't have time to prepare the medicinal materials.

But it turns out that it was just right not to prepare the medicinal bath in advance, otherwise there would be no money at hand to buy this home.

"Really? Brother, you are not allowed to lie to me!"

"Don't worry! When have I lied to you since I was a child? You can practice martial arts with peace of mind. When the time comes to improve your physique, your strength will also have a qualitative leap."

Hearing Su Liao's assurance, Xiao Ling was naturally looking forward to it.

Su Liao didn't intend to tell this girl the cost of the medicinal bath, otherwise she would be so distressed that she would not be able to sleep.

"Then when will you be back next time?"

"Half a month at the latest. At that time, I will bring students to Jiangcheng to participate in the provincial competition, and bring your medicinal materials along the way."

"Okay! That's a deal!"

"Well, then you have a good rest, I'll be back to Hong Kong City later!"

"Do you want me to send you off?"

Su Liao smiled: "I'm going back by car! It's not on the train! How do you deliver it? To Hong Kong City?"

"Ah, that's what you said!" The little girl scratched her head in embarrassment, and said, "Be careful on the road!"

Su Liao went downstairs, got into the car and drove towards the port city.

I originally planned to return to Hong Kong City one day in advance to prepare for the special training of the school team.

But there was trouble on the way.

A small wave of beasts rushed onto the highway, and a car accident had already occurred ahead.

Because the incident happened suddenly, someone had just reported the incident for help.

Many people only dare to hide in the car and dare not open the door.

But the wild beasts crashed through the window with only brute force, the driver in the car had nowhere to escape, and the passenger in the back seat staggered and pushed the door open for a few steps before being trampled under his feet.

Soon these few people became the food of a crowd of beasts.

The other vehicles nearby immediately turned around and fled, scattered in all directions.

Seeing this situation, Su Liao in the distance naturally didn't dare to continue driving.

Naturally, he didn't intend to fight the beast horde alone.

After all, I'm just a warrior at the Bone Tempering Realm, and I'm afraid it's a bit whimsical to want to defeat a dozen or so wild boars and wolves with almost the same realm.

So he chose to park the car in a safe place, put on the silk armor, and exchanged the points for a machete in the system, doing a good job of self-protection.

Then he stood on the road and told the passing drivers about the outbreak of the small beast swarm.

Don't let other people continue to die, if you can save one person, it counts as one person.

More and more vehicles were blocked on the road, and there was no room to move behind.

But the group of beasts just now seemed to have had their fill, and once again attacked the crowd separately.

Gray wolves rushed to the front, after all, they were much faster than wild boars.

"Back quickly!" Su Liao quickly directed the people around him, and he used the gap between the vehicles to resist the gray wolf that was rushing.

The gray wolf's attack ability is not as good as that of the wild boar, so naturally it cannot push the vehicle away directly.

Moreover, the space between the cars is narrow, which greatly limits the space for Gray Wolf to play.

The machete that Su Liao had prepared in advance was not considered long, but compared to the gray wolf's attack distance, it still had a certain advantage.

At first, Gray Wolf didn't think Su Liao was strong, so he rushed forward.

As a result, Su Liao took advantage of his inattention, and slashed at him with a machete suddenly drawn from the system space.

It was directly disembowelled.

(End of this chapter)

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