Chapter 51 51. Imagine
The two of them came under the Ferris wheel. There were not many people at this time.

There is no need to sit many people in a cockpit like during the day.

After buying a ticket, the two got on the Ferris wheel.

As the position of the cockpit slowly rises, the range of scenery that can be seen becomes wider and wider.

"Su Liao! Look, it seems to be our school over there! It looks so small!"

"Of course, the people below are like ants."

At this time, Su Liao's attention was not on HKU, but looking towards the coast.

"What's so high on this beach?"

"That's the city wall!"

"City Wall?"

Su Liao was very surprised, these days, there is still a city wall?

And the city wall is still built on the sea?How funny?

"Don't you know the city wall that blocks sea beasts?" Song Junyao asked in surprise.

Su Liao shrugged and explained: "I have never been to the seaside. Is the entire coast full of walls like this?"

"That's right. Not only are wild beasts attacking on land, but sea beasts are also encircling and suppressing them. Amphibians often become the vanguard of sea beasts to attack from the coast. If we don't build this city wall, the coast will not be able to defend at all."

"What about the birds?" Su Liao asked.

"Birds and beasts don't have the habit of invading cities, and there is no conflict of interest with humans for the time being. But if we enter the forest where they are, we will also be violently attacked."

After listening, he realized that the current living environment of mankind seemed to be far worse than he imagined.

It is unknown what happened to the other side of the wormhole. Just talking about the interior of Blue Star, there are countless foreign enemies.

Thinking of this, he suddenly wanted to know more about this world.

"In other words, when humans built the city walls, they should have paid a lot of money, right?"

"Yes, in order to avoid the invasion of sea beasts, a large number of warriors guarded the coastline at that time to ensure the smooth construction of the city wall, and sacrificed a lot of people. It also led to the occupation of many land routes by wild beasts during that time, and they have not been able to regain it."

"Is the incident in Jiangnan the hidden danger left behind by this incident?"

Su Liao thought again suddenly.

Song Junyao really nodded: "Yes, because of what happened back then, the wild beasts took the opportunity to expand their territory, and the birds and beasts also removed the strongholds near the primeval forest. We completely lost control of that area."

Hearing the news, Su Liao was very worried: "Can we get it back?"

"Of course it can! Now all over the world are constantly improving the welfare of warriors, and increasing investment in training warriors. Just like our school originally didn't have a martial arts academy, but in recent years, it has also opened martial arts subjects. Warriors are getting more and more Many, we have accumulated enough power, we have already started preparing for a counterattack!"

He looked at Song Junyao, very puzzled: "How do you know the matters decided by the higher-ups so clearly?"

"Did you forget? My parents were martyrs. At that time, their task was to go deep into the beast territory and investigate their current specific strength and layout. Although they sacrificed, the information has been investigated and passed on. This must be us A harbinger of counterattack!"

He suddenly thought of the education reform mentioned by Mr. Lu, perhaps it was also a preparation for the counterattack against the great cause!

However, these things probably have little to do with me, and now I can only silently pray in my heart that the warriors on the front line can return in triumph.

"If we can really conquer those orcs, then..."

Su Liao originally wanted to say: "We will be able to return to the peaceful era by then."

But suddenly I thought of the problem of wormholes, and I didn't know how to answer the question for a while.

And Song Junyao immediately followed Su Liao's train of thought and began to imagine.

"At that time, we will no longer have to worry about the attacks of wild animals, and we can sleep peacefully every night. At that time, we can accompany our family to the beach for a walk, and meet the ebb and flow of the tide with laughter. At that time, we can No need to be afraid anymore, travel around the beautiful scenery of the world."

Listening to her words, Su Liao couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the original world.

There is no war around, so you don't have to worry about your life being threatened. Although life is tiring and bitter, new hope will always be born through your own efforts.

"Don't worry, we will realize what you just said one day."

As time passed bit by bit, the height of the cockpit also dropped bit by bit.

The two of them didn't talk about any personal matters during the whole process, they talked freely about their dreams and good expectations for the future.

The Ferris wheel stopped, and two people walked out of the cockpit.

Although there were no sweet words before, Song Junyao's face was filled with happiness.

It seems that the boyfriend I found has a similar ambition to me, and I am very satisfied with it.

On the way back, most of the other couples were flirting, occasionally talking about love to create an ambiguous atmosphere.

The two of them continued to talk about their philosophy of life and dreams.

Su Liao told Song Junyao some scenes of the original world in the form of fantasy stories.

And this scene was exactly what Song Junyao dreamed of.

The more the two chatted, the more harmonious they became, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

Su Liao even gave up the idea of ​​earning points.

I thought to myself: "Forget it, you can't earn any points by yourself, so you don't deliberately provoke others."

They walked back to Hong Kong City University side by side. When they knew the door of the dormitory, the two of them opened the door in unison.

At the moment when the door was closing, he said at the same time: "See you tomorrow."

Afterwards, the two groomed themselves, and before going to bed, they couldn't sleep again.

Song Junyao was happy that she finally found a like-minded boyfriend.

Su Liao was happy that he finally made his first friend after coming to Hong Kong City.

Anyway, she couldn't fall asleep after thinking about it, so Song Junyao simply took out her mobile phone and directly told her aunt that she had found her boyfriend.

The aunt is the one who loves her the most in the family, upon hearing the news, she quickly asked her about her personality.

When he learned that the other party was a like-minded person with Song Junyao, he ordered her to do so again, for fear that Su Liao was just pretending, and that his inexperienced niece would be deceived.

"Auntie, don't worry, from the conversation with him, I can judge that he is definitely not lying!"

Then she turned off her phone and tried to drift herself off to sleep.

And Su Liao, who was separated by a wall, couldn't sleep either, so he simply opened the system mall and found a secret book on the cultivation method of the Bone Tempering Realm, ready to pass the time, and began to practice.

After all, the world is so dangerous, you still have to improve your strength to protect yourself.

After one night, Su Liao's strength finally improved again, reaching the fifth level of Bone Tempering Realm.

Now his strength has finally reached the level of most instructors in the school.

(End of this chapter)

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