I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 43 43. The Meaning of the Warrior

Chapter 43 43. The Meaning of the Warrior
Su Liao naturally would not cause trouble for the heroes of the race, not to mention that he could not bear the consequences, and he himself did not want to cause trouble to others.

The two also joined the queue.

First, after a few high-level leaders gave gifts, they exchanged greetings with Mrs. Lu, and then left.

After all, these are busy people, and after expressing their hearts on behalf of various departments, they have to go back to their own affairs.

Next came the members of the Lu family.

Although they are not a big family, there are more than 30 people.

After the son gave it away, the daughter gave it off, and after that, the grandchildren gave it off. There were also several great-grandchildren who each said congratulatory messages prepared by their parents in advance.

Although Boss Qian said he had a good relationship with Mrs. Lu, he was still an outsider after all, so he could only be ranked behind the Lu family members.

When the two went up to deliver the congratulatory gifts, Su Liao could clearly feel the strong hostility of some members of the Lu family.

Even Lu Zhong's complexion just now was not very good-looking.

He had no choice but to pretend not to know him and asked, "Boss Qian, what does this have to do with you?"

After all, if Su Liao got too close to Boss Qian, he would "sever ties" with him directly.

Although Boss Qian didn't want to pay attention to it, this happened to be a good opportunity to tell his godmother about his investment in education: "This is Mr. Su from Hong Kong City University. Recently, I sponsored their school and thought about doing something for education. contribute."

Then Lu Zhong looked at Su Liao again, as if waiting for confirmation.

"Just as Boss Qian said."

Knowing that the two had no close relationship, Lu Zhong was relieved.

And old man Lu Zheng, who was in the crowd, didn't look very good-looking.

[Lu Zheng’s favorability dropped...]

I thought to myself: "Why did this troublemaker come here? Don't cause trouble for the school!"

Lu Zhong asked again: "Is Teacher Su here today representing Hong Kong City University?"

Su Liao originally wanted to say that he was here, but Mr. Lu's pop-up window dispelled his thoughts.

"No, I'm just representing myself, here to see the demeanor of the heroes of the human race. I have admired people like Grandma Lu since I was a child. I am very satisfied when I see you today."

As soon as Su Liao said this, the boss Qian next to him finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Zheng in the crowd also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I was thinking in my heart: "This kid is finally normal for once!"

Boss Qian also quickly took out his gift and said: "This is my company's latest product, Huoluo Powder, which can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis..."

Lu Zhong quickly reached out to take the things in his hands, and interrupted Boss Qian: "On behalf of grandma, I thank you for the gift. Next!"

Boss Qian was dissatisfied with Lu Zhong's behavior, but the people behind him had already stepped up, so he sighed secretly and led Su Liao down the stage.

The queue at the back was very long, and Su Liao had already started yawning after everyone had finished delivering the food.

But at last the banquet could begin, Su Liao sat down beside Boss Qian, and waited cautiously for the others to move their chopsticks first.

After all, at this table, he has the lowest power.

The same was true for the others at the table, but they were waiting for Mrs. Lu to speak.

"Don't be dumbfounded, everyone, just listen to me while eating. Don't be so stiff!"

Only then did the crowd begin to pick up food, but there was no communication with each other, waiting for Mrs. Lu's speech.

"I won't say much about the way of the guest. Today I want to ask a few questions here. Can anyone explain the meaning of the existence of the warrior?"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Mrs. Lu asked her seven-year-old great-grandson to answer first: "Xiaoyong, can you tell me?"

"If you become a strong person, you won't be afraid of being bullied!"

Mrs. Lu nodded casually, not looking very satisfied.

But the other children didn't know that they, who had been competing with each other since childhood, raised their hands one after another to answer.

"In order to have more privileges!"

"Be able to be superior!"

Mrs. Lu's face became more and more disappointed. After all, this is her own descendant, who has defined the warrior as a privileged tool?

But she was more ashamed in her heart, because she was negligent in discipline!

Later, Mrs. Lu asked a few non-warrior business people, hoping to understand people's views on warriors from their perspective.

"What can you think of the words warrior?"

As a result, the following people followed suit from the perspective of the Lu family.

"Warrior is synonymous with dignity, the status that everyone dreams of."

"The talents of warriors are destined by nature. This is a gift given to us by God."

"Warriors naturally value bloodlines. Isn't one of your descendants a hero?"

From beginning to end, Mrs. Lu never got the answer she wanted.

You must know that these are all famous people from all walks of life. If these people think of warriors in this way, what about ordinary people?
Don’t you think that with fewer wormhole battles over the years, the world will truly be at peace?
I'm afraid this is just the calm before the storm.

Maybe someone on the other side of the wormhole has already accumulated strength, trying to reproduce the events of the year again.

Then, she set her sights on the young people she had previously been optimistic about.

First, I asked my own grandson.

"Lv Zhong, do you have a different opinion?"

Mrs. Lu also spoke clearly, what she wanted was a different opinion.

Lu Zhong immediately stood up and said: "I think warriors are the existence of defending the country! Resist foreign invasion at any time!"

"That's right! All warriors should not forget why society needs warriors. It is social needs that give warriors various powers and obligations, not the powers that warriors themselves have! Don't forget your own obligations!"

Immediately, someone took the lead and applauded, and the sparse applause sounded, and after a short period of running-in, it gradually became tidy.

Then Mrs. Lu looked around in the distance again and asked: "Is there any other young person who would like to talk about other views of warriors?"

Su Liao looked around, no one stood up, so he stood up by himself.

Boss Qian wanted to hold him back, but he didn't have time at all.

Mr. Lu at the next table saw this kid get up, he was terrified, this guy really dare to mix up any topic?
"Can I say a few words?" Su Liao asked.

"Go ahead."

"Compared to everyone who is doing it again, I am an ordinary person. For warriors, I can talk from the perspective of ordinary people. There are two reasons for many children from ordinary families to become warriors. To protect their families and improve their families future life."

Afterwards, many of the guests at the scene had greatly declined their favorability towards Su Liao. After all, in their opinion, what Su Liao said was contrary to what Old Madam Lu had just said.

Immediately someone stood up and objected: "Didn't you hear Mr. Lu say that as a warrior, you can't forget your obligations as a warrior? Selfish people like you, what qualifications do you have to be a warrior!"

 Come back on your birthday, there will be two updates as usual, another wave of recommended tickets, and there will be three updates tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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