Chapter 32. Chapter 32
Throughout the next week, Su Liao often provided appropriate guidance to the students.

In a week's time, everyone has made different degrees of progress.

Among them, Yang Tong has made the most progress. I heard that she specifically sought help from her family and is now as strong as Liang Yunyou, reaching the seventh level of Qi and Blood Realm.

Although she doesn't know what her family has done, with the support of a strong family, it will be much easier to improve her strength.

Gao Zhan and Xiao Luo have reached the fifth level of Qi and Blood Realm. Although there is a certain gap in strength between the two before, Xiao Luo has made up for his weakness, and Gao Zhan has also learned basic swordsmanship.

On the contrary, it was Han Ming who came from behind. He didn't expect that after learning the equal distribution method, and his own talent abruptly reached the sixth level of Qi and Blood Realm.

For the improvement of their own strength, everyone is quite emotional.

After all, before they entered school, they had heard that after entering a third-rate college, they would be very powerful if they could reach the tenth level of the Bone Tempering Realm before graduation.

But how long has it been since school started?Now the lowest among them has reached the fifth level of Qi and Blood Realm, which is almost the same as the talented freshmen from first-class colleges when they started school.

And Su Liao has already thought about everyone's subsequent improvement plan.

But before that, it's time to earn a wave of points.

"If you were to fight against students from other classes, would you have the confidence to win?"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Very good. I have already made an appointment with the senior students for you. They will be here soon! Get ready to fight."

[Xiao Luo’s favorability dropped...]

[Yang Tong’s favorability dropped...]


Everyone was quite speechless, a senior?Isn't that looking for abuse?

After all, the junior students are already at the Bone Tempering Realm. Maybe there are geniuses who are at the Soul Cultivation Realm and want to fight with them?Not bad for getting beaten!

"Teacher! Didn't you tell us to follow other classes..."

"That's right!"

Xiao Luo didn't know how to answer the question. After all, the teacher was right. The seniors were indeed not in his class.

"But surely we can't beat it?"

"Naturally! I called them here to beat you up." Su Liao said bluntly.

[Xiao Luo’s favorability dropped...]

[Yang Tong’s favorability dropped...]


"Teacher, we have no tendency to be masochistic!"

"Don't you know that only by experiencing failure can you better understand your own weaknesses?"

"But the seniors are far behind us in strength, aren't they?"

Su Liao smiled: "Don't worry, the people I'm looking for are all seniors! I can't invite talented students!"

When he said this, the seniors came over and they heard him.

[Yang Jia’s favorability dropped...]

[Hukou’s favorability dropped...]


But in order to avoid embarrassment, they had no choice but to pretend that they didn't know.

After all, Teacher Su would give them one credit if he promised them to come to practice with them!People are their own benefactors anyway.

As for the unhappiness in my heart, I can vent it later in the battle!

Su Liao also acted as if he didn't know and pretended to have just seen them.

"It just so happens that you are here too. Now let's fight in groups freely! As long as you don't get seriously injured, you can fight anyway! Anyway, the medical insurance will reimburse you."

[Xiao Luo’s favorability dropped...]

[Yang Tong’s favorability dropped...]


Teacher Su doesn’t care about them at all!

Several students were helpless, but they could only accept their fate.

They looked at the five seniors and swallowed their saliva.

But before the battle, he did not show obvious timidity.

"Start!" Su Liao ordered, and five senior students rushed towards Gao Zhan and the other five.

These five people were specially selected by Su Liao, and the goal of the battle was arranged if they were achieved.

For example, the dexterous Yang Tong's opponent is also very agile, and because of the difference in strength, he is much stronger than Yang Tong.

Gao Zhan, who likes swordsmanship, also faced off against a senior in a swordsmanship class.

Each of them was much better than his few students, and it was conceivable that these seniors were beating several students during the whole process.

That is to say, Liang Yunyou also seized the opportunity to punch his opponent, and was able to barely defend against most of the attacks, while the others were severely beaten.

After a while, Xiao Luo and the others were exhausted, and Su Liao also called to stop.

Yang Tong's eyes were watery, but he didn't cry out.

She complained: "The senior hit me on the nose just now! It hurts like hell!"

Xiao Luo echoed: "You've got it right! My eyes seem to have been bruised!"

[Xiao Luo’s favorability dropped...]

[Yang Tong’s favorability dropped...]


Naturally, everyone was a little angry at Su Liao, but the teacher was also doing it for their own good, so they wouldn't be really angry.

"After the battle, did you find any shortcomings?"

"Found it!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Yang Tong, say it first!"

Su Liao pointed to Yang Tong, and she immediately replied: "Although I act quickly, I have poor adaptability. Every time my senior catches me on my offensive trajectory, I don't have the slightest ability to resist."

"Yes, you are very agile in nature, but if you don't know how to move sideways, you won't be able to take advantage of your agility. Fighting must pay attention to the combination of virtual and real moves. Feint and real moves make the opponent unpredictable, and you can easily attack the opponent's vital points."

Then Su Liao selected a suitable exercise book from the system.

"This is the Vientiane boxing method, and there are many changes in the moves. You must learn at least the first three moves before the trials start, and be able to use them flexibly."

"is teacher!"

"After learning, remember to return the book to me!"

"it is good."

Gao Zhan next to him saw that Su Liao had finished commenting, this time he scrambled and said, "Teacher! I'll be the second!"

It doesn't matter to Su Liao, it doesn't matter who comes first.

"You say it."

"My swordsmanship is not flexible enough, and I am still practicing with my sword, but the senior can always find the right angle to knock my sword away."

Gao Zhan is looking forward to what the teacher can give him this time, after all, the teacher promised to give him something good this week.

"Not flexible enough? Then you need to train your brain more. This is a thinking problem, I can't help you."

[Gao Zhan's favorability drops...]

"Teacher, what you said last week..."

"Don't worry, am I the one who regrets it? Han Ming, give him the equal share."

Han Ming immediately followed suit.

"The teacher can't help you in terms of thinking. If you don't learn the equal distribution method, it will be enough for you to raise your strength to the sixth or even seventh level of Qi and Blood Realm."


Although Gao Zhan felt a little disappointed after picking up what was left by someone else, this thing was indeed useful to him.

"By the way, remember to give it to Xiao Luo when you run out! Let him practice too."

"it is good."

"As for Xiao Luo, you can continue to practice last week's exercises to increase your fighting stamina."

"Don't worry, I will work hard!" Although he didn't give Xiao Luo anything, the kid had a good attitude and didn't complain at all.

(End of this chapter)

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