Chapter 277.
Su Liao spent two days recuperating slightly in Zhenxing City.

I had nothing to do to paw the flying dragon. The little guy has grown up now. Although he is still far away from adulthood, he has already competed with big dogs.

The little guy seemed to be quite friendly to him because he had met Su Liao when he was young, and he would not put up any resistance no matter what.

On the other side of the school, they finally finished packing up and came to Zhenxing City.

Mu Rongxue brought the students to meet up, and there were some unfamiliar mentors in the team, who should also be sent to protect other students.

"How is it? Teacher Su, are the arrangements over?"

"Of course, we can go there at any time. How is the status of the students? If it is convenient, we will go there now."

"Okay, let's go take a look around Tianhai City first."

After all, war has not been officially declared yet, so there are no strongholds near Tianhai City on Tianhai Star.

So far, the strength of the two sides can be regarded as well water does not interfere with river water, so before the complete declaration of war, designating a stronghold is naturally convenient for follow-up actions.

So now everyone is going to set up camp near Tianhai City, which is naturally the top priority.

All the equipment was naturally given to the students. There were two teachers in the team, and some soldiers from Star City.

After all, there are not many students in the vanguard class. It is still a bit whimsical to think that such a small number of people can completely destroy a force.

Therefore, Zhenxing City sent a battalion of troops to assist Su Liao in attacking.

As for the commander-in-chief, Su Liao was naturally appointed. Anyway, he already had experience in leading troops once.

The enemy this time must be much easier than last time in Cliff City.

Then, Su Liao led the crowd to a mountain road near Tianhai City.

Although there are high mountains on both sides here, which is very dangerous, one good thing is that it is very hidden.

Their itinerary will not be discovered by the people of Tianhaixing, which can guarantee the concealment of their actions.

Su Liao didn't care much about other aspects. Anyway, the two sides haven't really started a war yet, so even if the other side finds out about his movements, they won't take the initiative to attack.

Having formally grasped this kind of heart, Su Liao and others came to the predetermined place with great peace of mind.

"Everyone rest here for a night now. I will go to Tianhai City as an envoy to investigate. After all, there needs to be a legitimate reason for war, right?"

Although Su Liao's purpose this time is to provoke troubles, so that Zhenxing City has an excuse to destroy Tianhai City.

As for letting him be the villain this time, Su Liao has nothing to worry about.

In today's troubled times, in order to save one's own compatriots, no matter how shameless the matter is, even if it will be discussed by others afterwards, it is still worthwhile.

So he was alone and ready to go.

"Ms. Su, are you alright by yourself? In case of danger..."

"Don't worry, this time I'm doing the transaction in the name of Zhenxing City. The other party won't hurt me, but this transaction will definitely not go through."

Seeing that Mu Rongxue still seemed a little worried, Su Liao smiled and added: "Don't worry, I have already reached the marrow cleansing realm now, and I still have many trump cards. Even if they want to target me, there is nothing they can do." Not mine."

"OK then."

"The students are counting on you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect them."

"There is no need for protection or anything. The warriors around here are not very strong, just don't let them act recklessly."

Afterwards, Su Liao set off and left the valley.

"Hey, I'm going to invade someone else this time too!"

Su Liao knew that Commander Luo had led him to bring people here, which must have been part of their plan. Although he didn't know the specific purpose, it should be related to the human plan he had heard before.

Therefore, this action must only allow success and not fail.

"Oh, I'll try my best."

Although he is still not used to being this bad guy, but the task falls on his shoulders, so he has to bite the bullet and exchange his own face for a bright future on earth, everything is worth it.

After about an hour, Su Liao finally arrived under Tianhai City.

Shouted towards the people on the city wall: "I am the envoy from Zhenxing City! Please open the door!"

The other party saw that Su Liao was holding the token of Zhenxing City, so he naturally didn't dare to neglect it.

Among them, the city lord came out to greet him.

"Please come inside, little brother!"

This city lord only has the strength of the second level of marrow washing!Sure enough, the people in Tianhai City were not very strong.

Maybe with the fairy weapon I just got, I can solve the whole city.

What does Commander Luo or the superiors like about such a small and broken city?
Cultivation resources are definitely not, but they can only be technology or mineral resources, right?
After all, only these two things can cause the high-level officials of Earth and Star to occupy the city at the risk of causing public outrage.

"What do you plan to buy this time, little brother?"

"I'm also the first to come back, and I'm not very familiar with your place, can I have a look at the best things in your place?"

Su Liao also wanted to test it out, to see if there was something mysterious here that attracted his superiors.

"The best thing? Little brother, are you not seeing a joke? As far as I know, the financial resources of this town of Star City..."

The lord of Tianhai City naturally knew a lot about Zhenxing City, so doubts arose in his heart.

But he didn't expect Su Liao's financial resources to be incomparably rich.

He then took out a spirit stone storage device, allowing the other party to feel the concentration of spirit energy inside.

This made the other party excited, after all, this strong fragrance is the level that many warriors dream of.

The owner of Tianhai City immediately knew that Su Liao's financial resources were extraordinary, and his attitude immediately changed.

"Haha, I'm sorry! Little brother, I just asked casually, so, if you want anything, just ask me! Bruce, show our inventory list to little brother!"

They should tie Su Liao as much as possible, after all, this is a big customer!

If he can be allowed to place a large order, then the entire Tianhai City will not have to worry about food and drink within a year!

At this time, Su Liao was not in a hurry. After the inventory list came out, the man named Blue began to introduce him one by one.

"The most famous thing in our warehouse is sea ore, which is a kind of deep-sea metal ore. Those who are keen on technological development often purchase it from us. Now it has been sold to 6000 yuan per ton of spirit stone!"

Sea ore?I really have never heard of this name, but this is definitely not the treasure they sell at the bottom of the box, but a general product. This cannot be deceived by Su Liao.

Then he looked at Bruce blankly, motioning for this guy to continue introducing items to him.

Bruce was quite clever, so he hurriedly continued reading.

(End of this chapter)

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