I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 252 251. The quota is in hand

Chapter 252 251. The quota is in hand
After that, there were no more pursuers, which surprised Su Liao and the others.

But this should be the credit of the Star City Commander and others outside. It should be that their battles were very heroic, so the people on the frontal battlefield had no time to care about the little mice that had already entered the city.

After a while, footsteps came from behind Su Liao and the others, and everyone looked over there cautiously.

It was found that it was the friendly army of Star City, and there were some people behind it. It seemed that it was the support of Star City.

Soon, because of the arrival of these supports, the occupation was immediately reversed, and they rushed directly out of the maze, cooperating with the soldiers guarding the Star City, and carrying out the final encirclement and suppression.

It's a pity that those enemy troops have long known that there is no way to keep the Star City, and have already made corresponding measures, gradually rushing most of the troops out of the weakest part of the Star City team.

So their generals were basically not caught, and most of them were abandoned and left behind.

For this group of intruders, the people guarding Star City did not stay behind. Naturally, none of them remained in the end, and even the surrendered enemy soldiers were directly buried alive.

After all, these guys are ambitious and there are huge numbers.

Even if they were allowed to stay in their own camp as slaves, they would be very uneasy.

As for repatriating the enemy?That is even more impossible, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to choose to stay alive.

The battle ended soon, and the task of cleaning the battlefield was naturally handed over to the people guarding Star City, which was their own business.

Su Liao also returned to Earth Star with the surviving people from Zhenxing City.

As for the loot, I will leave it to Brother Lian. He will bring some people to collect all the loot that was originally distributed before returning to Zhenxing City.

"It feels so good to return to Earth alive!"

Su Liao breathed a sigh of relief after a long absence.

Although he only came to support this battle for a few days, and the battle lasted only a whole day, but to him, it seemed like he had spent many days and nights.

This feeling is quite difficult.

After all, there was an accident on the way, and I almost couldn't come back.

He quickly got on the plane and returned to Bingcheng, complaining to Commander Luo.

"Uncle Luo, you almost killed me when you sent me there this time!"

"I've heard about it, thank you for your hard work this time."

"That's it?"

Su Liao obviously wanted some benefits to soothe his wounded heart.

How could Commander Luo not see it?But he didn't want to give the kid too much.

After all, this guy is so rich that he can't use ordinary things. Although he has the authority to give him things that are too good, he is definitely reluctant.

So he chose to renege on the debt, and directly pretended not to understand and changed the subject: "By the way, the relic quota for you has been approved. It is a relic for the second exploration."

"Second exploration?"

"Well, many ruins are opened every once in a while, so most of the ruins have actually been explored by predecessors."

"Isn't that baby so pitiful?"

Su Liao cursed inwardly, this old man is scheming enough, no wonder he gave himself the quota so easily before!It's a second-hand product after a long time!

The bad young master almost lost his life because of this matter!

"This is the relic of the second exploration. Although the previous group of people took some things, it is definitely not all. If you are lucky, you may be able to get better treasures than them."

Su Liao nodded, that's fine. Although it's a second exploration, since it's possible to get the treasure, I still have to try it.

And the second exploration should have certain advantages, that is, there should be some clues left behind by the predecessors who searched for him.

"Uncle Luo, since this is the relic of the second exploration, can you call the person who explored it last time? I want to download the map of the relic and learn about the divisions inside."

"Well, let me call that kid. Draw the area he explored in the ruins, but the ruins are randomly teleported, and you may be teleported to areas that have not been explored, so you may not be able to use this map."

"It's okay, the more preparations, the more opportunities, the more preparations for this kind of thing at that time, the better."

Besides, you don't have to bother yourself to draw the map, you just need to put the map in the storage ring and bring it into the ruins.

Originally, Commander Luo thought the matter was over, but unexpectedly this kid brought it up again.

"By the way, Uncle Luo, you haven't given me an answer yet for this compensation!"

Although Su Liao knew that Uncle Luo was pretending to be stupid on purpose, but he could pretend to be puzzled and ask, he would be thicker than anyone else!What a big deal!
"Is this going to go away?"

"Hey, why don't you give me some compensation?"

"Then I'll open the skylight to speak out. Tell me what you want first? I remember that you are not short of money, right? Let's say it first, don't think about baby or anything, the frontline supplies are also in short supply!"

Good guy, Commander Luo is determined not to give anything too valuable?
Su Liao thought about it for a while, since he can't get too expensive, but at least he can't lose money on the surface!

"Then you can be promoted to colonel, right? Is this requirement enough? At least I have made some military achievements by going out this time!"

"Understood, I will arrange it!"

Commander Luo still agreed to Su Liao's request, and he was still in charge of this matter.

After all, Su Liao did have achievements. Although he was a little younger, he was good at special matters.

After getting Uncle Luo's reply, Su Liao returned to Earth Star satisfied.

Walk towards the snow-capped mountains where the pioneer class experienced.

At this time, because the time has not yet reached a week, they have not yet finished their training.

Su Liao came to the command room and first reported the situation to Murong Xue Hall.

"Has nothing happened these days?"

"Although the severe cold has brought them a lot of trouble, they are doing pretty well now. Especially Mugan's team hunted the most beasts, and they even made a few skateboards out of wood, which is very clever. If there is a wild animal chasing, you can use the downhill to escape with a skateboard."

"This is definitely not the way Mu Gan came up with." Su Liao concluded.

"You guessed it, this is the method that Shi Jie in his team came up with. This kid seems to have been acting as a military adviser, very smart. Now they are also under Shi Jie's control and only choose to benefit them Hunting in the terrain, the whole process did not encounter any danger."

"Really? You can focus on training. What about the other groups? How about Yang Tong and the others?" Su Liao naturally still cared about his students.

I heard that they excluded Han Ming from this team, and they don't know if these children can reconcile.

"They also performed well, but their strength is not as good as that of Mu Gan after all, so their hunting results are still a little bit worse."

(End of this chapter)

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