I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 250 249. After the Break

Chapter 250 249. After the Break
Su Liao unhurriedly took out a huge shield from the system when the group of people on the opposite side focused their fire.

This is the first time he has used such a bulky armor.

Needless to say the weight, the size is enough to cover Su Liao's entire body.

This is part of the previous spoils, because he couldn't take it away, so he put some of the usable ones into the system space and the storage ring.

I didn't take many things with me, but I didn't expect to use them immediately.

The large shield stood up on the ground, and the enemy's weapon poked up, making a metal impact sound, but the large shield turned out to be a treasure of the Xuan level, and it was not damaged.

Then Su Liao killed one person again with a backhand knife.

The enemies behind took advantage of this short gap to charge up, and some even threw daggers directly.

Su Liao quickly turned his shield, blocked the dagger, and then seized the opportunity to deal with the few people behind him.

Because these are minions, their strength is relatively lower than Su Liao's, so facing Su Liao's all-out slashing, they have no resistance at all.

One knife at a time, just like chopping vegetables.

On the contrary, the leader in the front poses a great threat to Su Liao, and his strength is even higher than Su Liao's by a small realm.

Just as Su Liao finished cleaning up behind him, the little boss' attack came in front of him. Su Liao still relied on his shield to resist the blow.

But there are more than one enemy, and there are a few guys from the Bowel Cultivation Realm and the Meridian Realm to support him.

At this time, Su Liao was at the intersection, and the surrounding area was naturally more open than the previous small passage, so that Su Liao could no longer delay the narrow passage with a smile just now.

And this group of guys surrounded Su Lai while he was fighting with their captain.

As soon as Su Liao pushed the enemy away, someone behind him attacked and slashed at Su Liao's back.

There was no way he could dodge this blow, and he was slashed abruptly.


He flew into a rage, and shot a few flying needles back, straight to the guy's throat.

However, this knife was also at the top of that guy's group, causing Su Liao's back to ache. In order not to affect the subsequent battle, he exchanged the painkiller from the system and took it quickly.

However, the effect of the medicine has not yet taken effect, and there is still some pain in a short time.

He gritted his teeth and continued to fight with the others.

The captain behind him originally wanted to let the younger brothers consume Su Liao as much as possible. After all, Su Liao's equipment is so good that it has completely made up for the small gap between the two.

So the captain didn't intend to attack rashly, but instead decided to hunt down Su Liao's allies by himself.

"Catch him! The others will follow me!"

This time, he was entangled by the minions again.

Although the strength of this group of guys is a bit weak, they are no match for two fists, not to mention that Su Liao has to keep an eye on the captain next to him all the time.

Moreover, he also saw that some of the chasing soldiers had spared him and chased in the direction where the friendly troops were fleeing.

Therefore, in order to ensure that he will not be consumed and leave as many enemies as possible for his teammates, he naturally wants to eliminate the enemies in front of him as soon as possible.

However, considering that he might be in a state of long-term combat, he did not take the Violent Blood Pill.

After all, once the effect of that thing wears off, he will surely die.

Therefore, he could only temporarily abandon the bulky large shield, and adopted the combat method of exchanging injuries for injuries to quickly reduce the enemy.

Take the enemy's attack abruptly with your arm, and then slash the knife with all your strength to kill the attacking enemy immediately, weakening their vitality as much as possible.

Su Liao's every attack is very precise, the moves are fatal, and there is no time when he misses.

This kind of behavior of his caused the enemy a little fear for a while, after all, whoever gets close to him will die!

This made Su Liao feel a lot easier now, but he was still very worried about the safety of his allies.

But I also dragged on for a while, now they should have arrived at the wormhole, right?
"I hope so!"

Su Liao had no way to support the friendly forces, so he could only use all his strength to kill all the enemies in front of him.

The minions didn't dare to attack anymore, so Su Liao took the initiative to attack.

Anyway, this group of guys is very scattered, and it is obviously easier for him to attack actively than to defend passively.

Someone was attacked, and quickly asked his teammates for help: "Everyone stop him!"

"Let's go together! Don't be cowardly! If this continues, we will be killed by him one by one!"

Naturally, this group of guys also knew the current crisis. If they kept dodging and watched the friendly troops fall one by one, it would soon be their turn to be attacked!

So they also cooperated as much as possible, and attacked Su Liao with a tacit understanding.

This is really planning to beat the old master to death.

Although Su Liao was much stronger than them, the attacks from all directions were indeed a headache for him.

For this, he can only dodge as much as possible.

After all, a hard pick will only cause him serious or even fatal injuries, and it is definitely not worth the candle.

The prerequisite for evasion is to ensure that you have enough cover.

The only thing around that can be called a bunker is the bulky shield used before.

But this guy is too big, if you pick it up and adjust its position, it's obviously too late.

In order to quickly adjust the direction of the big shield, he specially used a trick to store the big shield into the system, and then quickly took it out again.

This caused the shield to immediately move in front of him, and charged forward directly.

There is no possibility of defeating the frontal enemy with the strong shield's sprint. After all, their weapons are the most common yellow-level weapons that are not even high-grade.

Such a collision directly broke their weapons and knocked the group of guys away.

And because of Su Liao's impact, the other minions also left their original positions empty. In addition, they were one step late in attacking, so they didn't attack Su Liao and missed.

And Su Liao took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the two people who pushed away.

Then rely on the passage behind you to be temporarily safe, and start to engage the remaining enemies head-on.

These guys didn't have much combat power, so one could imagine the result, under the cover of Su Liao's large shield, they were easily dealt with.

However, Su Liao still had to chase in the direction where the enemy captain was leaving, trying to hold back the enemy's footsteps as much as possible.

You know, there are still footprints covered with sand on the ground. As long as you follow the footprints and chase them in, it shouldn't be difficult to find those guys.

So he followed the footprints and gradually walked in the direction of the wormhole.

As for the blood flowing on his body, he didn't have time to take care of it, anyway, he would scab after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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