I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 239. 238. Wormhole Disorder

Chapter 239. 238. Wormhole Disorder
Su Liao didn't think much about it, so he changed the subject, and made simple arrangements for the cram school. When he arrived at Jiangdong University's community, he left directly.

As a result, as soon as he returned to school, he received a call from Uncle Lu.

"Uncle Lu, are you looking for me?"

"Well, please come to the military headquarters, I have something urgent to invite you to discuss."

"Is it urgent? Is there a problem with the beast control technique? It seems that most of the problems have been overcome?"

"No, the matter of the wormhole in Jiangcheng is urgent, so hurry up!"

When Su Liao heard that it was about the wormhole in Jiangcheng, he really had to do it himself.

After all, I am the only person who went to the battlefield of ten thousand realms through the wormhole.

Presumably they also want to learn some important information from themselves.

"By the way, do you want me to bring Mu Gan with you?"

"The kid who entered the battlefield of ten thousand realms with you?"

"Yeah, it's him."

"Okay, bring it together."

So Su Liao went to Mugan's dormitory immediately.

At this time, this kid was still practicing seriously. When Su Liao entered the room, he had already discovered it.

"Teacher, why are you here? Are you inspecting my cultivation progress?"

"No, the military area is looking for us and wants us to go there."

"Teacher, is there another task?"

"You'll know when you go."

When Mu Gan heard this, he had no choice but to get dressed quickly.

Su Liao got into the car and drove him to the military area.

Opening the way with a pass, no one stopped him along the way, and he came directly to Uncle Lu's office.

"Uncle Lu, we are here."

"The old one is just right, we are discussing the matter of wormholes!"

Then Uncle Lu began to introduce them to everyone present.

"These two are Su Liao and Mu Gan who were involved in the wormhole incident last year and returned safely."

Then, he introduced to Su Liao: "These are experts in wormholes, and they calculated that the wormhole in Jiangcheng will open soon."

Uncle Lu's words surprised Su Liao.

"The wormhole is about to open again? Is Jiangcheng unsafe?"

Su Liao is still very concerned about this, after all, he has stayed in Jiangcheng for a long time now.

"According to our big data calculations, we can know that the opening time of this wormhole is only one day. In other words, as long as we guard this wormhole tightly, there will be no danger in Jiangcheng."

Hearing this, Su Liao breathed a sigh of relief, but there are still some hidden dangers in this matter.

"Then you called us here, probably to understand the situation on the other side of the wormhole?"


Fang Fang asked directly: "I don't know Xiao Su, can you tell us what the other side of the wormhole looks like?"

"It's a neutral city over there. The races are very complicated, and you can meet people of any shape. But there is one good thing in the city, that is, fighting is not allowed. So if our people pass by, they can guarantee the most basic safety."

Hearing that the opposite side is a neutral city that does not allow fighting, everyone suddenly has a bottom line in their hearts. After all, there will definitely not be a particularly strong force stationed in this kind of place.

In other words, they don't have to worry about large-scale enemy troops breaking into the planet.

"Then where is the exit of this wormhole?"

"In a very narrow alley, it is inconspicuous in itself, and it can even be said that it is inaccessible. Except for a few residents around, people generally don't pass there. In addition, no one in the whole city should have discovered wormholes yet. exist."

This is undoubtedly another particularly big piece of good news.

After all, if the wormhole has not been discovered, then no one will wait and see.

Coupled with the superiority of the exit location of the wormhole, perhaps the first time the wormhole appears, there is a high probability that it will not attract the attention of others.

"In this case, our first set of plans may be directly implemented."

"The first plan?"

"Yeah, in order to prevent the wormhole from being discovered by the enemy, we specially customized several sets of plans. The first set of plans is to build an assembleable fence that can block the wormhole, even if it arouses others' suspicion. It doesn't matter, after all, after a day, the wormhole will disappear again."

"What if someone destroys it? After all, although there are few people there, there are still people who will pass by. If they find this thing, it is not impossible to ask the strong insiders to tear down the city wall."

Su Liao raised his concerns, which were not unreasonable.

After all, Su Liao must have the best understanding of the opposite side of the wormhole.

So his idea had to be considered.

If someone really carries out forced demolition, the threat to them is indeed great.

But it is not impossible.

"It doesn't matter. Even if we are really broken through the defense line, we still have the most direct way, which is to come in one by one and kill one by one. However, you still need to tell us about the distribution of troops on the other side of the impulse, so that we can proceed Subsequent arrangements."

Hearing this, Su Liao smiled wryly. To be honest, he still has some feelings for some people in Youlin City.

If you don't let yourself know about this plan, maybe it's fine, but let yourself watch those people come in and die one by one?
He still felt somewhat unwilling, so he still had to try his best to come up with a solution.

Then he tried to persuade: "That's the case, but if the wormhole emerges this time, it will be exposed. The existence of the wormhole will be guarded at all times, and they will even send special personnel to estimate the next time the wormhole opens. Day. Maybe a large number of warriors will be assembled to make trouble, which will not be worth the candle."

Su Liao naturally analyzed the problem from the perspective of the earth and stars. After all, if he tried to persuade him because of his personal feelings, it would be difficult to succeed, and he might be accused of endangering the earth and stars.

Therefore, his words and deeds are relatively cautious, and all the experts sum up, it is indeed the case.

"That's right. If the wormhole can be discovered later, it will buy humans a lot of time to clean up the interior of the earth. Once the interior is stable, it won't matter whether the wormhole is exposed or not."

"That's right! So we should now think of a way to hide the existence of wormholes without revealing the location of the earth and stars."

"If it doesn't work, how about we get rid of all the surrounding residents? There will be no one around, so no one will pass by."

Good guy, these people just want to solve the problem with this simple and neat method?
Su Liao smiled wryly, and tried to deny it: "I'm afraid it will be difficult, because this alley is not far from the market. Once someone calls for help, the whole market can hear it, so the probability of success of this plan is very small."

The experts were afraid that Su Liao would deliberately refute, so they asked Mu Gan again: "Is that location really near the market?"

"It's true."

This has to be considered in the long run.

(End of this chapter)

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