Chapter 234.
Su Liao had arranged the quota, and he could finally rest assured.

Afterwards, he took advantage of this temporary period of nothing to do, and began to devote himself to researching the subject of beast control.

After all, he is going to take elective courses. Even if there is a visit arrangement, it is still not perfect if there is no more comprehensive course teaching.

And he also sent a message to Commander Luo to see if he could arrange for the students to ride a flying dragon.

Flying dragons are spiritual beasts, and the three-headed personality they bring is quite good. If students can experience the thrill of riding a flying dragon, then they will definitely fall in love with this subject.

You must know that not only sophomores can sign up for this elective course, but also juniors and even seniors who are about to start work will also participate in it.

It will definitely be a very good thing if it can arouse the interest of the third and fourth year students in the imperial beast and contribute to the research of the imperial beast in the future.

So Su Liao went through a lot of careful preparation, and finally came the day when the students signed up.

He stood next to the computer and kept an eye on the registration status.

"I hope there will be more fresh graduates."

Su Liao prayed silently and paid attention to the situation inside.

There are a lot of students who have signed up for the Beast Mastering class, and when they saw the list above, they swiped the screen instantly.

Obviously, everyone is waiting for the moment when the registration of elective courses starts.

The first ones to sign up are the subjects for which these tutors have the right to counter-select. After all the counter-selection subjects have been registered, about an hour later, the regular subject registration will be carried out.

And Su Liao is also conducting a counter-election later.

This time he did not favor anyone, and screened based entirely on the principle of giving priority to seniors.

Seeing that there were more than twenty senior students, he quickly rejected all the sophomore and junior students.

Then, among the remaining seniors, they began to select one by one.

The better the grades, the higher the ranking, and Su Liao must be given priority.

Soon, he found that only one of the people left was a student of the University of Hong Kong, and the others were from the University of Tokyo.

Among the remaining rejected students, half were from the University of Hong Kong and the University of East China.

You know, this is still in the final test of HKU, which is often simpler than Dongda.

It is conceivable that there seems to be a huge gap in the academic performance of senior students at the University of Hong Kong.

"Oh, what a pity."

Su Liao sighed, but there was nothing he could do. For the future prospects of the beast control business, he naturally wanted to select excellent students to train.

Thus, the [-] places for the elective course of Beast Mastering were decided in this way.

And other unsuccessful people can only sign up for other courses.

After all, most of them failed the selection, so they could only choose those subjects that had a large number of students and could be grabbed quickly.

It's all about speed.

As for Su Liao, he looked at all the student information, and there was a contact information on it. Su Liao sent a group message according to the above content, and asked all the students who had successfully registered to meet tonight so that they could arrange the next step. course tasks.

Because all the students were scrambling for classes, they basically stayed in the dormitory. After receiving the text message from Su Liao, these students were very happy, and hurriedly prepared to go to the appointment.

And Su Liao also asked Song Junyao to help choose the clothes.

"What do you think I should wear tonight?"

"What are you going to do? Who are you meeting?"

"Isn't this an elective course? I'm thinking of treating the students to a meal and getting to know each other."

"Most of the elective courses for others are to notify the students' classrooms before the class starts, and just wait for the students to come to listen to the class. You still invite them to dinner?"

"Isn't this cultivating talents for the cause of beast control?"

Su Liao felt that this was the right thing to do. After all, only by shortening the distance between himself and the students can he ensure the follow-up lobbying.

So he definitely can't be the same as other elective course tutors, even if he meets the students in the class by chance, it doesn't matter.

They even left directly after class, without even a question-and-answer time for the students.

He treats the students as well as he can.

So, Song Junyao found clothes for Su Liao in his closet, and dressed him up briefly.

"Then I'll go to the appointment... By the way, the medicinal ingredients I ordered for Xiao He are coming soon, you can just give him a medicinal bath after you get it."

"Okay, I remember it!"

Song Junyao responded and sent Su Liao out.

He did not choose to drive and walked directly towards the predetermined location.

The students were very punctual, and they all arrived before the scheduled time.

As soon as Su Liao arrived, he saw the students waving.

Although I don't know them yet, these students already know themselves.

That being the case, it will be easier to handle.

"Didn't you keep everyone waiting? I've already booked a restaurant nearby, let's go there!"

Su Liao didn't intend to talk nonsense, after all, he didn't want the students to waste time outside, and he had to wait until they got into the restaurant to talk about anything.

The destination where everyone went, Su Liao ordered a table of delicious dishes.

"Does Teacher Su know how to drink?"

Some students asked curiously.

"Of course I will, but today I'm going to talk about business, so I won't drink."

The student nodded, instead of asking more questions, he quietly waited for Su Liao to continue to explain.

After everyone was seated, Su Liao got straight to the point.

"You are all seniors, and I specially kept them during the counter-election process. But can you tell me, what is the purpose of signing up for this elective course?"

"I want to get in touch with new things."

"I heard that this course can experience beast control."

"I heard that as long as you sign up for the Beast Mastering Class, you will be given a Beast Master!"

Su Liao was speechless, and what he said was not bad at the beginning, but what happened after that?Is the purpose impure?

"Student, beast master technology has not been popularized yet. The most I can do is to show you the research institute of beast master, and see the real beast master. As for the fact that no one will give you a beast master, don't think too far."

"Why? Because the teacher doesn't have enough authority?"

"Are you kidding! I am the initiator of the research on the beast master, what's the problem with giving one or two beast masters?"

Of course Su Liao would not admit this, after all he wants to establish a glorious image in front of them.


"Because you are not worthy! Otherwise, why?"

[XX favorability drops...]

[XX favorability drops...]


Everyone was somewhat disgusted, but they didn't say it directly, and listened patiently to Su Liao explaining the reason.

"You have to know a major premise, that is, the beast control technique can only be used after the warrior reaches the blood coagulation level. Before that, even if you master the beast control method, it is useless."

After working for a long time, there are still realm requirements, which disappointed many students.

But the high requirements for this thing also mean that the knowledge of beast control is very profound, which can't help but make some students have a strong interest.

(End of this chapter)

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