I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 208. 207. Bad Taste Test

Chapter 208. 207. Bad Taste Test

Su Liao briefly chatted with Xiaoling about his possible plans, then hung up the phone, and couldn't help but start to smile bitterly in his heart.

"It's really good luck!"

Originally, I was thinking about how I could delay meeting Song Junyao's parents, but now it's good, because Xiao Ling was just accepted by Jincheng University, so now I have to go.

"This is life!"

Su Liao yelled towards the beach, causing the surrounding construction masters to look at him in surprise.

But he didn't care too much. After he yelled, the restlessness in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Then he returned to Hong Kong University.

In the next half month, Su Liao has been teaching seriously. Now, with his understanding of martial arts and frequent experience in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, it is natural to say that there are many knowledge points that ordinary instructors do not understand, and the whole class The language is concise and to the point, students can understand it easily.

Seeing that the final exam was about to come, Mr. Lu Zheng called him to the office.

"You will be in charge of this freshman exam."

"What the hell? Let me do it? I've never been an examiner! I haven't given any test questions!"

"The martial artist exam is not so troublesome. It is nothing more than a practical exam. You can arrange the specific method freely. It can be a two-to-two battle or a battle between students and instructors. When the time comes, you will be graded according to their performance in the exam."

"So this is ah?"

When Su Liao heard it, he felt very simple.

Since the project is determined by oneself, it must be something to earn system points by the way.

It must be difficult and make students complain.

But the pass rate must be guaranteed. After all, if all the students fail the exam, not only will the exam be meaningless, but I am afraid that I will have to be brought back to talk by Mr. Lu.

"I see."

Su Liao agreed, then returned to the dormitory, and searched the Internet for videos of other schools' exams.

Some chose the same method as Dean Lu said, but there were also physical fitness tests and some novel and interesting sports tests.

"Fun sports? Seems interesting."

Although it is interesting, there are many test points.

Su Liao also decided to do a fun...bad taste test.

He randomly searched for funny videos on the Internet and found something interesting.

"Quad jump? Isn't this good?"

"How about a full mire package?"

In Su Liao's mind, he had already imagined how the students were mired in the quagmire and complained again and again.

"Hey, that's it!"

Then he applied for activity funds from the school. Although he was not short of the money, he could save whatever he could.

He specially used the deep pit left by the school's previous battles as an examination room.

Because a large number of houses were transported to build the city wall, this area has not yet been repaired.

This is just the right place to fill in yellow mud directly. After the exam is over, a layer of cement and straw bricks will be laid on it, and the site will be repaired directly at that time.

After thinking about all the arrangements, Su Liao immediately started to practice the construction team.

After a busy day, the long-term exam is finally done.

A large area of ​​quagmire was built, and a fence was drawn around it to prevent students from straying into it.

Then he started to call down the first squad of gun skills to prepare for the test.

After all, even if you cheat a student, you have to cheat others first.

The students of spear class [-] came to the edge of the quagmire, all of them frowned.

[XX favorability drops...]

[XX favorability drops...]

[XX favorability drops...]


Immediately, the system's points gradually increased.

"I'll go, I've heard that this year's exam is different, co-authoring the test in the quagmire? Isn't it?"

The students couldn't believe it, after all, such a weird test method was unheard of!

And Su Liao didn't give them any time to adapt, what he wanted was that they couldn't handle it in time, so that he could provide himself with a lot of points.

"Everyone be quiet! Get in line! Take the test one by one!"

After hearing the arrangement of the person in charge, the students could only resign themselves to their fate, and obediently took pictures of the team.

"Very good! Let's start the [-]-meter mud race!" Su Liao announced the first event of the next exam.

"Teacher! Why do we have to run in the mud? Isn't it the same as running on the track?"

"Why? Because I set the rules!"

[XX favorability drops...]

[XX favorability drops...]

[XX favorability drops...]


Everyone was speechless at once, but Su Liao smiled and explained briefly: "Because the regular exams are not enough to test the abilities of a warrior! Running in the mud has great resistance in itself. It can test a person's strength at the same time. In terms of strength, speed, endurance, balance and physical coordination, only students who are excellent in all aspects can achieve excellent results!"

Then someone raised his hand and asked, "Teacher, don't those of us who weigh over [-] suffer a lot?"

After all, in this kind of terrain, the more weight you sink, the deeper you sink, and the more difficult it is to lift your feet.

"Don't worry, the quagmire here is limited in depth, and everyone can step on it to the bottom, and we have equipped everyone with the same type of rain boots to ensure that everyone's resistance is basically the same!"

Hearing this, the student who asked the question just now was finally relieved. It seemed that the exam was fairly fair.

That being the case, everyone has no objection.

Then start running in pairs in pairs.

If it is about running in the mud, these warrior students can barely do it, but the distance of [-] meters is not so easy.

The first group of students experienced this feeling immediately when they got out of the quagmire.

After all, it was very strenuous to lift their feet every time, even wearing their regular shoes, not to mention that Su Liao specially made them oversized rain boots.

The area in contact with the mud pond is larger and it is more difficult to lift your feet.

On the surface, Su Liao said it was to ensure the same resistance to people, but the boots are really ridiculously big, and they are just disgusting.

[XX favorability drops...]

[XX favorability drops...]

The two students who participated in the first set of tests immediately complained in their hearts.

Although they felt that the tutor who designed this exam seemed to be hurt, but after all, it was related to their final grades, so they still tried their best to run.

As more mud accumulated on their shoes, they found themselves running harder and harder.

Gradually, before reaching the 50-meter mark, the original race turned into striding forward.

After finishing the whole competition, the two students were already wheezing.

You know, these two guys are also in the Bone Tempering Realm after all. They originally wanted to show off, but they were exhausted.

Not to mention other people in the Qi and Blood Realm, Su Liao naturally saw this and quickly announced the rules: "Anyone who can pass 100 meters will be considered a pass!"

(End of this chapter)

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