Chapter 189 188. Infiltrating
The giant ants who had fallen asleep were naturally unprepared for this sneak attack.

Although the worker ants on duty discovered something was wrong, it was too late.

The poisonous powder had been distributed in the hole, and soon, all the ants began to feel weak and limp.

"We'll wait outside for 10 minutes before going in."

"But what if we get poisoned after we go in?" Dolly asked worriedly.

This is indeed a big problem. After all, if both sides are poisoned, then the combat power of both sides will only return to the same level.

"Hold your breath at will! When you need to take a breath, cover your mouth with your hand slightly, and reduce the total amount of poison powder inhaled as much as possible, so that you will not be affected by the poison powder. If you can't even hold your breath, don't go in gone."

Su Liao's concealment technique could have made him good at holding his breath, so it was not difficult for him.

Du Hu and Da Zhuang looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously they didn't have any skills in this area.

"Then I'll go in with you, but I'll probably come out within ten minutes at most." Dolly gave a conservative estimate.

"It doesn't matter, even if you don't go in."

Anyway, Su Liao didn't intend to act with other people.

After all, even if the combat effectiveness of the queen ant in this ant nest has been reduced, that guy still has the upper hand in the realm.

So if he meets that guy inside, Su Liao must give priority to avoiding the battle.

If you bring other people in, your whereabouts will be exposed more easily, and if you are blocked by the queen ants, it will be inconvenient to escape.

So it is best to go in alone.

"After we enter the ant's nest, we will split up, and Dahu Dazhuang will be outside to guard and respond. If the two of you want to run away immediately, I don't care. It's up to you."

"We have nowhere to go, we won't run."

"That's right, didn't we all agree just now? Are we people who don't believe what they say?"

Afterwards, Su Liao waited at the entrance of the cave for a while, guessing that it was almost time, and prepared torches before entering the ant nest.

"If you can't stand it, go out by yourself, don't look for me." Su Liao reminded.

"I know, it sounds like someone loves to find you!"

It just so happened that shortly after entering the ant nest, they saw a fork in the road.

"I'll go this way."

"Then here I am."

Two people walked in from different directions.

Soon, Su Liao made a discovery.

There is a fresh corpse lying at the feet, who is this person?
Although Su Liao didn't know him, this person should have died not long ago.

Logically speaking, this guy should be the warrior who just came in today.

So it must be the young Cuman clan leader or his follower.

Looking at the clothes are not very gorgeous, it should not be a person of high status, so it should be a follower.

And this guy seems to have died from blood loss.

Although this feels very strange, after all, there are so many ants in this ant nest, why didn't they kill him directly?

Still throwing him here to let the blood out slowly?It's really puzzling.

However, Su Liao immediately groped for him to see if there was any treasure missing.

"Spiritual stone? Herbal medicine? Nothing from before?"

Even so, Su Liao still took everything as ordered, and put all the items into his space ring.

After that, I continued to explore slowly. Along the way, I saw many giant ants collapsed on the ground, and some were even asleep, all motionless.

Su Liao naturally attacked without holding back.

They must be dealt with now, otherwise, after the effect of the poisonous powder wears off, these guys will return to normal, and their retreat will definitely be blocked.

So now it is absolutely impossible to leave him alive, and he is also responsible for his own safety.

Those giant ants didn't have much combat power in the first place, and they didn't have any resistance to Su Liao's surprise attack, so they easily killed them one by one.

The giant ants either watched Su Liao attack but couldn't move and didn't make any sound at all, or they ended their lives in their sleep.

The ant nest is very large, and each small passage has several small nests, and in all the small nests there will be a dozen or so giant ants resting.

However, the giant ants along the way are all minions and pose no threat to Su Liao.

Soon, Su Liao's passage had been pierced.

The corpses of giant ants are everywhere, but unfortunately there are no supplies here. Obviously, the storage room is not nearby.

Of course, it is also possible that the giant ants will hide the treasure in the deepest part of the ant nest. After all, this thing must be the most important place for the ant clan, so naturally it must be placed in a more hidden place.

"Maybe... behind the queen's room?" Su Liao guessed.

Although this is very possible, Su Liao still prayed silently, the fact should not be the case, after all, if all the treasures are behind the queen ant's room, then if you want to get the treasures, you will definitely have to fight the queen ant.

"Hope the queen is sleeping."

Afterwards, Su Liao cautiously walked towards the depths.

Unexpectedly, the fact was true. He continued to attack all the way, and he had already reached the innermost room.

The queen ant is really inside!
But what caught Su Liao's eyes was a woman with red eyes.

Su Liao was very surprised, it was really hard for this guy to associate her with the Queen Ant.

And she looked very weak, lying sickly on the ground, obviously affected by the poisonous powder bomb.

He was puzzled: "Could it be someone who was arrested?"

So he tried to get close to this woman. If she was really the one who was captured, he could naturally consider rescuing her by the way.

But before saving him, I will definitely ask for some benefits.

"Hello, may I ask..." Before Su Liao could finish speaking, the woman suddenly pulled out a sharp blade from her forearm.

Su Liao quickly avoided subconsciously.

"Are you sick? I'm here to save you!"

He was very angry, why did this guy attack himself without saying a word?Could it be that you think I'm with that group of giant ants?How bad is it in your eyes?Obviously not a race, okay!

He was speechless, but the woman didn't stop attacking and continued to swing a knife.

The movement was a little slow, and was easily dodged by Su Liao.

"You woman, don't you know what's good? I've already said that I'm not an enemy! If you do this again, I won't care about you!"

But the woman was still unmoved, and continued to attack Su Liao, as if she had some great hatred for him.

In a rage, Su Liao kicked her aside, but after all, this guy is a human being, so Su Liao didn't plan to kill her.

Instead, he saw the golden light in the room not far away. Su Liao was very surprised. He didn't expect the treasure house to be locked up with the captives?
"Hey, is this a big deal?" Su Liao ignored the woman and hurriedly walked towards the hidden treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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