Chapter 170 169. Just run away?

With the complete annihilation of the werewolf clan, the aura of the Earth Star people was greatly shaken.

After the people on the attacking side heard the news, they were puzzled, wondering why the werewolves were so weak.

After all, the support from Kuro and his men did not spread directly. At most, they knew that the werewolf camp had been wiped out.

But it's not clear how powerful the people who destroyed them were.

Therefore, the progress of the siege has not slowed down for the time being.

You know, as long as the coalition forces of the three races capture a city wall, it will be enough to annex all the earth and stars.

Then the giant pythons in the cold environment knew that the earth stars from the south wall were coming, so they naturally accelerated their attack.

Their commander-in-chief also led the team and began to charge.

The same marrow-cleaning person took the lead, but this guy's momentum is not ordinary.

The body is huge, with "legs" below the head.

Earth and star soldiers who can be swept away with a single wave.

No one can resist it at all.

Even with the joint efforts of several blood coagulation-level fighters, they couldn't hold that guy back.

And General Earth Star didn't have time to take care of the Western Wall at this time.

The commander of the Tauren tribe on the east wall also rushed up. It seemed that the other party was planning to launch a general attack.

General Earth Star had to choose to support the East Wall first.

After all, he has a better understanding of the Tauren tribe, so he has a better chance of winning. If he can solve this guy, he can also support the Western Wall as soon as possible.

On the contrary, if you support the Western Wall first, once you can't find the opponent's weakness, you will be easily held back by it.

The result is that the soldiers under him will be slaughtered wantonly by the tauren commander.

So he can only choose an opponent with a greater chance of winning to attack.

Now that things have happened, he can only cheer up as much as possible: "If the west wall can't stand it, give up and retreat while defending! When I get rid of the guy on the east wall, I will kill him!"

After receiving the general's order, the soldiers naturally began to carry out the tug-of-war in an orderly manner.

Since this guy is very tall, he specially chose a narrow tower to retreat.

Relying on the towers on both sides, they constantly harassed the enemy.

Although this guy is very strong, it still takes a lot of time to completely destroy the tower.

And even if it destroys one tower, there are still several towers behind.

The soldiers relied on their own terrain, one after another, at the cost of consuming the towers, and dragged it until now.

But at this time the nearby towers have been almost destroyed.

If they retreat further, the entire western wall will be completely wiped out by the giant pythons.

The commander of the Western Wall was also very embarrassed, but his own side did not have the combat power to defeat that guy, so he was forced to retreat again and again.

He can only silently pray that the general can solve the current enemy as soon as possible, and he is very afraid of the general's defeat.

"General! You must win!"

After all, the general is his only hope now. If the general fails, then the enemies in the marrow realm will be unstoppable!

Watching the soldiers of the giant python clan one by one, slapping the tower with their tails flicking.

However, our own bows and arrows were unable to slow down their offensive at all.

He is getting more and more anxious.

Suddenly, another team in black appeared from the far side of the south wall.

Although the distance is far away, the experienced commander must be sure that this team of men in black is definitely not a human race!
Maybe it was the reinforcements brought in by the tauren again?To replace the extinct werewolves?

The commander thought to himself: "It's really over now!"

He was fully prepared to give orders to the soldiers to fight to the death with the giant python clan.

But soon he found out that something was wrong, that team of men in black rushed directly to the rear of the giant pythons?

Soon, seeing the leader of the black-clothed team quickly slashing and killing the giant pythons, the two sides fought quickly and formed a group.

He was stunned for a moment: "This is...our reinforcements?"

Although in his impression, Earth Star should not have such an ally.

But it does not rule out that this is the enemy of the cold environment.

As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!

So he hurriedly cheered up the morale of the soldiers: "Soldiers! Our reinforcements are here! Hold on to the city wall, victory belongs to us!"

Naturally, everyone on the city wall had seen Kuro's team.

The fearful crowd regained their enthusiasm, and the archers also began to frantically shoot at the pythons regardless of consumption, to slow down the enemy's footsteps as much as possible.

The atmosphere on the west wall became tense again.

But this time it was the giant pythons who were nervous.

It turned out that they were still attacking humans with a joking attitude, but now because the marshal of the giant python clan felt the threat from Clow, he quickly shouted: "Everyone, stop playing! Get rid of these ants quickly!"

Zhong Mang also hurriedly destroyed the towers with all their strength, and even some giant pythons crawled directly against the inside of the city wall, circled around, and came between the other two towers.

According to such an offensive, the giant python tribe quickly occupied the city wall.

For such an attack, the soldiers had nothing to do.

After all, the Pythons are all elites, and the main force of human beings is guarding against the Cangman Star.

The remaining warriors of the human race could only hide inside the tower and harass them as much as they could.

Although Kuro under the city killed all the pythons below the city wall at this time, he couldn't support the city wall for a while.

Kuro asked his men to lead people around and attack the enemy on the north wall.

And he went up to the west wall as soon as possible through the siege tower on the west wall for support.

With Su Liao's command and guarantee, Ku Luo was naturally unimpeded all the way, and he tried his best to reach the commander of the python clan as quickly as possible.

As soon as the two sides played against each other, Kuro realized that he was no match for this guy.

Although the strength is about the same, this giant python is really rough and thick, and he can't deal with the opponent at all by himself.

But fortunately, the order Kuro got from Su Liao was only to entangle the enemy.

This point is still not a problem.

So he started to defend, trying not to be hurt by the giant python as much as possible.

Naturally, the earth star soldiers in the city tower used bows and arrows to cover Kuro as much as possible.

As for the other giant pythons, several guards who had already broken through the blood coagulation level had also gone over to deal with them.

In this way, the war at the Western Wall finally reached a balance. Although neither side could do anything to the other, the control of the city wall still did not give the Python clan complete control.

As for the north wall, because the black-clothed army attacked from behind, and the main force of the Cangman star was not here, it was particularly easy to fight.

Soon, like the students on the south wall, cheers of victory came from the north wall.

The Python family knew that the friendly forces on both sides of the north and south had been defeated, but they couldn't solve the tricky plan in front of them.

This battle is meaningless. Once the follow-up support of human beings arrives, what awaits them will only be encirclement and suppression.

"The whole army retreats!" All the people in the cold environment did not stay for long, and under the cover of the commander, they all fled.

(End of this chapter)

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