I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 168 167. The First Battle

Chapter 168 167. Last Stand

Su Liao could only choose to delay for the time being. After all, as long as his teammates finished encircling and destroying the other general and supporting him, he could come to support him. This general would not be any threat.

So he was only responsible for making the general unable to harm the students. As for the siege tower, it was the guard who was in charge of commanding it to defend, which temporarily stabilized the situation.

At this time, the werewolves hadn't stopped attacking, and they were frantically advancing towards the siege tower.

But soon they found that this advance seemed to be hindered, and so were the people on the other three sides, who encountered desperate resistance from the earth and star humans.

But it also brought great losses to Earth and Stars.

The war is still ongoing, and each side has lost one-third of its troops.

According to the current trend, I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be gaps in the defense of the city wall!

The situation is not optimistic!
The general on the north wall watched the situation nearby with a very serious expression.

"How is the situation everywhere?" the general asked the liaison soldiers.

"Currently, the situation on the southern city wall is the best, with less than [-]% casualties, and the western city wall is the toughest, with as many as [-]% casualties! It won't be able to resist within an hour!"

Although the general was very helpless, he could understand the situation on the west wall.

After all, what they have to deal with are the guys in the cold environment. This group of giant pythons can climb up without the need for siege engines, so Earth Star needs more soldiers to defend.

And don't look at the fact that there are not many people sent by the Python family, but they are all elites.

In addition, they don't know much about the cold environment, so they are at a disadvantage in battle.

Each combatant poses a considerable threat to the Earth Star warriors.

Once the monsters of the giant python family rush up, it is easy to buy time for their companions to climb up the city wall.

As a result, the battle on the city wall continued, there was no chance to breathe, and the damage was far more than that of friendly forces in other directions.

The northern city wall and the eastern city wall are both from the Taurus and the Barbarian Bull tribe. Although they are attacking with all their strength this time, the guys from Earth Star Wars and Cang Barbarian Star are old opponents.

Naturally, they are very familiar with their offensive methods, so the ratio of casualties can be controlled below [-]%.

"How long will it take for the support from the rear to arrive?"

"tomorrow morning."

This news is tantamount to bad news.

After all, the West City Wall is about to be unstoppable!

But the general seemed to think of other solutions.

"By the way, have the werewolf tunnels been filled in before?"

"It has been buried, but if you want to reuse it, it shouldn't be difficult. After all, the location of the tunnel is not very far from the city wall."

"Then send soldiers from the east and north to increase the number of troops on the west wall, and send another mobile team to connect the tunnel as soon as possible, and launch a surprise attack on the giant python clan!"

As for the southern city wall being firmly defended by Su Liao and others, this was something the general did not expect.

Although the battle the night before yesterday caused the group of werewolves to be disabled.

The remaining troops are less than one-third of the original.

But there is also high-end combat power, and that is a marshal-cleaning marshal!
There are also three generals in the coagulation state and many small bosses in the meridian state.

And the strongest combat power on our side is two mentors at the blood coagulation level, and they haven't been broken yet?
This made him very puzzled.

But soon he heard cheers from the south wall.

Su Liao's coordinated guards finally surrounded and killed the last general.

Holding the head of the werewolf general, he shouted loudly: "All three enemy generals have been killed by us! All the werewolf soldiers put down their weapons! Surrender quickly!"

The voice was very loud, and this time it gave the werewolves a great shock.

If it is said that a general was beheaded before, the enemy still has high hopes for other generals.

Killing all three generals in his heart would be to completely shatter their hopes.

All the werewolves lost their will to fight and gave up struggling.

But the good times didn't last long. I thought the battle on the southern city wall should be settled, but Jiangdong University had a serious defense problem!
The screams of students came from over there, and Mu Gan, who was in charge of leading the defense in the middle, rushed to ask for help.

"Teacher Su! Go over and help! There is a huge werewolf charging up! Teacher Wang can't stand it anymore!"

"A giant werewolf?"

Su Liao was shocked, but he quickly remembered that at the beginning of the war, there was indeed a guy in the center of the werewolf tribe's phalanx who was very different from the other werewolves.

It must be the commander of their army this time.

"What state is that guy in?" Su Liao quickly asked.

After all, this kind of information still needs to be understood quickly.

You know, if you can't resist the instructor of Jiangdong University who is at the same level as yourself, then the other party's fighting power must be very strong.

Although he wanted to help, he would not let himself die in vain.

Not to mention fighting an unprepared battle.

"I don't know the details, but I'm afraid it's above the Blood Coagulation Realm! I see that Mr. Wang has been beaten and retreated, and he is not an opponent at all!"

Good guy, above the Blood Coagulation Realm?That is the Marrow Cleansing Realm!
Su Liao didn't have the confidence to agree to the Marrow Washing Realm.

Then he hesitated.

"Teacher Su! If you don't go over, we students at Jiang University will be unable to withstand it!"

"Go, of course, but you can't give away the head!"

Su Liao quickly took out four Tongmai Pills from the system and handed them to four guards.

He also ordered: "You guys must quickly break through to the Blood Coagulation Realm, and then come and support me!"


Knowing the urgency of the battle, the guards agreed and stopped talking nonsense.

Quickly took the elixir and came to a quiet location far away from the battle. Taking advantage of the solid defense of the friendly army, the nearby city walls were not in any danger.

Start attacking the blood coagulation realm with all your strength.

Su Liao also quickly rushed towards Instructor Wang with a bow and arrow and a machete on his back.

When he got to the place, Su Liao naturally wouldn't be injured. After all, it's okay for him to be at the blood coagulation level, but if this guy is really at the marrow washing level, he won't have any counterattack power.

So he decided to be on the safe side and use the remote output first.

At a very far distance, he fully loaded his bow and arrows, and shot in the direction of the werewolf marshal.

On the way, he passed through the gaps between several friendly troops, and shot precisely at the back of the werewolf marshal.

Because the giant wolf was fighting head-on with Teacher Wang, it didn't notice Su Liao's long-range shooting.

This attack succeeded, but it also attracted the attention of the werewolf marshal.

This was too bad, the werewolf marshal knocked Teacher Wang back with a powerful blow, turned around, and immediately rushed towards Su Liao!

There were quite a few students on the road, and Su Liao didn't wait to step forward to defend them.

But the biggest problem in front of him is that the effect of the violent blood pill is about to pass, and in a few minutes, Su Liao will fall into a weak state!This is really bad!

(End of this chapter)

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