I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 153 152. Raiding the Village

Chapter 153 152. Raiding the Village
Su Liao first visited Xue's father and daughter, and thanked them for taking care of Su's mother and Xiao Ling during the six months since he disappeared.

Then he found a hotel, booked a quiet single room, and started his own cultivation plan.

After a few days of practice, Su Liao has mastered Piaoxue Saber Technique to a great extent, reaching the realm of silent instant strike.

And the latest news came from the military headquarters. The matter about the Beast God Sect has been found out.

It turned out that the village called Manlin Village that was discovered was indeed the stronghold of the Beast God Sect!And all the cadres in the entire Jiangdong Province and several nearby provinces will gather here for a meeting in a few days!
This is a good opportunity to catch them all!
It is reported that the strongest person in this meeting of the Beast God Sect should only have the strength of blood coagulation level, so it doesn't need a lot of trouble for the military.

As for Su Liao's previous proposal, the military department also agreed.

But the students are only responsible for the intrusion of the periphery, as for the other core locations, they are handed over to the military department.

So Su Liao had to go back to lead the class again.

"Oh, I'm really looking for a job for myself!"

Su Liao complained to himself and prepared to leave.

But this time he went directly to the target Manlin Village.

After all, the students had already left, and with Teacher Jiang around, there would be nothing wrong with those children.

So in order to have more time to practice, he chose to meet everyone outside Manlin Village.

According to the original plan, he practiced the footwork on the road, improved his speed of action, and then joined everyone.

"Teacher Su! Forget it! We are about to attack!" Gao Zhan was the first to complain.

"Why, are you scared if I don't come?"

"Counsel? How is it possible? It's not the first time we've beaten someone. What's there to be afraid of?"

Of course Su Liao knew this, but it was the first time for the other students to fight a real person.

Then he looked at the others: "Then do you have any problems? If you have any problems, just say so and solve them as soon as possible to avoid causing trouble!"

"Teacher, after we meet the believers, are we really going to fight to the death?"

"Those believers are harmful to the world, and of course they cannot be left here."

"But, can't we capture them alive?"

At this time, Second Lieutenant Liu, who had worked with him before, happened to pass by, and he interjected casually: "Ordinary people who don't resist can be captured alive, but warriors must not be kept!"

Su Liao also knew that the strategy of not keeping warriors behind had been the same for several years.

After all, if warriors are captured alive, another group of warriors will be needed to take care of their detention.

Warriors in the world are already scarce, but there is no ability to separate out such a group of people to waste resources.

Therefore, for those warriors who are extremely harmful to society, it is basically a direct solution.

"Warrior, if you make a mistake, will you have no way out?" A student muttered, lost in thought.

"This is the only way in the world's environment." Second Lieutenant Liu said lightly.

Su Liao saw that the students seemed uncomfortable with this cruel system, so he had to find another way to let them figure it out.

"You don't need to feel guilty for a while! You don't need to be afraid! Because the enemy doesn't care about your life or death! This is a contest of life! The winner lives, the loser dies! There is no retreat! Did you hear everything?"

"heard it!"

Although everyone had already prepared this in their hearts, after the operation began, some people still forgot this.

In the process of fighting against the believers, some people relaxed and did not rush to kill.

Instead, after knocking the opponent down, he began to persuade: "Put down your weapon, hold your head and squat on the ground! I can spare your life!"

The opponent pretended to do so and dropped the weapon on the ground, but in a crouching state, this distance could be easily reached.

While the student let down his vigilance, the man suddenly picked up the weapon, swung it vigorously, and knocked the iron sword in the student's hand into the air.

And the next move was even more cruel, stabbing directly at the student's heart.

If this pierced, it would be a one-hit kill.

Fortunately, Xiao Luo next to him was invincible. After finishing off his opponent, he immediately turned around and knocked the cultist's weapon away with a punch.

Then he followed up and punched the opponent's temple, and the person lost his vitality in an instant.

Xiao Luo roared: "We are fighting now! What kind of benevolence are you playing? Even if they surrender, it will only be false surrender! Give up those naive thoughts of yours!"

The people around him also noticed the situation here, and soon, everyone did not hesitate, and tried their best to deal with the enemies in front of them.

The words of persuasion just now have never been heard on the battlefield again.

Students with Bone Tempering Realm and Bowel Cultivation Realm escorted them, and normal battles were overwhelmingly overwhelming.

The instructors of each class are responsible for picking out the guys with high fighting power from the crowd to clean them up, so as to ensure that there is no existence of crushing the students in the entire battlefield.

Su Liao, on the other hand, was very leisurely in this battlefield and didn't need to expend much effort at all.

Just skim the formation behind.

Because in his class there are Yang Tong who is at the [-]th level of Bowel Cultivation Realm and Liang Yunyou who has just stepped into the Bowel Cultivation Realm. Basically, if there are troublesome enemies approaching the students in his class, these two will go forward to solve them directly.

There was no need for Su Liao to act, so he simply stayed aside and watched the play.

There were only one or two blind people who thought that Su Liao's standing here would be a good breakthrough point, so they rushed towards him.

After being cut in half by him, the other party had no chance to react.

Here is the gap in strength. After the other enemies realized this, no one dared to provoke Su Liao anymore.

The battle was easily resolved.

There were many casualties on the ground, but most of them belonged to the enemy.

Students were killed or injured, but only a few.

No way, even though the teachers have tried their best to tell them.

But there will always be students who are supposed to crush their opponents because of their naive thoughts.

He was killed without even waiting for support from his teammates.

The students looked at the unbearable scene under their feet, and some of them immediately began to retch, after all, this was the first time they had experienced such a situation.

Yang Tong was going to go forward to comfort them, but Su Liao stopped him and said, "There's no need to comfort them, just let them take it easy."

Afterwards, the military headquarters also started a surprise attack on the enemy's general stronghold. Under the crush of absolute strength, they did not receive long resistance at all, and easily captured all the cadres in the area of ​​the Beast God Sect.

At this point, the battle was over, and all the students and instructors returned the same way, while the soldiers stayed in the village to clean up the battlefield.

The whole process was orderly, but many students seemed a little unhappy, it seemed that after today's battle, it left them with a lot of psychological pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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