Chapter 135 134.
However, there was a wave of ups and downs, and Su Liao heard the sound of monkey barking in the distance.

"Are there any monkeys around here?"

"The intelligence of the animals in the forest is much higher than before the recovery of spiritual energy. When humans invade, these beasts will choose to cooperate temporarily. Although the territory of the monkeys inside is not here, they should have heard the sounds of fighting here and came to support. .”

It turns out that these animals also have a sense of cooperation. No wonder the orcs have been able to suppress the technologically stagnant humans for so many years.

The monkeys have evolved and are now as tall as adults and about the same size. It can be said that these guys are also the best training targets for students.

However, the group of monkeys found that the spiders had retreated, and when they came to the other side of the river, they did not choose to rush forward.

Instead, he picked up stones by the river and threw them at the students.

Although this kind of offensive threat is not great, it is not good to be injured.

Some were not popular, and directly flew the long sword in their hands towards the monkey that smashed themselves.

But the monkey was very nimble, jumped back and easily dodged the attack.

He also raised the long sword backhand, made a grimace, and taunted the student chirping.

When Yang Tong saw that some of his companions were about to throw weapons and fly over, he immediately stopped them: "Don't be impulsive! Don't give weapons to the monkeys!"

Liang Yunyou asked the person next to him: "Give me your bow and arrows!"

Then he took the lead in archery, and students with bows and hidden weapons also attacked one after another.

Seven or eight arrows were shot at the same time, killing the three monkeys in an instant. The other arrows either only caused minor injuries or were dodged.

Seeing their companions being shot, the other monkeys became furious.

Then he took off the arrows and hidden weapons from his companions, and prepared to throw them back in the opposite direction.

"Retreat!" Han Ming shouted from inside: "Don't cause fearless injuries!"

So all the students pulled back in an orderly manner, which was beyond the range of the monkeys.

Now, these impatient monkeys went completely crazy.

It seems that he is very unwilling to suffer this loss, and insists on paying back.

Immediately afterwards, these guys started crossing the river.

As a result, he was ambushed by the students.

Although the students pulled away, they did not go far.

Seeing the monkeys entering the river one after another, the archers rushed out immediately, adjusted their angles, and aimed at the swimming monkeys.

With a salvo, the bravest monkeys were instantly killed, and their bodies were washed away by the current, causing the monkeys behind to panic.

Although they are very reluctant, it is important to save their lives!

They don't want to risk their lives.

So they began to flee backward one after another, but the monkeys in the back didn't know what was going on in front because of their vision, so they couldn't react for a while, and the monkeys on both sides collided with each other, and the scene was chaotic.

At this time, another wave of arrows rained out, killing another group of monkeys.

At this time, the people behind also knew to run away, but it was too late.

The students immediately organized a pursuit. Not only did they fire another volley, but Xiao Luo and others also took the lead in charging across the river.

Although there were a few monkeys who stayed behind and returned to the other side alive by relying on their companions behind them, the pursuers also rushed over and were naturally annihilated by Yang Tong and others.

After two consecutive battles, Yang Tong and the others were already tired.

The clothes of the students crossing the river were also wet, so they quickly found an open space to light a fire and rest.

Three hours later, everyone was ready and set off again.

This time, Second Lieutenant Liu discussed with Su Liao and felt that the performance of these children was quite good.

"Teacher Su, do you want to put some distance between you and these students?"

"Keep a distance? What about their safety?"

"I will protect it. The main reason is that if a Blood Coagulation Realm walks by, some high-strength orcs with keen perception will not dare to approach."

Su Liao thought about it, this training was originally for the students to gain practical combat experience, if only the weak chicken orcs attacked, I am afraid they would not get much training.

"Then... well, they'll leave it to Second Lieutenant Liu."

After walking for some distance, there were intermittent calls of birds all around. It was obvious that there were birds in front of us.

But soon, there was no sound at all.

"Everyone, be careful! There seems to be something wrong around you!"

Yang Tong noticed something was wrong, and quickly lowered his voice and said.

Everyone began to be vigilant about their surroundings, listening to nearby voices.

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps from all directions!

"what's the situation?"

With such chaotic footsteps, the students knew that they were surrounded by wild beasts!This made them unbearably nervous.

The sound of birds chirping came one after another!There are more than a dozen owls and a group of birds of various colors in the sky!

"Why are there so many?" Even Second Lieutenant Liu was puzzled and didn't understand why it was like this.

Logically speaking, the number of beasts in this area can be equal to the number of students in the class!
But now the children are surrounded by a tide of beasts!A hundred wild beasts blocked the surrounding area!
"Quickly withdraw!" Second Lieutenant Liu hurriedly shouted.

Although this group of animals is the strongest, they are only at the tenth level of Bone Tempering Realm, but with such a large number of beasts, he can't take care of them!

The students heard Lieutenant Liu's command and hurriedly tried to retreat, but several faster hounds ran to their retreat route first.

Moreover, they also sent out several more difficult porcupines to prevent Second Lieutenant Liu from supporting them.

For a while, Second Lieutenant Liu was dragged back, and the students were also deeply surrounded by the beast horde.

Although Yang Tong's combat power is not bad, he can easily lead the team to resist the enemy's attack.

Gao Zhan, Xiao Luo and the others are fine.

But the strength of other students is uneven.

The team's shortcomings were gradually revealed in this encirclement battle. After a gap was opened in the original circular formation, the people around them also began to retreat steadily.

Soon, the range of activities of the students was gradually compressed.

Some students even accidentally left the team and were surrounded by beast hordes.

At this time, Su Liao, who was following in the distance, finally arrived.

The strength of the Blood Coagulation Realm has no rival in the herd of beasts, and the beasts along the way were cut off one after another, fell heavily to the ground and never got up again.

Su Liao rushed to the students very easily.

"Are you all okay?"

"Yang Tong's team has been divided!" Xiao Luo hurriedly reported.

Yang Tong has the ability to repair the mirror, so Su Liao should be able to withstand it, so Su Liao immediately went to the front and escorted the students out of the encirclement of the beasts.

Then he slashed in the direction of Yang Tong's team.

After several fights, the beasts felt that Su Liao was irresistible, and immediately, the beast tide retreated in panic.

The other students were finally rescued.

(End of this chapter)

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