Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 91 None of them are good people (Part 3)

Chapter 91 None of them are good people (third update)



Charles and Eric, two old men who together are nearly two hundred years old, stare at each other.

The scene was full of gunpowder.

Our little girl, Rebecca, controlled the ability and fled directly to the room to hide.

So scared.

From now on, even if you sleep, you have to wear anti-wolf underwear, or you might have a pair of eyes staring at you!

"So, I have three children, right?" Magneto Eric asked with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Charles nodded silently.

Eric's legs went limp and he nearly fell to the ground.

For most of his life before that, Eric had thought he was alone.

Even for this reason, they crazily retaliated against human society again and again.

The establishment of the largest mutant evil organization, the Brotherhood, is also to make human beings pay the price in blood.

Wash away Eric's hatred for losing his daughter.

Now the plot is reversed.

He is not alone.

It turns out that in this indifferent and gloomy world, he still has three children who are connected by his blood.

His expression was not crying, not crying, not smiling.

At this moment, his heart was mixed with joy and sorrow.

Fortunately, he is not alone!
Worrying is.

How does he face a grown child!

Can the father's love of more than 20 years be easily redeemed?
From Lorna's attitude just now.

Eric knew it would be an arduous and lengthy process, and it was uncertain whether he would even be recognized.

At the same time he was angry!
What is angry is that Charles, who knew all this for a long time, has never revealed a word!

Eric glared at Charles!
The powerful magnetic field control ability makes all the surrounding metal materials tremble slightly, and the smell of gunpowder in the air is about to explode.

Charles spread his hands helplessly and said, "Old man, I actually didn't understand it before!"

"Damn it, you liar!" Eric raged.

Gods don't understand!
Do you really think you are an idiot?Eric's IQ is on the line at the moment, and his eyes are like the sharpness of a knife.

You say you don't understand, even gypsies know?
You said you didn't understand, but you knew about the two encounters?

I'm afraid you understand too well, you can even see every movement on the bed clearly!
At this moment Eric felt chills all over his body.

Victor seemed to understand it, and took a step back quietly, keeping a distance from Charles.

Neither is a good thing!

"Ahem, Eric, I guarantee with my personality that I really didn't peek at you." Charles wanted to explain.

"Mommy Fake!"

Eric's eyes widened suddenly, and he pointed at Charles who was trembling all over and said, "How can you see through my thoughts? You invaded my thoughts?"

At this moment Eric's worldview collapsed.

damn it.

I am now wearing a helmet that shields my spiritual power!
He has a very bad guess.

His heart jumped into his throat.

If his guess is true.

That's like saying.

He has been a fool for most of his life!

"This, this, Eric, let me explain."

Charles' face turned pale, and his former composure was suddenly not enough at this moment, because he couldn't explain it!
Victor took a step back again, his eyes wary.

Damn old bald head!
"Uncle Iron Head, as far as I know, the abilities of mutants will slowly increase with age." Rebecca, who had been eavesdropping in the next room, reminded in a low voice, and it suddenly sounded like a thunderbolt in everyone's ears. .

Victor secretly gave a thumbs up.

Girl you are awesome.

Is this going to make them fight to the death!

It really is my sister Rui in society!

Yes, all mutants grow in power.

this is an undeniable fact

And when the mutant's ability degenerates.

It also means that life is about to come to an end!

Eric took off his helmet and slammed it against the wall.

At the same time, he pointed at his bald head and shouted: "Charles, how many things are you hiding from me?!"

This lie has lied to him all his life!

Damn Ironhead.

Damn mental shield!
Eric was trembling with anger and his face was pale.

It turns out that Charles has always been able to detect his deepest thoughts, and every time he mistakenly thinks that he can defeat Charles as long as he wears a helmet.

Eric found it so pathetic to find himself.

Fighting for a lifetime, losing time and time again.

This is not a loss in ability, but a loss in IQ!
"Sorry, not really, that's the only thing, you know, you've been messing around, and you can't keep the kids safe, and if I tell you they exist, I'll just hurt them! ' Charles explained.

Eric's expression changed upon hearing this.

He suddenly thought of the daughter who died in his arms.

Do yourself.

Is it really an unknown person?

All of a sudden, Eric seemed to have aged dozens of years, and the corners of his eyes became darker.

He smiled miserably.


A black hole suddenly appeared, Eric turned around without saying a word, stepped into the black hole and disappeared.

Seeing this, Charles sighed silently.

He looked at Victor, who gave him a wary look, as if guarding against a pervert.

"Victor, you don't have to"


"No one can hack into your mind!"

"this is a good news!"

Victor breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost forgot that he still has the underworld system.

As long as there is a system, his mind is the tightest safe in the world, and even the five supreme gods cannot break the protective wall of his mind.

This is the guarantee given to Victor by the system.

Otherwise, when he found the Xavier Group for the first time, there might not be any secrets left in his mind.

Without this confidence.

How dare he cooperate with mutants?
If Professor Charles knew.

He is a person from another world, and the Marvel universe evolved from a comic book.

Do you think he will continue to be a good guy?
This is very food for thought!
It is said that in a timeline of Deadpool, when Professor Charles learned the truth of everything, his super-powerful brain collapsed directly, and even turned into a killing machine.

Although that timeline is ridiculous.

Qin didn't speak all the time, and suddenly said faintly: "Actually, I can also hear Magneto's heart."

Well, Eric Landshere is gone.

Otherwise, you will have to vomit blood.

Sure enough, he is the most proud student of Charles, and he has perfectly inherited all of Charles' attributes.

"Cough cough."

Charles coughed twice.

Trying to keep himself calm, he looked at Rebecca who was poking around the door with a smile on his face.

"No, I won't go with you!" Rebecca shook her head like a rattle and said, "I want to follow my brother. He is a good man and he won't deceive his friends!"

Ten thousand tons of critical damage fell from the sky.

Charles suddenly felt a headache, heartache and liver pain.

Even the stomach cramps, being run over by words from an underage child, can this old face still hold on?

Well, Charles blushed.

"I'll take care of Rebecca." Victor nodded.

Anyway, there are too many lice and it is not afraid of itching.

The manor is now a country of daughters, and it doesn't seem like a big deal to have one more Rebecca.

Speaking of which, Rebecca's age is just right enough to be a company with Miss Lorna.

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(End of this chapter)

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