Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 89 Spiritual Mentor

Chapter 89 Spiritual Mentor

George Washington Hotel, Georgia.

Victor saw Rebecca's terrified eyes, and sighed inwardly, this is just a little lolita!
Why are there such cruel parents in the world.

Even if tiger poison does not eat children!
As a parent, they actually want to send their beautiful and lovely daughter to the Sentinel Secret Service to be imprisoned.

How could they be so cold-blooded?

Would their conscience not be condemned?
Victor couldn't find any reason to enlighten Rebecca, who had been betrayed by his parents.
"Mr. Victor, you are a good person. If I hadn't met you, I really don't know what to do." Rebecca curled up on the sofa and said carefully, her eyes were secretly looking at Victor, a little shy .

What happened in the past few days made her understand.

Parents are not the only ones to rely on.

When she was most desperate, those relatives and friends in the past didn't care about her life at all.

Only Victor lends a helping hand.

Not everyone is a good guy, and not everyone is a bad guy, at least Victor is a good guy!


The handsome and extraordinary Victor occupied all of Rebecca's heart in a short period of time!
Although the plot of the hero saving the beauty is old-fashioned, it is very practical!

Victor is a handsome and clean boy, the most important thing is that he has the ability to protect her!

This made her feel very secure.

In Europe and America.

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls are already in love, okay?

And Victor from the Heavenly Soldier just filled this gap, even though she didn't even realize it.

Facing the sudden good guy card.

Victor smiled awkwardly.

Am I a good person?

If he was considered a good person who slaughtered a base with a knife in his hand, then there would be no devils in the world!
Even the devil, it's just a small fight. Have you ever heard of the devil running out and killing people?
No, I am a good person.

I'm good to people I care about.

that's enough!
The world is so big, and there are too many good people!
To be a devil is in line with my personality, and to be a devil that everyone thinks I am a good person!

This is called success!
Like Guardians League.

Who dares to say that it is not a justice organization?

Victor is the chairman of the alliance!
Shinhwa Group has invested hundreds of millions of dollars for this. Is it true that it is to uphold justice?
This is just the windbreaker that Victor put on himself.

Even if he wants to do good deeds, he won't do good deeds in Laomei's house. This is the behavior of a banana man!

What he wants is the origin and control of public opinion, only in this way can he stand at the highest point of morality.

Brainless killing will only make him a loner!

Look at this Sentinel incident.

The whole world was in an uproar, but would anyone dare to come out and accuse him of massacres?
And wood!
Some people even secretly advocated that Victor is upholding justice, and the villain has become the judiciary.

By the way, it also earned a wave of traffic for the Guardian Alliance!
The support rate has risen significantly.

This is the importance of personality!
Why did the ancient princes have to issue a call to arms before grabbing territory?Because they know that those who win the hearts of the people win the world!

Victor is now occupying the hearts of the people!

Picking up a cup of hot drink, Victor sat opposite Rebecca and said, "Okay, Rebecca, are you willing to accept a good-looking man to give you a spiritual baptism?"


All the girls laughed out loud, Lorna covered her small mouth and gave a thumbs up and said, "Victor, you are a good man!"

"Yes, you are handsome too!" Rebecca nodded.

Rebecca took a sip of the hot drink, thought for a while and said, "I will listen carefully, and I promise not to laugh."

Buddha on top!

Victor suddenly had a black line, what do you mean, isn't this a handsome little fresh meat?
bah bah bah!
God damn little fresh meat, this seat is the invincible super male god of the universe, the pinnacle existence of all the little fresh meat!
Crooked for less than a second.

Victor tidied up the leather jacket that Felicia had tailored for him, then cleared his throat and said, "Actually, we all live in a gray world, neither black nor white, but extremely gray!"

"Master, your opening is not friendly." Rebecca took a sip of the red wine and winked.

Victor gave Rebecca a hard look.

Can you be more serious!

By the way, no interruptions are allowed while I'm talking!

Rebecca immediately cast a pitiful look at Lorna asking for help, as if to say, look, the master is bullying me again.

Lorna looked helpless!
Well, Rebecca is also a troubled teenage girl.

You must find time to educate yourself!Otherwise, the majesty of the master will be swept away!

Rebecca's plump buttocks came to mind.

Victor gulped down his parched throat.

He quickly took a sip of bourbon, and then continued to say solemnly: "In this world dominated by gray, we can't really define good and evil!"

"What you think is good is evil in the eyes of others, and what you think is evil may be good in the eyes of others!" Victor sorted out his vocabulary, glanced at Rebecca and the others who seemed to have half-understanding expressions and continued Said: "Perhaps in the eyes of your parents, they thought that handing you over to a government agency could correct your physical condition and make you a normal person instead of pushing you into a fire pit!"

"The x gene is not a disease!" Lorna said.

"Yes, it's not a disease!" Victor nodded, and did not refute, but said: "But they are afraid of this unknown power, or they are afraid of Rebecca!"

Rebecca lowered her head upon hearing this.

Lorna said: "Fear can't hide the fact that Rebecca is their daughter. This is an irresponsible behavior."

"I'm not saying they're good parents," Victor argued. "I'm just explaining the mentality."

"I hate them!" whispered Rebecca.

Seeing Rebecca's sad appearance, Victor felt a pain in his heart, and couldn't help but sit beside Rebecca.

The latter suddenly fell into his arms and sobbed. He patted Rebecca's back lightly and said, "No, Rebecca, you have no right to hate your parents."

When Rebecca heard this, her body froze slightly.

"Your parents gave birth to you and raised you, which is the greatest gift to you. You can ignore them in this life, you can treat them as if they don't exist, but you have no right to hate!" Victor corrected Rebecca's thinking, if this Thoughts are not corrected in time.

It is still unavoidable that the future Rebecca will become an anti-human and anti-society witch.

In the original book, Rebecca was extremely bloodthirsty, and killed a group of bank employees involuntarily!

At that time, her eyes were like demons.

Although Victor himself is not much better.

But he will not kill casually!
"But." Rebecca pouted and was about to defend herself, when suddenly a hard object pressed against her chest.

At this moment, her mind went blank.

what is this?
Why is it still warm?
I didn't have this thing stuck in me just now!
Victor couldn't help but blush.

When he sat down just now, he never thought that Rebecca would throw herself into his arms so boldly, okay?
"Cough cough."

Victor coughed twice, and said with erratic eyes: "Your parents may also feel distressed and regretful at this moment."

"But I won't forgive them, I won't forgive them in this life!" Rebecca said stubbornly, she was still arguing while suppressing the weird feeling.

It's her character.

And she was not a good girl at school!

"Then what do you think about the future?" Lorna interrupted the conversation and continued. At the same time, she didn't find anything wrong with Victor holding Rebecca. After all, Rebecca is still just a little boy. younger sister!

Rebecca fell silent upon hearing this.

future?Be a bum?
Without the support of her parents, without a source of income, she can't do anything at all!
No one wants her to go out to work!

This is not China.

In the United States.

Students who want to work part-time must obtain the approval of their parents and the consent of the school, otherwise it is illegal employment of child labor.

Sky-high fines can make you doubt your life!
No place dares to employ child labor, even if the salary paid is a fraction of that of an adult!

in the federal government.

There are more regulations on the protection of minors than on crimes committed by adults, and each protection regulation is backed by a group of guardians, so you have no chance to refute!
Also as children.

Rebecca has the right to choose a guardian.

If her biological parents.

If you do something that hurts her and violates the protection regulations, you will be directly deprived of guardianship.

Even scolding her a few unpleasant words.

Don't think this is a joke.

There used to be a Chinese family whose grandfather was cupping their granddaughter. Passing neighbors saw that the grandfather was abusing their granddaughter, and they were directly sued in the local court.

Because cupping can leave obvious marks on the body.

Even if the grandfather's family tried their best to explain that this is the traditional method of removing dampness in Huaguo, it was not recognized.

They were deprived of their granddaughter's custody rights, not even visitation rights, this is the child protection law in the United States!

Of course, Rebecca's situation is different from that of Chinese families.

She was traumatized mentally.

Moreover, her age is less than half a year away from the upper limit of the protection law. In this case, she can independently apply for a change of guardian, or even break away from the relationship with her parents.

At this moment she raised her head and looked at Victor.

Its meaning is self-evident.

She wants to follow Victor.

Instead of going back to the family who betrayed her.

Even the young Victor may not be legally qualified to obtain her guardianship!
Aren't there many girls who run away from home?

"Victor!" Lorna looked at Victor. She also understood what Rebecca meant and was very supportive.

Because Victor is a good guy!
"Okay, I won't leave you alone!" Victor had an embarrassed expression on his face, wasn't he the promised spiritual mentor?
How did you bring yourself into the pit?

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(End of this chapter)

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