Chapter 87

If ever.

Charles had no choice but to compromise with the human government for the living space of the mutants.

Even if the human government suppresses mutants time and time again.

But now it's different!

The mutants had a retreat, a space to survive, and even established a country.

Although it depends on Victor's friendship.

Charles is very clear that the premise of maintaining the friendship between the two parties is mutual benefit, not blind charity.

So mutants also know how to reciprocate.

Why can the Victor Guardian Alliance have such a big influence in a short period of time?

that's because.

Mutants signed up enthusiastically, even blindly following in Victor's footsteps.So far, more than [-]% of the members of the Guardian Alliance are powerful mutants.

Even Roberto, who is known as Sunspot, is also a core figure in the middle and high levels of the Guardian Alliance, and he is only one step away from the Big Three who hold the pinnacle of power.

Roberto's abilities are very powerful.

Known as Sunspot, he can easily defeat mutants below the Alpha level.

Even the Green Goblin Norman Osborn is slightly inferior.

He became a symbol of the alliance's external strength. Of course, Roberto never thought of challenging Victor's authority.

He is Victor's loyal fanboy.

Even before because of Scott's entanglement with Phoenix Girl, he had a big fight with Scott in the mutant country.

Since then, he quit the X-Men and became the hero of the League under Victor, which is also the choice of many mutants.

After all, mutants are part of the underworld.

And Victor is the god of the underworld!
Mutants have blind affection and adoration for Victor!

Everything comes from the marks of the underworld on them!

Some people say that Victor is playing tricks, tying mutants to his chariot to deceive innocent people.

Sorry, Victor doesn't do charity.

He gave the mutants land, gave them their homes, and tacitly established a country on their own land.

Is it wrong to charge some interest?

Must give without complaint or regret to be a good person?

In a word it is.

There is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason, some are only driven by interests!

Is Professor X Charles really unaware?
You are afraid to be Shi Lezhi!
Charles is good at psychic powers, and he is by far the most powerful psychic powers in the world.

How could he not notice!

The reason why it is not broken is simply because it is not necessary.

Because mutants need a god platform.

It takes the gods to unite the hearts of the people.

As long as this god sticks to the rules.

So why can't it be Victor? !
Off topic.

Charles hung up on the member of Congress. Now that he has taken this step, he must be responsible for his choice.

Mutants today are no longer an organizational form.

City of Hope presents itself as a country.

Since it is a country, you must maintain your dignity and status, otherwise no one will take you seriously.

And the first bill of the Mutant Congress is.

A mutant whose x gene is dominant will obtain the citizenship of a mutant country by default, no matter where he is!
This is the basis for the establishment of the kingdom of mutants!

Right now, the Mutant Congress has a research topic, and that is how to promote this bill to the whole world.

And the first problem they have to face is to join the United Nations and confirm the legal nature of the mutant nation.

At present, the only ones who firmly support the mutant nation's entry into the United Nations are the allies headed by Hua.

This has to be said to be very regrettable.


Washington is doing everything possible to prevent the establishment of a mutant nation.

They even refused to recognize their civilization on the grounds that the kingdom of mutants is not in the earth dimension.

Since it is not on earth.

Why do you want to join the United Nations!
The United Nations is a legal organization on Earth and does not include civilized countries on other planes.

This statement has won the support of most countries.

"Hank, inform Scott and Logan to head to Alcatraz in San Francisco as quickly as possible to rescue fellow mutants trapped in the dungeon!" Charles said suddenly.

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away!" Hank nodded.

Magneto King Eric smiled slightly.

Charles at this moment reminded him of the days when they fought side by side together, and this memory made him very happy.

So Magneto's true love is Charles right!

"toot toot"

The congressman's phone call came again.

Charles hit the answer button.

Immediately, a hysterical voice from the congressman said on the phone: "Charles, you are declaring war!"

"Mr. Congressman, I will give you a video file and give me an answer after you watch it!" Charles said.

After half a sound.

The congressman's voice finally softened and said: "I'm very sorry, old friend, I don't know that this kind of thing happened in Georgia, but you must stay sensible, this is just a special case, and we will give you an explanation!"

"No, this is not a special case!" Charles said indifferently.

The council sighed: "I know you are angry, but do you want to just destroy the relationship Xavier has established with Washington?"

"Sorry, I am not representing the Xavier Academy of Geniuses, but the Nation of Mutants!" Charles couldn't help emphasizing when he heard the words: "In the name of Nation of Mutants, I formally lodged a protest against Washington, asking Washington to provide us with respect to the Atlanta incident. A satisfactory explanation for the kingdom of mutants!"

"Damn it, are you crazy, you asked Washington to explain to you? This is simply a big joke!" The congressman was furious: "You are declaring war with Washington!"

"If you think it's a declaration of war, then as the Speaker of the Mutant Congress, I accept that statement!" Charles hung up the phone and said everything that should be said. The next step is to see how Washington will face the pressure of public opinion. !
Because it was just 10 minutes ago.

He asked Dr. Hank to spread all the collected video data on the Internet, which is to make all the crimes committed by humans on mutants public!
He doesn't believe it.

Facing the pressure from the whole society, Washington still insists on fighting the Nation of Mutants to the end.

This is not doing Washington any favors.

And they are very clear about Charles' ability.

Once Charles is in a hurry.

Then the entire Washington administration will be paralyzed.

Even good people can get mad, okay?
In fact, from Charles' point of view.

He prefers to resolve all problems peacefully.

at the same time.

The congressman, who was hung up on the communication again, was completely unable to understand Charles's current aggressive behavior.

In his opinion.

Charles has always been committed to allowing mutants to coexist peacefully with humans, even if they are humiliated again and again.

Even after the last dam incident.

Didn't Charles pick it up heavily and put it down gently?

Why is it only a few months past the event.

Everything is different.

The congressman has never heard a word from Hua Guo.

It's called Time Changes!


Is Charles really a nice guy?

If it's Victor here.

I will definitely sneer three times!
What a politician looks at is profit.

It so happened that Charles was an excellent politician.

Without any help, he encouraged and maintained the decades-long peace between humans and mutants.

Although I was humiliated in the middle.

But which politician didn't come here like this?
When the two are not in direct proportion, you can only swallow your anger.

Now the kingdom of mutants has taken shape.

Will Charles still swallow his anger?

Even though he himself is mild-mannered.

For the sake of race, he must also have his own attitude!

Well, because of Victor, Charles has been studying Huaguo culture during this time.

One of the memoirs of the Taizu of Huaguo.

Let him put it down.

It records the experience of a great man, and the experience of building a nation's self-confidence and self-improvement!

Charles even slept with it with him.

 Over [-] recommended and more

(End of this chapter)

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