Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 85 Desperate Eva

Chapter 85 Desperate Eva
"Sir, I am innocent too."

"Compared to the mutant genes of adults, the invisible X gene in children is easier to decipher."

"Yes, I have cracked a set of genetic codes."

"As long as you give me enough time, we can become real creators, and we can control abilities!"

"This is a great change recorded in history!"

Seeing Dr. Josh dancing wildly, the agents in the headquarters stood up. They stared at Dr. Hill with cold and resentful expressions.


Suddenly there was a gunshot.

Dr. Josh, who still wanted to continue talking, watched the smoking muzzle of Milton's hand crash to the ground with a look of despair.

He didn't believe it until he died.

Commander Milton actually shot him dead.

He is a top Ph.D. in genetics and has a great reputation in biological genetics.

He believes that as long as he is given enough time.

He can change the world!

Even let humans embark on a new evolutionary path.

This path can even allow ordinary humans to have power comparable to gods and infinite lifespan.

Yes, humans can become gods too!

Various modern evidences show that.

In a certain period of time in ancient times, the first generation of humans had the power to challenge the gods.The great flood recorded in the Bible destroyed the first generation of human civilization.

This is a deliberate attempt to curb human evolution.

And the x gene of the mutant.

It is a powerful proof that the first generation of civilization existed!

Otherwise, why do most human beings have an invisible x gene in their bodies, and where does this gene come from?

Some people say that it is a genetic mutation caused by nuclear pollution.

I'm afraid you've lost your mind!

How long have nuclear weapons been out?How old are mutants?Mutants were everywhere during World War II.

And Captain America's Howling Commandos.

There are powerful mutants involved in it, and the nuclear bomb has not yet entered the experimental stage at that time!
In other words.

Mutants have a very old history, even before the Inhumans transformed by the Kree!
If modern science can control the x gene.

Or does the creation of the x gene mean that modern humans can restore the glory of the first civilization in ancient times?
Compete with the gods with a mortal body!

When Dr. Josh's mind fell into death, the door of the headquarters was kicked open from the outside.

A man with blood on his mouth and crazy eyes came in and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am the messenger of death for you tonight, Nicklaus!"


The gun in Assistant Rick's hand was smoking.

Nicklaus looked down at the dress with a hole in his chest, his eyes suddenly turned cold.


For a moment, the ground was stained red with blood, and a black shadow bit off Rick's blood vessel at lightning speed.

"He's a devil, go away!"

"Cover chief get out of here!"

The command room was in chaos, and the agent immediately protected Commander Milton to escape through the side door.

"Oh help me"


In less than a few breaths, the command room was engulfed by raging fire, and Commander Milton suddenly wiped his eyes.

What did he see?
A devil with black wings!
Did he come to hell?

Elijah, who was flying in mid-air to hunt down the agents, showed a gentlemanly smile in front of Milton and the others and said, "I'm very sorry, you can't leave here!"

"Is this a demon from hell?" The agent's eyes widened in despair, and he saw that every time the winged demon flapped its wings, a black feather fell down.

The feathers did not fall to the ground.

Instead, it becomes a life-threatening blade to take the lives of soldiers or agents. No one can escape the hunting of feathers!

This is a demon from hell!

"Go, change another way!" Commander Milton gritted his teeth and said, turned around and ran, leaving only three of his entourage.

Not long after, they met a woman!
A woman with eyes like abysses.

Femininity is noble, but the black death light from the eyes is cruelly plundering life.

Even if the agent is separated by an iron plate, he cannot escape death.

"Damn it, what the hell did we provoke!"

Milton was already desperate, but his desire to live made him choose to continue fleeing.

This time he ran to the escape tunnel under the base, where there was a sewer to leave the base.

He has no choice!
When passing through the basement level, Commander Milton saw corpses and broken limbs all over the ground.

Some people were even bitten to death.

His body was full of bite marks.

Others survived by luck.

But these people might as well die.

Because their chests have been hollowed out, and they are just holding on to their last breath.

Milton had no time to think about it.

Why are these people whose chests have been hollowed out still hanging in one breath? He just ran for his life.

On the second floor underground.

There were no corpses on the ground, only a short-haired man in leather jacket and pants standing silently in front of the incinerator.

"Who are you?" Milton asked.

The man turned around, he was a yellow man!

See this face.

Milton's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and the wailing and crying of countless undead seemed to sound in his ears.

The object of the wailing was him.

The object of crying is the man in front of him.

cry?Why did the dead cry to him?What is his identity?Who is he?

By the way, he looks very familiar.

Sorry, please forgive Milton's forgetfulness, because in his eyes, Chinese people all look alike.

Only the hair can tell the difference at a glance.

But the Chinese prefer short hair, because it looks more refreshing, which is very embarrassing.

"You can call me Lord of Death!" The man suddenly smiled, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Milton trembled all over, pointed at the man and said, "You are Victor Hugo, it's you, I have an impression of this title!"

"Yes, it's me!" Victor stretched out his hand to hold a pair of cold catkins in the air.

A pale little girl suddenly appeared.

There was still a long tear trail on her face, revealing an extremely cold smile.

It is worth mentioning that.

The color of tear stains, red is dazzling!

"No, it's impossible, how could it be you?" Milton's eyes widened, showing a terrified expression.

The direction he looked at was the little girl.

This little girl was no stranger to him, she was the mutant who he captured when he joined the Sentinel Special Service Team for the first time.

Even after several months, he still remembers the girl's name deeply.Her name is Eva, Eva Melissa.

A very sweet name!

The reason why Milton has a deep memory of this name is naturally because Eva's death is related to him!

At that time, Milton sent Eva into the base with his own hands, and he told Eva before leaving.

"Don't worry, Eva, someone will release you in a few days, as long as you prove that your abilities are not a threat."

"Uncle, but I'm afraid!"

"Uncle promises you, you will be fine."

half a month later.

The busy Milton had long forgotten his promise to Eva Melissa, when he saw Eva again.

Eva's body was covered with needles' holes.

Half of the organs in her body have been taken away, and she is only one step away from death.

At that time.

She still has a mutant collar around her neck!
Medical staff told Milton.

Eva hurt another mutant in the same ward because of a sudden burst of abilities.

That mutant has a strong carnivore, and he lost his mind and caused such serious harm to Eva.

"Uncle, please kill me, I don't want to go back to that cold hospital bed again, please!" Eva, who was in tears at the time, said these words to Milton with a look of despair on her face.

 It is recommended to add more changes if it reaches two hundred, and it will be posted as evidence.


(End of this chapter)

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