Chapter 7
"Thank you, Victor!"

Frank in secret came out dragging his injured left leg after making sure that the opponent's sniper had withdrawn.

"Hi? Friend? Are you okay?"

Frank waved his hand with a puzzled look on his face. Could it be that the stray bullet just now hurt Victor?
From Frank's point of view, Victor is a powerful mutant based on his limited intelligence analysis.

Since it is a mutant.

Even the legendary omega-level mutants should have weaknesses.

For example, the military's scientific research institute and a little dwarf have been studying how to restrain the ability of mutants.

The results are said to be very encouraging.

The latter has been very active in Congress recently.

Could it be that the will-o'-the-wisp mercenaries have also mastered this kind of ammunition to restrain the ability of mutants?

Frank couldn't help but worry.

What is Victor doing now?
His soul entered the dimensional world!
There are three dimensional worlds.

One is the dark universe dimension opposite to the main universe.

A parallel universe dimension attached to the main universe.

There is also a small universe attached to itself.

For example, Mephisto's Hell and Dormammu's Dark Dimension belong to the first and second types.

And the dimension in front of him belongs to the third type!
"This is the underworld?" Victor looked up and saw the blue sky and white clouds, and when he looked down, he saw the forest plains and mountains extending to the end of his sight.

There are rushing rivers and scattered lakes in the distance.

Where is this hell?

This is more like the world than the world!


Suddenly, a stream of consciousness rushed into Victor's mind.

The sudden severe pain made the latter tremble all over, and his mouth let out a low growl like a wild beast.

About half an hour later.

Victor's eyes brightened.

"This is really hell!"

It's just that this is the top level of the underworld.

And there are eighteen layers of hell below it!
The stream of consciousness just now was transmitted by the system to Victor, a basic introduction about the underworld.

It turns out that the real underworld is not on the surface.

but underground.

The surface is the back garden of the ruler of the underworld.

As for the underground hell space, it needs to be further upgraded to open it.

It is worth mentioning that.

The area of ​​the underworld is astonishing, and it will expand infinitely with the growth of the host.

It is currently half the size of the United States.

Victor glanced at the big sun outside the clouds, and the warm sunlight under the big sunset made people feel comfortable.

But Victor knows this big day is illusory.

Doesn't really exist.

This big sun comes from the parallel space beyond the dimension.

"Is this my own back garden?"

After the words fell, Victor waved his hand, and suddenly saw the distant mountains change their appearance.

A statue rose from the ground and was as high as the sky in an instant.

The stone statue looks like Victor!
"What kind of power is this?"

"What else can change?"

Seeing this, Victor suddenly became more playful.

Moved by the thought, magnificent palaces appeared one after another soon, spreading out around the stone statue.

quite a while.

A city with an area the size of New York appeared in Victor's eyes.

This is a complex city with a perfect combination of ancient Huaguo architecture and modern architecture.

However, seeing that the building in the center, which resembled a palace, was a bit short, Victor waved his hand again.

I saw that the foundation below the palace rose suddenly, far beyond the skyscrapers outside the palace.

"What shall I name this city?"

"City of the Dead? No, it's too earthy!"

"City of Reincarnation? It seems a bit lousy!"

"Call it City of Hope!"

"Yes, hope means everything is possible?! Victor's eyes were fixed, and the four characters fell on the ground of the city square and were engraved.

This is Victor's City of Hope!

Step out.

Victor left the underworld dimension.

When the light came back to him, he saw Frank Castle staring at you.

"Oh, what are you doing, Frank."

"God, you startled me!"

"It's you staring at me!"

"Do you know how long you have been in a daze?"

"how long?"

"For an hour, I have called the emergency number!"

"Do you know how much it costs an ambulance to perform a mission? And it's early in the morning, the price is doubled!"

"No!" Frank sweated coldly, looked at Victor with an embarrassed smile and said, "1000 dollars?"

"No!" Victor smiled coldly: "2000!"

"I'm very sorry, my foot is injured, I need to rush to the clinic, see you next time." Frank turned around and left, with such a vigorous speed that there was no sign of injury at all.

"Hi, what's going on?"

"Did I let you go?" Victor ticked his fingers at Frank's back.

A miraculous scene happened.

I saw Frank running and stopped in place, unable to move half a step no matter how hard he tried.

"Oh, God, what's going on?" Frank exclaimed.

This is supernatural powers!
The upgrade reward given by the underworld is just a baby version of the power of mind, which requires the host to explore and upgrade by himself.

Frank turned to look at Victor with a mournful face and spread his palms and said, "Victor, I really have no money!"


"Okay, okay, I'll give it all to you, damn it, no wonder the intelligence says you're a vampire!"

Seeing the scattered hundreds of dollars under his feet, the corners of Victor's eyes twitched. Is this to send beggars?
In front of him is the famous Punisher Frank, do you want to be so "poor"?

Forgive Victor.

This is not because Victor's knowledge reserves are insufficient, but because Americans have never had the habit of saving money.

Frank has no shortage of money.

You can earn a lot of money by attacking a gang of black forces casually, but no amount of money can afford Frank to buy a large number of guns and ammunition that are strictly prohibited from sale.

Which of those contraband items is not sky-high?
How did arms dealers get rich.

You have to ask Tony Stark that question!

When Frank left in embarrassment, Victor lifted the banknotes on the ground expressionlessly with his thoughts.

Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

Over the past twenty years in his previous life, the thought of frugality has been engraved into Victor's bones.

Even if Victor is not short of money now.

And rich.

There are still millions of dollars lying in the account, but it does not mean that they can be wasted and squandered at will.

"Di woo di woo di woo."

The sound of an ambulance appeared in the distance, and Victor disappeared in a flash.

give money?

It is impossible to give money.

Impossible in this lifetime.

Just barely buy a few glasses of bourbon to keep fit.

How can you waste money on the evil American medical system!This is disgraceful!

It was late at night when I got home.

Victor took a nice shower.

Lying on the bed with a glass of bourbon, he went deep into his mind to browse the content transmitted to him by the underworld system.

The upgraded underworld system is extremely powerful.

In the past, Victor had to be within 5 meters of the deceased and died within [-] minutes before he could transform his soul into the source point.

But now it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

As long as Victor is located, within ten kilometers belongs to the domain of the Lord of Death!

In this domain, the souls of all the dead will automatically enter the underworld dimension to wait for trial.

There are two kinds of judgment.

One is the system's automatic trial, and the other is Victor's trial. At the same time, as long as the soul passes the trial, Victor can obtain origin points.

Unlike the ghast.

Good souls can choose to be reincarnated or transformed into ghosts, and this choice belongs to Victor.

As the name suggests, ghost soldiers are the cornerstone of the underworld.

Without ghost soldiers, how can we come to the underworld?
As for reincarnation, the current authority is insufficient, and Victor can't reincarnate a good soul.

Victor looked pleasantly surprised, and he would not have to worry about his friends being wiped out by the system in the future.

With the level of a scumbag of Miris, he would have to squat on the nineteenth floor to atone for his sins if he went to hell, okay?

"What is the ecstasy? Could it be a living dead similar to Ghost Rider?" Suddenly discovering new content, Victor "looked" in surprise.

It turns out that the ecstasy messenger is the messenger of the underworld in the world, and the subordinate of the master of death.

And there is no object limit.

As long as you provide enough origin to transform it, the latter can gain the characteristics of immortality.

If there is a mutant in front of him, then the transformed Ecstasy Envoy will be even more powerful!
This is simply an enhanced version of Ghost Rider!

Victor was amazed.

But soon his face turned from sunny to cloudy again, because it takes a whole thousand origin points to convert a ecstasy envoy!

The system is simply skinny!
In order to get one hundred origin points, Victor has been busy for half a year, okay?It seems that I have no fate with the seductress.

[Ding, the system automatically captures the soul body x4, does the host activate the automatic trial authority?At present, the world of the underworld is waiting for trial soul x4]

(End of this chapter)

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