Chapter 52
In a cave on the island.

The tangy aroma of a golden wild boar sizzling on the grill is mouth-watering.

The wild boar comes from the kingdom of mutants in the underworld.

The taste of the pork is very delicious.

Victor, who took the wild boar, left ten dollars at the farmer's house.Even as the master of the underworld, he cannot arbitrarily snatch the fruits of other people's labor.

"Victor, are you sure you want to take two prehistoric creatures to the outside world?" Tony said with a worried face: "This is not a wise choice, you know their destructive power!"

There is no doubt about the strength of King Kong and Golden Python.

It can even be said to destroy the world when it bursts out with all its strength.

If brought to the human world.

Once out of control.

That would be an unprecedented catastrophe!
Victor said solemnly: "Tony, I know the severity, they will not appear on land."

Victor intends to temporarily put King Kong on the island he bought before Christmas.

As for the golden python.

Where can't the huge ocean go?

Is it possible that only the U.S. Navy is allowed to dominate the four oceans?In the future, the golden python will tell them who is the real super overlord in the ocean!

"Hey, that big guy is drooling." Deadpool pointed to King Kong standing guard outside and said.

King Kong's eyes fell on the barbecue.

The irresistible aroma made it salivate, but unfortunately, the meat of a wild boar was not enough for it to fit between its teeth.

"Well, you found yourself a big eater." Tony had a teasing expression on his face. He still disagreed with bringing these two prehistoric beasts into the human world.

No matter what time period.

Tony is Tony!

This cannot be changed.

He is always worrying about gains and losses and moving forward with a heavy burden.

And his worries were not unreasonable.

Victor got a headache when he heard this, and he realized that he had overlooked a very important thing.

Whether it is King Kong or the golden python, they are all big stomach kings.

The creatures on the island can satisfy their appetite for special reasons, but it is not necessarily the case in the outside world.

The golden python is okay.

There are innumerable food sources for it in the four oceans.

But what about King Kong?Is it possible to hire a transport plane to deliver food to King Kong?

It must be a bottomless pit!

Victor pondered.

"Ding, the system has been upgraded successfully, and the source point has been cleared to zero. Please explore the host by yourself." Suddenly, a stream of consciousness flooded into Victor's mind.

That head-sized energy stone provided a full [-] points of origin, okay? The extra [-] points of origin power were actually deducted by the system, which is simply too much!
Damn skinning, damn system.

Victor gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Let me see what new permissions are available."

After Tony and Deadpool fell asleep, Victor stepped out into the underworld dimension.

Behind him, Tony opened his eyes silently.

"Victor, how many secrets do you have?"

Tony sighed quietly, and looked at a pair of huge vertical pupils in the distance, which were the eyes of the golden python.

The latter is also unintentionally sleeping at the moment, looking at the starry sky in a daze. This is a giant beast that has become a spirit.

Underworld dimension.

Victor's figure appeared above the black prison.

The most conspicuous thing in the black prison is a group of more than ten judges who are trying an endless stream of ghosts in the open air.

These ghosts have inventories accumulated before, as well as killings from Norman and others.

Victor took a look and then looked away.

This is his moment of happiness.

After the system upgrade, he was given new abilities and priesthood, as well as the upgrade reward Victor was most looking forward to.

Benefit 1000: [-] points of origin can be exchanged for a fixed portal.

The portal can be fixed at any position, and it cannot be changed in the future after confirmation. Those who have the imprint of the underworld can use the portal without restriction for ultra-long-distance teleportation.

This benefit is very good!

Victor has always been troubled by being unable to leave the crowded city to explore, because he is the coordinate point.

Therefore, people can only spend a lot of money to find energy stones.

It's a headache.

With a fixed portal, Victor can move in a wider range, although the consumption of the portal is a bit high.

Welfare [-]: The scope of the field is expanded tenfold.

That is to say, after the system upgrade.

From the previous area of ​​ten kilometers to the current area of ​​one hundred kilometers.

within the scope of the domain.

the life of death.

The destination of the soul will be the underworld.

This can completely cover a super city in the territory of the underworld, such as New York State.

At the same time, Victor only needs to pay the price of 1000 origin points to obtain fixed coordinate points.

The life within ten kilometers around the coordinate point will be governed by the underworld dimension, and the upper limit of coordinate points is ten.

Benefit [-]: The area of ​​the underworld is expanded by ten times.

This, as the name suggests, means that the underworld has become bigger.

The extent of the ocean is much wider.

Islands appeared in the boundless ocean, covered with lush and various plants, full of vitality.

At the same time, more mountains, plains and virgin forests appeared in the depths of the continent that was once shrouded in mist.

Benefit [-]: Level [-] priesthood is open.

There are only two second-level priesthoods, the guardian of the black prison and the spreader of faith, and the transformation of the two requires [-] sources.

Although the price has increased by ten times, there is no difference in the strength of the priesthood, but the difference in authority.

The guardian of the black prison is commonly known as the gatekeeper.

Like the three-headed dog of Hades.

With the power of Hellgate.

Guardians can be resurrected infinitely, and their strength doubles after each resurrection, and this increase will not disappear until the invading enemies are expelled.

It is said that the enemy has already hit the gate of the black prison. Does the so-called guardian of the black prison really have a meaning?

At least Victor doesn't think so.

Because the price is too high!
[-] origins can transform ten ecstasy messengers, okay? Wouldn't it be nice to expand the team of ecstasy messengers!

But everything has laws.

Existence is reason.

Victor may not understand this.

And the preachers of faith spread the gospel of death.

God damn good news.

Victor can be sure that once the religion about death spreads, it will be labeled as a cult every minute.

This is another tasteless priesthood.

Welfare Five: Supernatural Power Contract!
This is a divine spell related to contracts.

Everything cannot escape the constraints of the rules, and the contract is an intuitive manifestation of the rules.

For example, agreements between people, contracts between companies, and agreements between countries.

All of the above can be said to be contracts.

Westerners attach great importance to the spirit of contract.

As long as you sign your name, no matter what the content of the contract is, it will be recognized by law.

Of course, the premise is that the signature is authentic and valid.

There is no shortage of gods with contracts in myths and stories.

Victor who has mastered contract supernatural powers.

It can be said that as long as someone signs a contract with him, there is no chance of repenting. Once he repents, he will be obliterated by the power of the rules!

A supernatural contract is simply a betrayer's nightmare!

Because the contract does not qualify the object type.

As long as it is a creature that can make a choice, Victor can forcefully sign a contract with it.

The premise is.

Only by providing enough origin points can one forcibly pass the review of the rules in the dark.

Nothing can escape the rules.

But the source can change all that.

Yes, forcing a contract requires providing a point of origin.

"Come out of the system, are you sure this is not your way to get the source?" Victor said incredulously.

Obviously it is a supernatural spell rewarded by leveling up.

To be able to sign a contract even if you have to come from the original point, it might as well be more cost-effective to use the contract directly!

How much does a stack of paper cost?

"Ding, the system prompts whether the host will give up the upgrade reward supernatural power contract. If you don't reply after three seconds, it will be regarded as giving up."

"Your boss is alright!"

Victor gave a middle finger fiercely.

Only a fool would give up such god-defying supernatural powers!
With the contract technique.

He no longer has to worry about being stabbed in the back.

And to see who is upset.

You can forcibly sign a contract to let the other party do what you want. This is simply a weakened version of the constitution of export, and the law can follow what you say.

Don't be too strong, okay?

It is worth mentioning that the ancient one and the dark dimension Dormammu signed a contract of equality.

The Ancient One provides faith, and Dormammu provides strength.

Both are indispensable.

Only then did the basic requirements for signing the contract be met.

Change to Victor.

There is absolutely no need for such trouble.

As long as the source of the astronomical figures is provided, Victor can even force the supreme mage Gu Yi to believe in him.

The latter couldn't even deal with Dormammu's obedience, because it was a contract directly aimed at the soul.

No matter how powerful the Supreme Mage is, he cannot escape the shackles of the rules. This is the tragedy of the weak.

Although Ancient One is not weak.

(End of this chapter)

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