Chapter 40
night, hell's kitchen
Victor was walking alone on the dark street.

like a ghost.

The habits that have been developed in half a year are not meant to be changed. He is not a fickle person.

The matter of the Rockefeller family came to an end.

Victor was still angry, but for Clarice's sake, he could only put aside his thoughts of revenge temporarily. .

However, the encirclement and suppression of Rockefeller's black forces by Frank and others is coming to an end.

In fact, there is no need to continue.

As for the evidence collected.

If you say it works, it works, but if you say it doesn't work, it doesn't have much value.

Because only based on some limited confessions.

It is difficult to prove that the Rockefeller family has a direct relationship with these evil forces.

Although not blind people know what's going on.

"Miris, long time no see." Victor found his own seat in the bar, snapped his fingers, and a waiter came over with bourbon and snacks.

"Victor, where have you been lately? I suspect that you are missing." Miris said with a cheeky smile on his red face.

Because of Victor's relationship.

The big and small gangsters around Hell's Kitchen will not easily offend Miris.

Recently, Miris hooked up with the daughter of a gangster, so don't live a happy life.

"It's a bit of a chore to run around, cheers." Victor drank the bourbon in the glass.

Most of the time he will control his alcohol consumption.

Otherwise, maybe there will be a few more inexplicable women.Didn't you see the hot girl winking at Victor as soon as he took his seat?

In Hell's Kitchen.

There are countless women who want to hook up with Victor.

There are even supermodels and young women among them.

It's just that these people all know that Victor has a temper that is not close to strangers, and it is difficult for anyone to talk to Victor.

"Victor, you don't look very happy." Miris whispered in his girlfriend's ear, and his girlfriend got up and left dissatisfied, and then sat next to Victor and said.

Victor shook his head.

In fact, he had no reason to be unhappy.

Although the approach of the Rockefeller family was a bit excessive, it seemed that Victor was the one who took advantage.

It's poor Clarice who can't help herself.

Damn the saber-toothed tiger, it's just a beast, isn't it!
"A little thing, by the way, Miris, will you be dissatisfied because you were designed to have sex with a woman? Shet, it seems like nonsense to ask you this question." Victor retracted his words in the middle of asking.

Just a normal person.

Even if you think about it with your ass, you know Miris' answer.

Miris is a personal fort.

Not to mention the design, even if you let him be a duck, as long as you give him enough benefits, he will run over.

"Of course not, what a wonderful thing is this?" Miris said happily.

Can't wait for such a good thing to happen to him.

In his opinion, a woman who can seduce Victor is definitely a rare angel.

Because it turns out.

Even the latest Victoria's Secret girl can't shake Victor's heart of steel.

"Drip drip"

Every time Victor came to the bar something always happened.

This time is no exception.

Victor, who sat down for less than half an hour, received a communication from Bai Hezi.

"Master, there are alien spaceships appearing in California!"

"Drip drip drip."

S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison Natasha also called.

A UFO appeared in California, which may be a highly civilized spaceship outside a certain territory.

Natasha is asking Victor for help!

Well, Nick Fury, who was rejected, probably couldn't bear to look for Victor.

A high-tech fighter plane landed outside the castle manor.

Natasha's group descended from above, including Hawkeye Button, but the leader was another familiar woman.

"Maria Hill, nice to meet you, Mister Deathwalker." The woman said with a smile while stretching out her jade-like hands, and there was a little curiosity in her eyes.

What are you curious about?Curious about Victor?

Oh no, never use that look!
"It's the master of death, Victor Hugo, nice to meet you." Victor smiled back.

Two hands are held together.

Feeling the latter's cold little hand.

He glanced at Hill's thin figure.

Victor couldn't help but joked, "Director Hill, you should wear an extra coat."

Hill put away his curious eyes, and said calmly: "Sometimes coldness can make people rational, isn't it, Mr. Victor, a man who caused a bloodbath."

Is this saying I'm too impulsive?
Victor stroked his chin and said, is this woman here to get S.H.I.E.L.D. back?

Enter the warplane.

Hill took out a tablet and said to Victor: "Mr. Victor, this is the information about the alien spacecraft that our S.H.I.E.L.D. has. You can familiarize yourself with the situation first."

Looking at satellite photos on the tablet.

The alien spacecraft that landed in California crashed in the wild, and the hull of the spacecraft was still billowing with thick smoke.

But there was one photo that made Victor's eyes widen.

What did he see?
It turned out to be a photo of the Predator!
Yes, that is the iron-blooded star who looks weird and throws the earthlings as prey into the forest to hunt and kill them!

Are aliens invading Earth?
Victor is a bit party.

Aliens should not belong to the Marvel plot, right?

"What's Mr. Victor thinking?" Hill asked.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is no stranger to extraterrestrial life.

There have been Cree invasions on Earth many years ago.Although the latter ultimately ended in failure.

But it's also a wake-up call for the planet.

In this universe, people on earth are not alone!

"Have there been any casualties?" Victor frowned.

"Yes, twelve agents died heroically." Hill said in a deep voice: "Their weapons are very powerful, and their skills are also extremely agile. Our agents are not opponents of aliens."

"Well, it seems that you really need help!" Victor, who has an immortal body, is fearless.

No matter how good the skill is, it's useless if you can't beat Victor to death.

In the universe, the Jagged Stars are a group of hunters with peak hunting skills, even terrifying aliens.They are all creatures that they deliberately cultivated to hone their skills for the warriors in the clan.

It was already dawn when the fighter planes landed in California.

Victor and his party went straight to the scene of the incident, and saw a huge alien spacecraft after a while.

The billowing smoke outside the spacecraft has been extinguished.

But the mysterious energy shield on the spacecraft blocked the steps of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. tried everything it could to get inside the spaceship.

"I don't think they want to communicate with us." Victor said, looking at the spaceship in front of him.

"Yeah, so we need to know if the aliens in the spacecraft have good intentions!" Hill said.

Ordinary people within ten kilometers around have been dispersed.

Even if a large-scale battle occurs, it will not affect the safety of the people. This is something that S.H.I.E.L.D. has done quite well.

Natasha has been communicating with Nick Fury.

After a while, she came to Victor and said: "The director means to wait and see what happens, and the aliens on the spaceship cannot be allowed to enter the residential area."

"Why didn't the one-eyed dragon come?" Victor suddenly remembered something, and asked with an unhappy face.

Every time there is danger.

One-eyed Nick Fury was never on the front line.

Either the deputy Coulson came forward, or Hill.

Anyway, the earth doesn't explode.

I'm not going to risk my life, and Nick Fury's doggy thinking makes people have to complain.

"The director has other important matters to deal with." Natasha replied with an apologetic smile while holding the handle of the gun.

He looked at the alien spaceship warily.

"Are you sure he's not drinking coffee?" Victor smiled mockingly.

Is this stupid answer interesting?

Counseling is cowardly, but you refuse to admit it, no wonder there are so many black fans, and people are black-hearted.

(End of this chapter)

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