Chapter 37 Mephisto
"Hell Lord Mephisto, I summon you to come to the world with the blood of the ghost knight"

The summoning ceremony of Mephisto has begun.

Waves of weird wind howled in the factory building.

Accompanied by the whisper of the devil.

Accompanied by the howling of the succubus.

Accompanied by the roar of the dead.

A bloody smell spread, and the power of hell suddenly came to the world at this moment.

It is stormy outside.

The factory was instantly eerily quiet!
An old man in a suit and on crutches appeared in the pentagram formation.

"Dude, don't tell me, he is the hell lord Mephisto you said?" Frank wanted to laugh, but he couldn't because the old man's eyes were weird.

It is a pair of vertical pupils.

According to legend, the vertical pupil symbolizes the devil!
"Oh, Satan, this is a delicious soul." Mephisto grinned at Frank.

His yellow teeth were stained with shards of blood.

In this scene, Frank felt chills all over his body!

This is the human fear of the unknown.

Mephisto looked back at Johnny Blazer who was sitting on the ground slumped, shook his head and sighed, "My poor child, you have been wronged by this task, trust me, I will definitely make it up to you, child. "

"Fack squid!" Johnny glared fiercely.

Mephisto's smile didn't change.

Ghost Rider is his most proud work, and Johnny is one of the best. How could the great king of hell be angry with his beloved toy?

"Hey, old man, I said you have a problem with your eyes, and you haven't noticed me who is so handsome?"

Victor said hello.

He is a little dissatisfied.

I am the protagonist, okay? Could it be that people of the yellow race have no human rights in Marvel?

Even a crawler from hell has to ignore himself!
Mephisto followed the prestige.

The latter's face suddenly turned cold, completely different from his previous attitude, and at the same time, he said in a cold and gloomy voice: "The blasphemer of hell, the source of evil, the messenger who imprisoned me, do you think you deserve to die? "

"Damn, damn, damn."

A strange dark force rioted, circulating around Victor's body, and even the void trembled.

Mephisto, an old dog, has no intention of communicating with Victor at all, and it is a killer move as soon as he makes a move!
However, they are both eggs.

"Idiot, have you played enough?" Victor looked disdainful, and even took a sip of bourbon slowly.

In the short three breaths just now, my body has transformed dozens of times from real to virtual, and from virtual to real!
It is the power of the law of darkness!

This is simply an old coin!
"Damn it, you actually carry the power of a dimension!" Mephisto seemed to have suddenly discovered something, and said suddenly, "You damn blasphemer, neither the kings of hell nor the great Lord Satan I will let you go!"

My omnipotent spell has actually failed!

It even caused a backlash!
At this moment, Mephisto's heart can be imagined.

"Oh, I hope that the other kings can be a little bit stronger than you." Victor's eyes were calm, and he even seemed to be teasing the former.

Mephisto's shot confirmed a point from the side.

The power of the demon god can't break Victor's immortal body!
"Tell me, what do you want to let Johnny go?" Mephisto's snake pupil exuded a dangerous breath.

He is like a hunter crawling in the grass, as long as he grasps the weakness of the prey, even just for a moment, he will kill it.

No one allows their beliefs to be profaned. What is the belief of the king of hell?It is death!
Victor's existence desecrates death!
"I want two souls." Victor asked.

Mephisto sneered when he heard the words, and refused bluntly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can a soul that has returned to hell be sent back to the world? This is a blasphemy against Satan!"

"Then you can get out!" Victor waved his hand with a look of impatience.Suddenly, a black hole appeared and swallowed Johnny the Ghost Rider who grabbed two bottles of bourbon at the last moment.

Oh our poor Johnny.

"Satan above, damn human, I want you to bear the wrath from hell!" Mephisto was angry.

Victor actually imprisoned Johnny in front of his face.

Is this not taking him seriously?

Immediately, two curved horns grew on Mephisto's head, dense red scales appeared on his body, and his entire body swelled and enlarged.

The icy breath of hell spread out from the pentagram array, causing the earth to crack, and a great terror from the depths of the soul seemed to be descending on the world.


Suddenly, a cold snort sounded.

Mephisto, who was still furious a moment ago, was pickled like a frosted eggplant.

He looked up at the sky with a hopeless expression on his face.

"What?" Victor was thinking, thinking of a not-so-good existence.

A nosy bald head.

"Change the conditions!" Mephisto came back to his senses and gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Don't challenge my bottom line, human!"

"No, you are challenging my patience!" Victor got up and came to Mephisto, shaking his index finger very arrogantly and said: "Either trade, or go back to your hell!"

"You're courting death!" Mephisto struggled.

The eyes were constantly switching from human eyes to snake eyes, and the scene was weird. After a while, Mephisto still chose to compromise.

Ghost Rider is very important to Mephisto.

It is definitely not comparable between two souls, the only thing that makes him unwilling to compromise is just embarrassment.

He was actually being led by the nose by a human being.

If this is passed back to hell, even Satan will doubt Mephisto's ability.

This is a nightmare for Mephisto!
"I need to see Johnny out of here!"

Mephisto took a deep breath, his tone full of anger, and he asked for a drop of Frank's blood.

As an ancient and complex spell sounds, two illusory souls return from hell.

Transaction complete!

Victor has never been one to back his word.

He snapped his fingers and released Johnny the Ghost Rider. With Frank reunited with his wife and children, Mephisto turned into lime and left with a dark face.

But the look in his eyes before leaving was very unfriendly.

It seemed to be saying that he would get back the face he lost today, no matter how long it took, even if it took thousands of years!
Well, the kings of hell are vengeful.

"I will place them in my dimension. In the future, as long as the conditions are sufficient, I will help you resurrect them." Victor patted Frank, who was excited and reluctant.

The soul cannot stay long in the world.

Otherwise, it will be obliterated by the laws of the world.It's like the truth that evil spirits cannot appear under the sun.

It is not the sun that wipes out the evil spirits, but the ubiquitous power of rules in the dark.

"Thank you, Victor, I recognize you as a partner I can entrust. From now on, my Frank Caster's life is yours. Believe me, this promise is valid until the end of death!" Frank said loudly Said.

For a trustworthy person.

That was the biggest promise Frank Castle could make.

"If you want to repay me, then become my third soul ecstasy!" Victor said with a smile: "Don't worry, become a soul ecstasy, you are still you, and you can also go to my dimension and contact me at any time." Your wives are reunited."

"Really? Then I accept!" Frank said with a face of death.As long as you can reunite with your wife and children, there is nothing unacceptable, even if you die immediately!
Death is not to be feared.

The fear is the ubiquitous loneliness and longing.

Victor was silent for a while, and Frank's eyes touched a string buried in his heart.

Why don't you live in loneliness and longing?

If possible, Victor would rather give up everything he had and return to that world to be with his parents.

Enter Frank's body with the original power.

The third Ecstasy Messenger was born.

The power of death caused Frank to be reborn in the dark, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura!

Compared to Green Goblin and Death Girl.

The transformed Frank is even more powerful.

"I can feel a powerful force about to move in my body!" Frank said in a deep voice, his whole body glowing like a flame king, "Expelling sins and catching evil spirits, is this the duty of a soul-slayer? Very good, I am very happy." like!"

Looking up, Frank looked at Victor.

There was no emotion in the pupils, just like the real god of death said without the slightest emotion: "Master, what do you need me to do for you now?"

"Fight against all black forces belonging to the Rockefeller family, I want all the evidence related to them!" Victor said with a smile: "Call me Victor, we are friends!"

"Friend?" Frank, who turned into Death God, was in a trance for a moment. These two words eased his indifferent expression, nodded and said: "Yes, we are friends!"

Victor nodded slightly.

He stepped forward and patted Frank on the shoulder.

A powerful ten-level agent, Frank the Reaper.

It will become a nightmare for all dark forces in the future.

Victor believed it.

With Frank's intelligence ability, it is impossible not to find some black material about Rockefeller.

This is the information age!
No matter how well you hide it, there will be flaws!

Any negative material is fatal to a business or family.

It was not Victor's original intention to attack Rockefeller's black gloves, even if all the black gloves were removed.

For the Rockefeller family, it is only a small loss of gray income that cannot be counted as family assets.

No harm at all, okay?

But if he can catch the handle of the Rockefeller family, Victor will have a bargaining chip in negotiation and exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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