Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 3 Howard's Gang

Chapter 3 Howard's Gang

Under the night.

Victor got the intel he wanted.

This is the news provided by a little homeless girl.

God knows it's three or four in the morning.

When he came out of the bar, how could Miris, who was already drunk, run to the homeless camp.

Victor is furious!
This grandson is just looking for trouble when he is full!

Victor took down the appearance of the little girl and gave the little girl a pure gold business card.

Taking a warning look at the black men who were about to move around, Victor lowered his head and said to the little girl with ponytails, "Xiaoli, I owe you a favor!"

After the words fell, Victor turned around and got on the supercar to leave.


A dilapidated unfinished building appeared in the eyes.

This is the concentration of homeless people in Hell's Kitchen, and it is said that it is a failed investment in Hell's Kitchen by a consortium.

It is worth mentioning that.

Hell's Kitchen is the worst area in New York State.

Even the super giants like Stark Industries and Osborne Industries have lost their investment here.

Losses are said to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Bang bang."


There was a gunfight in the distance.

Its intensity is comparable to that of a small battlefield.

Victor entered the unfinished building like a ghost. At this time, many corpses appeared on both sides of the aisle.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for capturing a first-level ghost, the system rewards 1 point of origin. 】Prompt X3.

Three prompts sounded in his ears in just one minute, and Victor did not stop because of this.

He walked forward calmly.

Within 100 meters is his domain.

someone will ask.

In this case, why not go to the hospital for a short stay?
Especially the surgical hospital, presumably within three days, they can harvest a lot of souls, right?


Currently, the system can only convert ghasts into origin points.

"Death Walker."

"It's the death walker."

Victor, who walked indifferently, made people feel terrified. Some gang members saw a bullet hit the former's chest, and there was no ripple at the place where the bullet was shot.

Like a drop of water thrown into an abyss.

Immortality is fully manifested at this moment.

"bang bang bang"

"Stop for me!"

Victor took out a delicate revolver and shot three times at the ceiling, and a needle could be heard in the building.

This is the deterrent power of the death walker.

The gang members looked at each other.

Why did the death walker, who was off work in the middle of the night, come out to be on duty again?This is not his usual style.

Did something happen?

"Death Walker, we did not offend you!" A figure who seemed to be the leader came over.

At this moment, the latter's heart was disturbed, and he didn't even dare to breathe out, like a wronged little daughter-in-law!
Victor looked at the black man who was speaking, and said with cold eyes: "I'm here to find Miris!"

"God, I'm scared to death!"

"Shut up for me!"

"Miris? He seems to have been taken away!"

"Who took it away?"

"Looks like someone from Howard."

"Howard? Damn it, does he want to die!"

"Yes, he was a madman."

The black man said cautiously: "Deathwalker, your friend was taken away by Howard's people. That white man is a lunatic, please don't blame us."

Don't blame the black man for this humble gesture.

Two months ago.

He saw with his own eyes how Victor took Nasha, one of the leaders of the pure Netiris gang.

How to smash it to death with a big spoon.

my Lord!
That horrible and bloody scene, even now, is one of the nightmares that he often wakes up in the middle of the night.

"Howard?" Victor frowned slightly.

Is Howard really crazy?

Who doesn't know that Miris is a friend of his master of death among the gangsters who live in Hell's Kitchen?

"I remember you, don't try to lie to me, or I'll send you all to hell!" Victor coldly glanced at the gangsters present and turned away.

Howard, who is not afraid of killing his wife to preach, is a lunatic, but he is afraid that Miris has already received his box lunch.

Meanwhile Victor was convinced.

Unless Howard is alone at this stage, he would never dare to attack Miris.

This is the tacit understanding of all the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen.

Miris is a friend of Death Walker!

Victor didn't leave right away.

Instead, he found a corner and took out bourbon, and sure enough, the gangsters in the gathering place fought again.

I don't know what kind of hatred they have.

Was interrupted in the middle and can still fight.

Twelve points are originally recorded.

This is at least one month's previous income.

It can be seen that there is such a big commotion, the group of gangsters in front of them are either drug dealers or human traffickers.

There are only 28 origin points left before the system upgrade, Victor glanced at the balance, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Howards End sits at the end of Tenth Avenue.

This is a rich area.

With a pretty good security system, Victor didn't intend to hide, and walked in majesticly.

With his immortal ability, even if he confronts the FBI head-on, he won't be intimidated, let alone a mere gangster?
"Welcome, my honored guest!"

Howard seemed to have been waiting for Victor to appear.

When Victor was welcomed into the manor by his subordinates, Howard, who had prepared fine wine, sat on the sofa with confidence.

There was murderous look in Victor's eyes.

In Hell's Kitchen, there are still gangsters so arrogant.

What a new thing this is!
"Where is Miris!"

Victor's tone was calm, he found a comfortable position, sat down and lit a cigarette.

"Sir, I swear to God, Mr. Miris is enjoying his life, and he has not suffered any persecution." Howard's sincere expression is unbelievable.

Victor took a deep look at Howard upon hearing this.

This lunatic is not as simple as it seems.


Victor Broad got Miris' number.

Not long after, Miris' voice came from the phone and said loudly: "Hahaha, Victor, you never know where I am, this place is simply a man's paradise, Howard is so hospitable, he arranged for me girl."

"Miris, you bastard!"

"No, no, of course I know what he wants, and you also know that I can't resist. I'm really sorry!"

"Okay, you can get out!"

Victor looked up at Howard.

Shen Sheng said: "Howard, just talk if you have something to say, I don't want to meet this way again!"

"Sir, please calm down."

Howard took out a suitcase and said, "This is my sincerity, as long as the husband promises me one condition."

There's a green Franklin in the box!

"You want Frank's life?"

Apart from that, Victor couldn't think of any other reason.

"Yes, I want Frank's life!" Howard said with a crazy expression and dark eyes: "Sir, he killed my child, and I want his blood to pay!"

"You should find a killer!"

Victor stood up and picked up the suitcase, and said seriously: "This Franklin box is my reward for not killing you tonight. By the way, it bought your own life!"

"What? Sir, what do you mean?" Howard was taken aback by Victor's shameless operation.

You take my money to buy my life?

Killers are not so unruly, okay?
Victor glanced at the gangsters coming up from all around, put away his smile and said, "Do you have any objections?"

See Victor's dark eyes.

Howard's scalp exploded immediately, he shook his head quickly and said: "Sir, I have no objection, this is a gift for you, I am extremely happy."

"Very good! You are very witty!" Victor smiled slightly when he heard this, and turned to leave with his suitcase. Franklin wanted to recruit himself as a thug with a suitcase.

I'm afraid you've lost your mind!

Is the name of death master so worthless?
If it weren't for Howard's behavior tonight, he wouldn't have to wait for Frank the Punisher.

Tonight is his death day!

 Order a collection, a box of dollars is yours

(End of this chapter)

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