Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 28 The Green Devil

Chapter 28 The Green Devil

"The Green Goblin Serves Justice"

"Green Devil hits criminals again and cracks a major human organ trafficking case"

"The Green Goblin is our New York hero!"

Early the next morning.

Victor turned on the TV, and more than [-]% of them were reporting on the Green Devil who recently appeared near Hell's Kitchen to deliver justice.

The public is overwhelmed with favor for this superhero who turned out to be born out of nowhere.

"Son, have you seen the Green Goblin?"

"Yes, he was a gentleman, and he saved me from the devil."

"Can you describe what he looks like?"

"Of course, he wears a green mask. Believe me, the mask is a bit ugly. He says he is the herald of death. Yes, his arms are very warm." The little boy said with admiration, "I want to be a hero when I grow up, a hero like the Green Devil!"

"The Herald of Death? The Green Goblin?"

Victor's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, Marvel's self-adjustment ability is very strong.

How crooked is this, and it can still be related to the Green Goblin.

So Norman Osborn likes green so much?
The helmets are all green!

And Harry, well, Harry is Norman's kind.

Victor fantasizes.


"Sir, this is Norman, wait, please don't hang up the communication."

"Say something."

"Okay, sir, I would like to ask, what is the five-element rune? Why can I exchange for five runes, and the price is very high, is this the technological power of Huaguo?"

Victor was so tired, he gritted his teeth and said, "This is not technology, go buy a Huaguo myth novel and read it, I guarantee you will become Huaguo Tong!"

"Okay, sir!"

"toot toot"

Glancing at the hung-up phone in his hand, Norman, who was holding a ghost drawing talisman, was in a mess.

Well, you are in charge and you have the final say.

Replace with someone else.

I'm afraid I will beat you out!

Norman, who was hung up for the second time, was very sad.

Even the Minister of Defense dare not do this!

But soon, Norman's eyes were attracted by the rune.

This is an invisibility talisman.

"Can this piece of paper really make me invisible?" Norman was full of question marks, remembering the price of the invisibility amulet, gritted his teeth and made a shameful gesture.

Fairies scattered flowers!

my Lord!
Victor would hit a wall if he saw this.

Do you want to ruin your image like this!
"Why not?" Norman was depressed. Isn't the pattern describing the invisibility symbol on the mall interface the same posture?
Why is the invisibility not working?

"My God, this piece of paper is on fire." Norman was surprised to see the rune in his hand instantly burnt to ashes.


Am I scammed by profiteers?
Nothing has changed except for one hand!
"Dong dong."

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside the office.

Norman said, "Come in."

"Okay, Mr. Osborne, I'm from the S-level laboratory of the R&D Department. Hey, where is Mr. Osborne? Did I have auditory hallucinations just now?" A white coat opened the door, holding a An academic report came in.

Just halfway through speaking, he raised his head.

There is no one in the office!

"That's not right, Assistant Doris said that the chairman is on duty in the office." The white coat looked confused, scratched the back of his head, turned and left the office.

"You really can't see me?" Norman was shocked.

He was standing in front of the white coat just now, and even the breath of the white coat hit his face, but the other party didn't feel his presence at all.

"Is this the effect of the invisibility charm?"

"The miraculous Huaguo, the miraculous Mr. Victor." Norman looked adoring.Unknowingly, some kind of power is affecting the heart, and the relationship between Norman and Victor is changing. Will there be admiration among friends?
If you want to obtain eternal life, how can you not pay the price!
Of course, even if Norman knew this truth, he would choose immortality without hesitation.

In China.

There is a saying that after ten years of study, you can sell the emperor's house, but in the West, you are willing to give everything to become a servant of God.

In Norman's heart, Victor is a god, a more real god than the unreachable god!

The city of hope in the kingdom of mutants in the underworld.

Mutant Capitol.

Charles Xavier, who was the speaker of the first Mutant Congress, was very troubled at this time.

Because the number of mutants in City of Hope increased, many reasonable and unexpected troubles appeared.

For example, there is not enough food supply in the city, and there is not enough daily necessities, so we need to purchase in large quantities from outside.

Even if the Xavier Group is as rich as a country, no matter how much wealth it has, it cannot afford such consumption!

On top of that, the lack of entertainment and even electricity in the city is too bad.

New energy sources, entertainment projects, food, daily necessities, etc. have become very troublesome issues for Charles.

Even if Charles' IQ is far beyond ordinary people.

It can't solve all the troubles.

So the mutants set up Congress and Parliament.

The Congress leads the country, and the Parliament is responsible for the internal livelihood of the people.

Meanwhile the first bill of parliament was passed three days ago.

It is not mandatory for mutants not to leave the city of hope in the underworld dimension. As long as certain conditions are met, they can leave the city of hope and return to live in the real world.

Mutants aren't all down and out, either.

For example, Roberto, who is known as Sunspot, is a super rich man, and he is a young guy, how can he stand being a salted fish in the City of Hope?

There are no weekend entertainment festivals, no Victoria's Secret girls, no yachts full of wine and desserts, and Roberto has expressed angrily more than once that he wants to leave here.

In the same situation as Roberto, there are many mutants with special abilities.Most of these special abilities are mutants whose appearance is no different from that of humans and who can control their own abilities.

Parliament is not one word.

When someone makes an opinion, it can enter the agenda.

The only trouble is that it will give away the existence of Hope City.

However, Jean Gray said that without the dimensional imprint, even if you know the city of hope, you can't come here, which can guarantee the safety of the city of hope.

Well, Qin's opinion must be taken seriously.

Not only because the former is the only king of Omega mutants known in the world, but also because of the relationship between Qin and Victor.

That indestructible statue is still in the center of the mutant country, okay?

You can see it every day when you look up.

Damn narcissist.

More than once, someone secretly scolded Victor in their hearts.

Among them, Scott is the most.

And because of her relationship with Victor, Jean's position in the mutant kingdom is very detached, and many people even envy her very much.

It's not because of her strength, but because of her man.

Well, finding a god as a boyfriend, don't be too cool, okay, the thinking of Europeans and Americans is so strange.

Accompanied by the passage of an Act of Parliament.

All the mutants yearning for freedom cheered from the bottom of their hearts.Charles did not expect that in just half a month after the passage of the first bill, all the previous troubles would be resolved.

Because the mutants who returned to the real world used their social relations to start feeding back to their homeland.

There is energy, food, and lack of entertainment equipment.

Mutant Nation is beginning to stabilize.

At the same time, the X-Men team began to grow unprecedentedly. The melee X-Men organization headed by Logan and the long-range X-Men organization headed by Scott.

The guard team headed by Jean Gray, as well as the new team that originally belonged to the Brotherhood and is now renamed the X-Men [-]rd and [-]th squads, greatly expanded the overall strength of the mutants.

And it's still sketchy.

The rudiments of a nation emerged.

In the plan of Charles and Magneto King Eric, the mutant kingdom will have its own military force and local security force in the future.

Only when that day comes.

Mutants can truly become a nation.

Just like the Jews in Israel.

"Qin, Victor came here half an hour ago, didn't he come to see you?" Charles said, pushing the wheelchair over with a happy face.

During this period of time, Charles can indeed be said to be full of joy. His career, which he has worked hard for all his life, is in sight, and his relationship with his old friend Eric has also eased.

Especially important.

My sister Ruiwen is right under my nose, what could be happier than this.

Charles definitely does not admit that he is a sister-in-law.

"Death walker, that's an interesting person." Magneto floated over, and Magneto, who has the ability to control the magnetic field, likes to be different.

Qin silently took out the self-defense dagger in the shoe and wiped it, and said, "And then? Professor, he took that bitch away?"

"cough cough"

Charles coughed violently.

The corner of his old partner Magneto's mouth twitched.

He hurriedly stepped forward and pushed the wheelchair out, "Almighty God, please forgive me, I almost forgot, Charles and I still have a chess game to finish."

Watching the backs of the two old men leaving in a hurry.

Phoenix Girl remained silent, the icy aura on her body became stronger and stronger, and she growled with red eyes, "Victor!"

(End of this chapter)

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