Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 261 Finale and New Beginning

Chapter 261 Finale and New Beginning

Steppenwolf was forced to blow himself up.

But in the end, he was banished to the prototype universe.

In the vast space of the universe, his self-destruction left only a not-so-dazzling spot of light.

Then calm down.

But a completely different law of the avenue appeared in the embryonic universe with the self-destruction of the Steppenwolf.

This is the law of destruction in the Three Thousand Ways!

The law of destruction was conceived at the central point of Steppenwolf's self-explosion, and the self formed a huge black hole.

The black hole swallowed the light spot in an instant.

And the radiation spreads to the surroundings, devouring all matter, and even the space is collapsing into the black hole.

This is the power of the Law of Destruction.

The black hole is the embodiment of the law of destruction in the universe.

And more than that.

With the birth of the law of destruction.

The extreme darkness created another law.

This is darkness that can swallow even light.

It is the law of darkness!

The birth of various laws made the evolution of the embryonic universe more perfect, but Victor didn't know it at the moment.

Take a look at the devastated San Francisco.

He glanced over, and in an instant, thousands of demon-like creatures that survived the aftermath of the explosion were turned into ashes. These are just little ones, not worth mentioning.

Step out.

Victor came outside a dilapidated building.

Looking at the open door, and the two human limbs and arms that were torn apart by the demons inside.

He reached out and looked down.

Immediately, the last mother box fell into his hand.

The mother box was taken away from the ruins by the demon-like leader, who thought it was out of the blue.

But don't want to.

Right under Victor's nose all the time.

With the annihilation of the demon-like army, the mother box became an ownerless thing hidden under the residential building.

"everything is over."

Victor sighed softly, floated into the air, looked at the ruins of San Francisco under his feet, and the wailing and crying Americans under the ruins, there was no wave in his heart.

Used to seeing death.

Death is no surprise.

In this battle, Victor gained nearly a million origin points, and he put his hand on the mother box.

Sure enough, war is the best shortcut to get rich.


"System Prompt: Found a transformable energy source, is the host transformed into the original source?"

"Ding, I found an extremely dangerous existence approaching, please run away immediately, please run away immediately..."

"That's too late!"

Victor smiled wryly, because just as the system's first prompt appeared, an old man with a white beard appeared in the void. He turned around and looked at himself. There was no human emotion in his golden eyes.

These are the eyes that look down on everything in the world.

"Who are you?" Victor asked in a deep voice.

The white-bearded old man suddenly smiled, and the dark sky suddenly brightened. He said, "Son, I am your father, you should come home with me."

"Father, you sister, I'm still your grandfather!" Victor had never seen such a bullying old man, and he said that he was his father when he came up, my father, you have a good face.

At this moment, he has been urging the underworld system in his heart to help him leave this white-bearded old man, because his body is completely immobile. This is very similar to how he used to control others with his spiritual thoughts, but he never thought that he would be pecked by geese today. , Feng Shui took turns, and it fell on him today.

"Sorry, host, the existence you are facing now is the supreme life form of the omnipotent universe. The system can only provide you with the only solution to leave this place!"

"what way?"

"Burning all the origin and the underworld, you can get a chance to be reincarnated for a short time..."

"Bastard, what is the difference between this and death!"

"It's not the system's fault. You came to a strange universe and provoked the Almighty Cosmic God, and there's nothing I can do..."

At this moment, Victor has more than one sentence in his heart, mmp, this kind of emotion can no longer be expressed in words, okay!

"Son, you don't need to do anything drastic, I won't hurt you." The white-bearded old man beckoned to Victor kindly, and Victor walked up to the old man involuntarily. His expression was furious.

Because deep in his heart there was a voice that made him surrender to the white beard in front of him.

Damn it, he is the master of death, the master of the underworld, how could he submit to others?

He is not reconciled!Even in the face of an almighty universe-level existence, he has to fight to the death!
But just when he had this thought.

White Beard just smiled, which immediately calmed him down completely, even though the latter's eyes were extremely unwilling.

"Come with me..." Whitebeard turned around and walked into a light gate. Behind the light gate, there were circles of light similar to the Milky Way dotted in the sky. Victor stepped into it involuntarily. It was already doomed.

Since he stepped into the DC Universe.

The old man with the white beard paid attention to him and discovered something unusual about him. If he hadn't killed the Steppenwolf, forcibly occupied the three mother boxes, and completely changed the course of the universe, the old man with the white beard would not have shown up.

"Where is this..." Victor stared at the dark world in front of him dumbfounded, because after walking through celestial bodies similar to the Milky Way, they came to a dark world where they couldn't see their fingers, and where the old man with the white beard passed, The darkness under the feet suddenly rippled, and singularities similar to the Big Bang appeared one by one, as if as long as the singularities exploded, a brand new universe could evolve.

"This is the source of the universe." The white-bearded old man said: "I have been looking for a way to break the nothingness, but unfortunately I can't find a way out except to create universes one by one, but when I saw you, everything was there Transfer!"

"What do you mean?" Victor gritted his teeth and asked, he had a bad premonition.

"Because you are nothingness!" The white-bearded old man suddenly turned his head to look at Victor, and said excitedly: "I can't see your past, nor your future, you are nothingness in the legend, you Get over it all!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all. What do you want?" Victor knew he couldn't escape, because he was very familiar with the crazy eyes of the white beard, just like a lab coat in a lab coat. The eyes of the white mouse.

It's useless for him to regret it now.

"You will know soon..." The white-bearded old man smiled mysteriously. He stretched out his hand and pointed forward. Suddenly, a brand-new universe appeared in the darkness. The universe was rapidly expanding and forming, and suddenly there was a loud "boom" ring.

This is the Big Bang.

Victor watched Whitebeard create a universe, and at this moment his heart was ashamed.

This means of creating the universe at will.

Even if he has a system, how can he escape, so he must die, right?

"System, let's start..."

"Host, are you sure? The chance of reincarnation is only one in a million, and it is very likely that you will perish forever..."

"Do I still have a chance to choose?"


"System prompt: The source is burning..."


"System prompt: The underworld world is burning..."


"There is a mysterious power that prevents the host from automating, the interception is successful, and the system enters the countdown..."

"Ding, the book of life and death has been fused successfully. The life and death book of the innate spirit treasure is burning, and the energy generated by the self-explosion is very likely to annihilate the host's soul. Please prepare the host!"

"No, no, stop, stop, you don't deserve to die, I didn't intend to hurt you, you are my only hope to break through nothingness, bastard!" The white-bearded old man saw Victor suddenly close his eyes, and his whole body was covered with blood. There were bursts of dazzling white light, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He shot to stop it immediately, but unfortunately it was too late, because what Victor was burning was his own soul.

The soul is the essence and source of everything!

A big bang affected all material or non-material visible or invisible to the naked eye, and a bright mushroom cloud appeared in the endless darkness. The mushroom cloud spread to all directions, and countless new universes were wiped out in an instant.

Even the almighty cosmic-level Whitebeard suffered an unimaginable severe injury at this moment. Cracks and blood appeared on his body surface, and an endless horror of mass destruction spread.


The explosion produced a chain reaction, everything in the dark space was collapsing, and the eternal silence ushered in just after the birth of each universe seemed to be a signal.

It heralds the destruction of everything and rebirth.

I don't know how long it has passed, it may be 1 years, it may be countless thousands of years, and it may be countless epochs.

The dark space has gone through countless epochs.

A singularity is born out of darkness.

After countless years passed by the singularity, there was a big bang, and the universe began to multiply again.

And this is just the beginning.

Singularities were born one by one in the darkness, and the newly born universe exuded a thriving atmosphere.

At the same time, the earliest universe, let’s call it universe [-].

Universe One gave birth to endless galaxy.

And at the edge of a certain star river, there is a solar system with nine tails. The solar system has a dazzling blue planet. Two-thirds of the planet's area is covered by oceans. The humans on it call it the earth.

And on the continent of the earth, there is a country called Huaguo. In a small town on the southeast coast of Huaguo, several chubby little boys sit together.

They are playing chess.

This is the most common kind of game.

"I won't play anymore, I will lose to you every time I play Beast Chess, Ye Han, are you cheating!" A fat boy muttered, he had white hair and golden eyes, The old people in the village say that he is a born saint, but every time the big fat boy is bullied by his friend Ye Han who grew up with him in the same village. .

"Cheating? Do you still need to cheat if you abuse you? I said silly, what dream do you have when you grow up?" Ye Han asked with a green bamboo in his mouth, lying on the grass and looking at the sky.

"Dream?" The big fat man's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said with a look of thieves: "I want to marry a beautiful angel with wings on the portraits in the church next door when I grow up. By the way, it's best." If I have a figure like the Virgin Mary, then I will die without regret, look how plump that figure is..."

"Idiot, do you still want to be God? The Holy Mother is God's wife!" Ye Han curled his lips, worrying about the fat man's IQ. Take home all the good looks, and let people serve you without repeating the same ones 360 days a year. This is a dream, right? No pursuit at all!

"What's so difficult about being a God? Isn't God just a woman!" The fat man said with a smirk on his face, "By the way, Ye Han, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I, I've grown up..." Ye Han couldn't help being a little distracted when he heard the words, and said under the urging of the big fat man: "When I grow up, I will become a killer, kill one person in ten steps, leave no trace for thousands of miles, and specifically kill you Such a fat and oily land rich man!"

"Killing is punishing with life!"

"Then I'll be the god of death, demanding my life every day..."

"Bah, then I'll be your father and see if you dare to kill your father!"

"Dasha, I think your skin is itchy..."

(End of the book)

(Remarks: The holes left in this book will be filled in in the next book: I Am Lucifer. Spoiler alert, Ye Han at the end is the protagonist of the next book, Lucifer Morning Star, because of the early setting of this book I made mistakes and could not withstand the temptation to open the harem, so there are many loopholes in this book. Although I have to admit that I died from the poisonous mouth in the book review area, I still gave a bad ending that is not considered bad. The protagonist Nirvana reincarnated , see you in the next book)
(End of this chapter)

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