Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 251 God's Maid

Chapter 251 God's Maid
Sister Mera has a mature heart.

In the Sea Race.

Only the 80-year-old tribe is considered an adult, but this age has entered the twilight years for human beings.

This is the difference caused by different living environments.

Sea people can freely switch between the two forms, so their life forms are completely different from humans.

The Sea Clan must not be judged by the age of human beings!
Otherwise, how could Atlanta, who is more than 100 years old in the future, hook up with the father of the King of the Sea and give birth to a half-sea person with dual blood of human and sea race, because Atlanta will enter adulthood in 60 years.

Atlanna, who was in heat, put a big green hat on her original partner, then abandoned her lover and gave birth to a young son for her husband.

This sounds a little embarrassing.

So who is the real husband?
What's even more bloody is.

The eldest son of Atlana's half-breed defeated the second son who was justifiably heir to the throne, and became the king of the seven seas with a trident in his hand.

It is worth mentioning that.

Owerk, who was cuckolded in this one.

That is, Atlanta's future husband-in-law, the king of one of the Seven Seas, died in the hands of Atlanta.

It seems that Neptune's killing of his wife and preaching is the gene passed down from Atlanta, otherwise how could their mother and son have done the same thing at different times.

So cheating is also hereditary, right?

Aquaman cheated on Wonder Woman and killed Mera, and Atlanta cheated on the human fisherman Thomas and killed Owak.

There are genetic problems in this family!
"No, no, of course not, my daughter will never object to becoming a woman of God, I am very sure of this!" King Nereus said emotionally: "I am willing to give Zebel as a dowry to Your Majesty, I hope Your Majesty will not refuse."

"The Zebel sea kingdom should be inherited by their sisters. If King Nereus has the heart, I will naturally not refuse your kindness!" Victor smiled and raised his glass.

"Cheers!" King Nereus looked excited.

Atlanta, who was restless on the king's throne, couldn't sit still when he saw Nereus's tricky face, and hurriedly walked over with his trident and said, "Dear God, I was overwhelmed before, I want to be an enemy of God, here I offer my sincere apology, and I hope God will not mind."

"Of course, your divine brew has been forgiven by me!" Victor was a little displeased with Atlanta, who had a bad temper and had family derailment genes, with a deadpan expression on his face.

Seeing this, Atlanta's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Nereus, who was basking in the spring breeze, for help.

King Nereus' eyes flashed, and he stood up suddenly and said loudly: "I am very sorry, King Atlanta, just now I have reached an agreement with God, and my daughters Mera and Hera will become God together soon. God's handmaiden, so Mera's unconcluded engagement with the king cannot continue."

"Damn it, Nereus, how dare you bully me like this?" King Atlanta was furious.

Victor looked up at the maddened Atlanta.

The death sword that hadn't been put away released a gray air flow in the void, immediately calming Atlanta.

"Dear God, please forgive my offense!" King Atlanta took a deep breath and said with a smile on his face: "Actually, this king also has this intention in his heart. After all, Mera I'm still young, so I can't let her down."

At this moment, Meera, the person involved, had a surprised expression on her face.

She had no idea that she and Atlanta were about to enter into a marriage contract, let alone that her father betrothed their sisters to a human god.

Become a servant?
Glancing at Victor's handsome appearance, she lowered her head shyly, while Hera looked excited.

As a member of the royal family.

Their marriage is doomed to miss ordinary people.

Even if it wasn't the dead old man Atlanta, the sisters would eventually be betrothed to kings or crown princes of other sea nations.

This is the only way to guarantee the purity of the royal lineage.

But the appearance of Victor broke this rule.

Even if the King of the Seven Seas was here together, he would not dare to accuse Nereus of destroying the thousands of years of tradition of the Sea Clan.

Because thousands of years ago.

The Princess of the Sea Clan is the first choice for the maid appointed by the gods.

Compared with the maid who is qualified to serve the bed.

The maidservant's status is so lowly in the dust, let alone life and death, she doesn't even have the slightest freedom.

The most famous representative of them is Medusa.

It is said that the three sisters of Medusa are the daughters of Phocus, the king of the seven seas.

Even Poseidon Bo Handong was tempted by Medusa's beauty and almost abandoned Amphitheatre for her.

Athena, the daughter of the god Zeus, was even more jealous of Medusa's beauty, and cursed the three sisters, turning them into sea banshees, because in Athena's view.

Handmaids are not qualified to be beautiful, and being too beautiful is their sinful behavior.

This is gangster logic.

I don't want to see other women look beautiful because I am tall and thick, and even cast a vicious curse on them.

In Victor's view.

The entire Greek pantheon is a bunch of neurotic combinations.

And this is also the sorrow of the handmaid.

As strong as Porcus, the king of the seven seas, there is nothing he can do about it. Now that Nereus has won the status of god servant for his two daughters, how dare the king of the seven seas object?

Even they have to offer Mera and Hera.

After all, maids can serve gods.

What if she conceived a child of God?
Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, as long as a divine heir is born, he will be the legitimate king of Qihai, there is no doubt about it!
"Old ghost!" Nereus sneered inwardly, if it wasn't a coincidence that he knew Victor's identity.

With the irritable character of King Atlanta, he will never let it go, and may even summon a sea monster that has been sealed for thousands of years to deal with Victor.

But face a god.

Atlanta doesn't even have the right to object!
before God.

What is a sea monster?
No, it should be said that a sea monster less than a few hundred meters in size is nothing in front of God's pet golden python!
It wasn't until this moment that Atlanta and Nereus understood why the golden python had the Seagod's aura on it.

How could a god's pet have no god's breath?
Although this point is purely their imagination!
(End of this chapter)

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