Chapter 237 God

Cairo Port of Giza.

Victor and his party of four came to the port with their luggage.

Li Yan was temporarily placed by him in Rebecca's territory in the underworld, where the disaster-stricken people in the Middle East lived, so that his three views would not be destroyed.

in port.

They boarded a ship bound for their destination.

There was a group of Americans on board.

Gad Hassan did not know when he got in here.

Victor glanced at Gad Hassan.

The latter shrank his neck in fright.

The wages of avarice is death!
Even in the eyes of Gad Hassan, Victor is an oriental wizard, he will go after wealth, not to mention this time he brought a team with live ammunition.

Yes, compared to Gad Hassan who was alone in the original book, this time he came prepared.

Before finding Hamnut.

Victor didn't want any more trouble.

In the room, Victor was drinking wine, while Evelyn was muttering with a book. She was looking for clues about Hamnet, after all, O'Connor didn't look too trustworthy.

Because of Victor's intrusion, the crucial kiss between O'Connor and Evelyn never happened.And O'Connor's savior has also become Victor who pays.

So until now, the words between the two have been less than three sentences, which is very suspected of grabbing the heroine.

But Victor promises.

This time he really didn't think so.

After all, he has enough women, okay?

"Victor, do you think we can really find the city of Hamnut?" Evelyn, with a focused expression, unbuttoned her clothes, and took off her jacket like no one else was there.

She was also wearing a sexy dress underneath.

"Yes!" Victor admired the alluring figure in front of him.

Compared with Diana's wild body, Evelyn is more sensual and belongs to the goddess of plumpness.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I forgot that you were still in the room." Evelyn, who was about to untie her long skirt, suddenly saw Victor on the sofa, and immediately showed an embarrassed expression.

Victor smiled slightly and was about to speak, when suddenly his right eye trembled, and a black shadow flashed past the window, which made him sneer.

It seems that the curator still notified the tribe to stop them.

But meeting Victor is their sorrow!

Just when the man in black wanted to break into the room and steal the key to the scriptures, Victor snapped his fingers.

The sound of "snap" is not harsh in the dark night.

But this moment.

All the men in black who approached the cruise ship were thrown out by a powerful force. They could only stand in the water not up to their waists, watching the big ship go away.

not moving at all.

Because there is a force that makes them unable to move.

At this time, their leader Eddie came from a distance on a horse. He looked deeply at the distant cruise ship and said in a deep voice, "Is this the power of God?"

"Eddie, this is the power of evil!"

Eddie shook his head and said calmly: "No, there is no evil mixed in this force, maybe the oriental man is right, we should fight for freedom, not a fate that has imprisoned us for thousands of years !"

The cruise ship was not destroyed in the sea of ​​fire as in the original book, and the figure of the man in black was not even spotted by anyone except O'Connor, who was always vigilant.

Victor doesn't want to go to the Sahara Desert to eat sand like in the original book.

Sand and the like, Victor hates it the most.

In the dark night, with Evelyn sleeping soundly, Victor went out of the cabin with the bourbon.

"Mr. Victor, are you still asleep?" O'Connor asked magnetically.

"Yes, it's still early, isn't it?"

Victor handed Bourbon over and looked at the stars above his head. Who would have imagined that a portal would take him to another universe.

Although it is said that he can return to the Marvel Universe at any time.

O'Connor took a sip of bourbon without hesitation, and then said, "Are you really a powerful wizard? I know your ability to control others is very powerful."

"Wizard?" Victor curled his lips and said, "I do have a group of beautiful witches among my followers, but I've never been a bad wizard."

"A believer?" O'Connor's pupils shrank when he heard the words, what did these two words remind him of.

Victor nodded silently. Since he has the courage to face everything, there is no need to hide it. Only those who lack confidence will do such things as pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

He has the confidence to sweep everything away. Even if the gods of ancient Egypt jumped out, Victor would knock them to the ground and beat them up. Compared to Satan, what are these miscellaneous gods?
Unless the sun god Ra Atum in ancient Egyptian mythology appeared in person, but is the sun god in this universe?

Victor was very skeptical.

"Are you, a god?" O'Connor asked tentatively.

Victor smiled slightly when he heard the words, knowing that O'Connor could not believe in himself so easily, he saw him reaching out and gently grasping the desert on the other side of the Nile River.


Suddenly, the sand danced wildly in the distance, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, a scene of doomsday dusk.

This scene left O'Connor dumbfounded!
Benny, look, there's God on board!

O'Connor was terrified!
Another night passed, and the next day Victor and others landed at the port, which was less than [-] kilometers away from the straight-line distance of Hamnet recorded on the map.

There are three waves of people on board all looking for Hamnut.

One wave is American.

They learned of Hamnet's whereabouts from Jonathan, the big mouth monster.

One wave was Jailors brought in by the greedy Gad Hassan.

In the end, it was Victor and his party of four.

Everyone has the same destination, and they will not conflict until they find Hamnet.

It is definitely not an easy task to walk a hundred kilometers in the vast desert, but as long as there are camels to travel, this distance is nothing.

Victor bought camels from villagers with gold.

Ever since knowing that Victor is a god.

O'Connor is no longer aloof.

Even a little too proactive.

He took the camel by the bridle and dropped to one knee, letting Victor step on his back to get on the camel.

"This is the treatment God deserves." O'Connor laughed.

Evelyn asked in surprise, "Hi, O'Connor, what are you talking about?"

Jonathan thought that O'Connor was very majestic before, and curled his lips in disdain when he saw this scene.

Victor shook his head.

Westerners do have a little too much humility towards God.

If Jonathan knew that Victor was more noble than a god, he probably licked it more thoroughly than O'Connor.

This is the Westerner who talks about God.

Victor took Evelyn by the little hand and carried her to the camel, because the villagers only had three camels to sell, and they had four of them.

After everyone made eye contact with each other.

Evelyn chose Victor.

Who makes Victor look more trustworthy?
And the group of Americans basically brought horses.

(End of this chapter)

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