Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 200 Merlin Mage

Chapter 200 Merlin Mage

Will Cap Steve and Johnny the Human Torch be related?

They both look almost identical!
Victor was also very curious about this.

It's just that in the Marvel Universe, there are many unreasonable things in the first place. This is a multiverse world, and there is no need to be curious about any possibility.

Maybe Susan and Johnny are the seeds left by Steve?It is impossible for the first man-made enhanced man in the history of mankind to have no institution to study his genes for as long as 70 years.

Is human cloning a display?
Of course Johnny and Susan can't be clones.

Perhaps the sperm bank established by the Federation for decades can give the answer, and Victor will not be bored enough to study the genealogy of Captain America.

Seeing the black stewed egg taking away the bewildered Steve, he turned around and left the cafe with the preoccupied Reed.

Reed called Johnny just now, and he got confirmation from the latter that the man who was taken away not far away was not Susan's younger brother Johnny.

So is he really Captain America Steve?

An old bacon that disappeared for 70 years.

Reed was shocked.

After bidding farewell to Reed, Victor went all the way to the headquarters of the Guardian Alliance, a building in the center of Manhattan.

Guardian Building.

The Guardian Building is a building jointly funded and purchased by the Big Three of the Alliance and designed and rebuilt by Stark.

At present, the ownership of the building is temporarily under the Shinhwa Group.

This is one of Victor's many assets.

Just 10 minutes ago Tony sent an emergency message claiming that a Huaxia dragon appeared in Chinatown!

"Are you sure that's not a large lizard with wings?" Victor met Tony on the top floor of the building with weird eyes.

"Victor, you really should take a look for yourself!"

Tony Stark turned on the satellite monitoring screen, only to see the lively Chinatown in the screen.

Thousands of ethnic Chinese are parading around a long queue to celebrate the annual Dragon Boat Festival.

The lively atmosphere can be felt from the screen.

"You forgot that shit?" Victor's eyes twitched.

Because of the tradition of the Chinese dragon dance, you delayed yourself to pick up Obeka from school. Are you sure you won't be beaten into Xiang again by Obeka's ability to distort reality?
three days ago.

Tony, who packed up his whips and chains, broke into the castle wearing the latest Mark VI with an excited expression on his face.

At that time, Obeika was trying to get Victor's attention, and Tony's intrusion made Obeika scream hysterically.With the screams, Tony's Mark [-] turned into a fly!

Yes, you read it right.

It was a big lump of Xiang that pressed Tony down!
That smell is simply overwhelming.

It is said that after Tony got home, he soaked in the bathtub for a whole day without going out.

"Onishet, can't you just keep your mouth shut and continue reading?" Tony's expression twisted, and his stomach suddenly rolled. That day was simply his nightmare.

Obekka is a devil!

Victor, who was watching the big screen, slowly became serious.

Because there is a fight in the picture.

It was a group of four people, and a bald head dressed as a monk summoned a dragon with wings to chase a boy about 20 years old.

There are also two male magicians in the picture.

Victor frowned, this scene was very familiar.

"Victor, I know you value your country very much, so you should handle this matter yourself." Tony Stark said with an expression that I knew.

It involved a bald Chinese mage.

And a fire-breathing dragon!

So this is no longer a simple crime.

Victor nodded silently, his mind moved, and his thoughts spread outward, covering Chinatown in an instant.

At this moment, he "saw" a three-story iron dragon chasing a boy among the crowd.

Manipulating the iron dragon is the Chinese bald mage.

at the same time.

There was a stampede in Lower Manhattan's Chinatown.

Thousands of panicked people ran around, and even a middle-aged Chinese man was trampled to death by the crowd. This has to be said to be a tragedy.

"Mom, mom, where are you? Huh." At this time, a four or five-year-old little girl stood in the middle of the road.

She cried loudly and wanted to find her mother.

But the boy didn't notice and ran all the way over.

He suddenly looked up and saw the little girl, but he didn't take it seriously because of his Chinese complexion. At this moment, escaping for his life was the most important thing. Didn't he see that the iron dragon behind who wanted to eat someone didn't stop for a moment?

The moment the boy passed by the little Lolita.

Everything came to a standstill!
"What happened??" The boy shouted with panic in his eyes and panic in his heart.

The hooded magician Maxim suddenly widened his eyes.Not far away within his line of sight, there appeared a dark blue long sword with a strange shape.

The long sword is surrounded by strips of gray air, floating on the left and right of a Chinese man. The latter is stepping into the void, looking coldly at the iron dragon ahead.

He moved his fingers lightly.

In an instant, a gray sword energy spread out from the sword and landed on Tielong.

Visible to the naked eye.

The huge body of the iron dragon was decaying, weathering, until finally it turned into ashes.

"A lizard dragon with wings, what right does it have to lean over a real dragon?" Victor smiled disdainfully.

Then he looked at the little Chinese Lolita who still had tears on her cheeks, and stepped forward to hug the little Lolita in his arms.

In an instant, there was a noisy scene around again, and a Chinese stopped. He looked around in surprise with his eyes wide open, and the iron dragon was gone.

This seems to be a signal.

More and more people calmed down.

They looked at each other.

I don't know where the iron dragon that wanted to kill went.

At this moment, the only people who were immobilized were four people.

Two magicians, a bald monk, and a big boy with frightened eyes.

"Don't tell me that you didn't see this child when you were running just now!" At this moment, Victor hugged the little loli with tears on his face and curious eyes. The latter bit a lollipop and revealed a An innocent smile.

"No, sir, listen to my explanation. I really didn't notice this child. I was too scared just now. I didn't mean it. Please believe me." The big boy found himself able to speak and immediately explained, but he The flustered and terrified eyes confirmed everything.

He is lying!

Victor suddenly smiled and said, "Very well, then can I accidentally kill you?"

"Oh, no, sir, David is the next-generation disciple of the great magician Merlin, you can't kill him!" Balthazar, a neuromage with a messy beard, suddenly shouted.

But he couldn't move, even if he tried his best, the magic power in his body wouldn't obey.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation.

Victor looked at Balthazar. This magician who lived for 300 years had a face almost identical to that of Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer.

But I don't know if the two are related.

"The power of hell demons, is this the secret of the immortality of Merlin magicians?" Victor saw through the source of Balthazar's magic power at a glance. The latter signed a contract with hell demons and obtained powerful magic and immortality. life.

The Merlin family has always been suppressed in the extraordinary world.

The reason is that they are a group of mages who signed a contract with the devil to obtain magic power.

This is also the reason why the word mage is preceded by magic.

This is a completely different system from Karma Taj.

The mages of Karma Taj are the real mages.

Supreme Master Gu Yi is an exception.

Because she couldn't find a suitable successor, in order to protect the earth from being invaded by the demon gods of other planes, she had to make a deal with Dormammu from the dark dimension.

Please don't confuse the two.

(End of this chapter)

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