Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 196 Jennifer's Wish

Chapter 196 Jennifer's Wish

"I'm listening!"

"From now on, Washington will stay away from me. I will have the executive authority of the vice president, and you will be my spokesperson in Washington."

"No, how is this possible, Washington will never agree to these unreasonable demands"

"3 minutes left!"

"Victor, I'll get back to you right away"

at the same time.

The high-level officials in Washington who monitored the communication looked at each other.


An ashtray made of crystal was slammed against the wall by President Obama.

"The executive power of the vice president? What does he want to do? Does he want to establish a state of China? Why are all of you federal elites who hold power and become dumb now!" Usually, silent politicians are immediately disappointed.

He is the president, the soul of a country, but at this moment he is helpless in the face of this situation!

"Mr. President, with all due respect, we have no choice but to temporarily agree to the conditions of the death walker." The deputy speaker of the Congress said bravely under the eyes of everyone.

Obaday's murderous eyes fell on the deputy speaker, wishing he could swallow the latter alive.


"I agree, left and right are just a title"

"Well, now we have no choice!"

After half a sound.

With the vote passed by the crowd, the most humiliating alliance in the history of the Federation was born.

In order to save the lives of tens of thousands of naval soldiers on the east coast and the naval base that has exhausted nearly [-] billion dollars, the politicians present had to lower their noble heads.

They have no choice.

As long as everyone knows that once the naval base falls, Victor's next target will be directly at Washington, and what can they do to deal with it?

Ask the international community for help?

I am afraid that the loss is far more serious than the title and administrative authority of a vice president.

Even the federation will lose its right to speak internationally.

This is a scene that politicians absolutely do not want to see.

Dimension of hell, Fengdu ghost town.

In the ghost town of Fengdu, there are hundreds of souls waiting to be judged. These people are all passengers on the flight to Portland not long ago. .

"Fuck, is this hell?"

"Why doesn't it match the legend?"

"God, I should go to heaven, why should I go to hell, I haven't done anything bad?"

"Heaven? I'm very sorry, gentlemen and ladies, the place you are in is hell!"

Accompanied by the appearance of Justice Murphy Dirada.

One by one the jailers waved their mourning sticks to silence the chaotic crowd.

His eyes fell on a little cutie.

It's Jennifer.

"Son, if you were given a chance to choose, would you like to be a new person or stay with your parents? Oh, no, this is a stupid question." Murphy Dirada shook his head.

He remembered Victor's orders before that.

The heart suddenly wailed.

The latter asked Murphy Dirada to let the child make a request without influencing the child's thoughts.

No matter what this request is, Victor, who is the master of death, will try his best to meet it.

"Woooo, I want to be with my parents, I want to go to Portland to celebrate my grandpa's birthday." Jennifer lowered her head and shoulders trembling, sobbing and said: "Uncle black, I promised grandpa that on his birthday I would make a big wishing star for him when I was there, but now I can’t do it, can I?”

"Oh, it's, it's really, really hard."

Murphy Dirada didn't know how to refuse the cutie's request, he could only make a sorry expression and said that resurrection from the dead was something he couldn't do.


The hundreds of souls in front of me have already returned to ashes.

Even the all-knowing and omnipotent God can only shake his head and sigh in such a situation.

No one can bring the dead back to life.

Even if you reverse time and space.

It just opens up another parallel space.

"tap, tap"

Accompanied by the sound of leather boots on the ground, Victor in leather appeared in the eyes of the wrecked passengers. The doctor Jack in the crowd showed a thoughtful look, because he was familiar to them.

Yes, Victor was also one of the passengers on the plane.

"Hey, Victor, I thought you escaped, although this sentence sounds incredible, doesn't it?" Boone Carlisle showed a regretful expression.

Victor glanced at Boon who was speaking.

And Shannon Rutherford, who was beside Boone with a surprised face, obviously noticed something.

He nodded to the two with a smile.

Then he crouched down.

He took out a lollipop from his pocket.

Dancing in front of Jennifer's surprised eyes, Victor said, "Hey, cutie, if uncle can fulfill your wish, would you like to be uncle's good friend?"

"Yes, Uncle, I am very, very willing." Jennifer's eyes showed eagerness.

"Okay, my name is Victor Hugo."

"I'm Jennifer, you can also call me cutie!"

"Okay, cutie, that uncle will grant your wish now!" Victor put the lollipop in the palm of the cutie Jennifer. Suddenly, a burst of milky white divine light shot up into the sky in the black prison, covering all passengers present.

After half an hour.

A flight that has been confirmed to have crashed entered Portland Airport, which immediately caused a sensation at the airport.

But this group of passengers who survived the catastrophe.

It seems that the memory of this journey has been lost.

Under the enthusiastic cheers of the airport staff, they walked out of the airport with question marks on their faces.

We just took a plane from New York to Portland.

Need such a big welcome ceremony?

Could it be that today's flight was a special anniversary at Portland Airport, until the passengers on the flight saw the news report from six hours ago.

Only then did I realize how lucky I was.


They were confirmed "dead" by official reports.

And it was six hours ago.

The news broadcast an hour after the plane crashed.

And this group of "dead" passengers.

Not only did he return safely, even the plane was intact.

I have to say it was a miracle.

Among all the passengers, only a six-year-old girl has a complete memory.

In her palm, she holds a lollipop.

"Uncle Victor, you are my good friend, right? This is our little secret." Little Jennifer looked up at the sky, showing a beautiful smile.

"Hi, Jennifer, we are going to see grandpa." Blair waved to Jennifer who was looking at the sky outside the window.

The little cutie Jennifer turned around and responded sweetly: "Okay, Mom."

(End of this chapter)

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