Chapter 193 The Abyss
"Damn it, where the hell is this?"

Angry Victor was a little emotionally unstable.

The scene of the death of the little cutie Jennifer lingered in his mind.That uncle made Victor feel heart-piercing pain!
damn it.

The military is a bunch of inhuman beasts!

Although Victor also killed people, he never killed innocent people.

This time was the first time he felt powerless to cope.

If it wasn't for the sudden loss of induction in the underworld world.

Even in the face of a nuclear bomb, Victor has the confidence to take away innocent people before the explosion affects the plane.

But there has never been an if in the world.

Although the souls of Little Lolita and others should have gone to Fengdu ghost town.But he still blames himself and regrets in his heart.

The burning wreckage of the plane in the distance clearly reflected Victor's mood at the moment.

Anger, anxiety, restlessness, pain and regret!
If it weren't for his sudden whim to fly to Portland.

Such a thing would not have happened!

Little loli Jennifer will not die, and the passengers on the plane will not suffer indiscriminately.

It's all because of Victor's arrogance!

He stepped heavily on the hard rock.

The ground under his feet was torn apart, and Victor closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He feels a little sick.

This is not caused by nuclear radiation, nuclear radiation has no effect on him, he is not afraid of any human weapons.

Suddenly looking back.

Victor looked towards the center of the island.

He vaguely felt that a mysterious force disturbed the surrounding magnetic field.This is a force that can affect the operation of the underworld, a force that has never appeared before.

Victor stepped tens of meters away.

It took less than 3 minutes to reach the center of the island.

at his feet.

It is an endless abyss.

Victor looked down.

There was actually a kind of fear that appeared deep in my heart.

He is the master of death.

It was an unthinkable emotion for him.

Is there really a great terror under the abyss?
Victor mused.

Extending his mind power into a harness, he carefully probed down, but after 20 meters, even if he tried his best, he couldn't go down any further.

Even the extended thoughts were melted away.

"What the hell kind of situation is this!" Victor's heart trembled, as if there was a terrifying creature in the abyss devouring his thoughts.

But the eyes can't see it at all.

"My eyes can see the dead air on human beings. The dead air is dense here, and countless lives must have fallen here." Victor said to himself.

"call out"

From the storage space, he found a burning stick and threw it into the abyss.Victor's eyes widened immediately!

What did he see?
A humanoid creature was nailed to the cliff by a sharp spear, and the wound was still dripping with blood.

Is this a human or something?
Could it be that the abyss in front of him is a battlefield?
The inner curiosity couldn't stop bursting out.

Victor glanced at the cliffs of the abyss.

Make sure you can take advantage of it later.

Controlling his own thoughts, he carefully explored downwards.He holds the Death Sword in his hand.

at the same time.

A landing ship of the Federal Navy appeared on the surrounding sea, and dozens of troop carriers carrying heavily armed soldiers began to land on the island. Their equipment was completely different from the past, and the logo of Trask Industries was clearly visible.

This is a batch of weapons against superpowers!

"General Vincent, our special weapon can ignore the mutant's defense, even if he has an immortal body, he still cannot escape death!" A gray-haired doctor said excitedly.

He was a representative sent by Trask Industries.

Responsible for testing the power of the group's new products.

At the same time, they are also one of the planners of this demon hunting operation. Their confidence comes from new energy weapons.

This is a brand new elemental energy.

After testing, the new elemental fog can greatly weaken the superpowers of mutants. If it is a mutant below the beta level, it can even be killed in one shot.

Yes, humans are progressing too.

Moreover, this new energy is inspired by Stark Industries' Ark new energy, plus the new elements provided by the previous core circle organization purchasing raw materials from Trask Industries.

The god element is a deadly element.

Has a super powerful effect of luring and crashing the x-gene.

Trask Industries, which obtained the new elements, immediately developed a new energy weapon based on this.

and put into use.

The divine element is very precious, so the weapons provided by Trask Industries in the demon hunting operation this time are very rare, and can only be equipped with a basic ten-man combat team.

Once the effect of the god element is confirmed, Trask Industries will abandon the Sentinel project and go all out to develop new weapons to restrain mutants.

This is the power of cause and effect.

Trask Industries, without Mystique's genetic code, has been looking for a new way out, and the god element they got by chance is their new development direction.

With finished product god element.

Based on the foundation laid down by Tesla Industries over the years, it is not difficult to reverse the elemental composition.

The only difficulty is the financial problem.

Therefore, Trask Industries took the initiative to seek military cooperation, and the two sides hit it off.

"No, Doctor, he's not a mutant!"

Vincent stared at the real-time screen on the monitor screen, and said in a serious tone: "There is enough evidence to prove that his ability is not derived from his own x-gene, and the god element weapon may not be effective against him."

The doctor said confidently after hearing the words: "I think General Vincent is mistaken. The god element is the most miraculous energy element in the world. Its ability is not limited to the x gene, and it has even more astonishing effects."

Having said that, the doctor immediately closed his mouth.

This has involved the latest research and development field of Trask Industries.And once it is released, it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world, the doctor is very confident in this point.

The naval special forces that landed ahead have gone deep into the island.

This is a small island of less than [-] square kilometers, and hundreds of special forces members quickly searched the island.

"The third team did not find the target, over."

"The second team did not find the target, it's over."

"All the teams move closer to the middle position. The magnetic field interference here is very serious. You must be vigilant. The mission target is an extremely dangerous superpower."

"Received. Hiss."

Accompanied by strong noises, each combat team turned off the communicators they carried with them.Here even the strongest walkie-talkie is useless.

They only depend on themselves.

And 1000 meters under the abyss.

The air here is thin and it is difficult to breathe.

From time to time, terrifying hurricanes hit, even Victor, who borrowed the priesthood of Lightbringer, was torn apart and reassembled again and again.

The body of immortality changed three times from reality to reality in the process.

Viktor, who could only barely wrap himself with telekinetic powers, looked at the human in front of him in shock.

Yes, human, and an Asian male.

The skin color of Asians is very easy to distinguish.

This is a warrior.

There were dozens of wounds, large and small, on his body.

Among them, there were three fatal injuries, but the one who killed him was Zhan Yu who pierced his heart.

Zhan Yu exuded a cold breath.

The divine power attached to it comes from the belief of all living beings.

Holding Zhan Yu in his hand, a cold breath came.

An incredible scene happened, and Zhan Yu and the ancients suddenly melted with the wind at this moment.

As if nothing ever existed.

Victor blinked, then took another look.

really disappeared!
"Could it be an illusion?" Victor said to himself.

But he quickly dismissed the idea,

Both the ancients and Zhan Yu just now existed because there was a deep groove on the cliff.

The groove corresponds to the position of the battle.

It can only be said that the age is too long, and everything has been worn away by the power of time.

Shaking his head, Victor looked down.

There is still an endless abyss under your feet.

There is a strange aura emanating from the bottom of the abyss all the time.

This breath was eroding Victor's body.

In less than 5 minutes, the body that had recovered to its best condition appeared cracks again.

The crack widens a little bit.

After a while, it has spread all over the body.

Victor smiled wryly, and could only take the initiative to turn on the virtual-real conversion to restore himself to his peak state.

This is where he can explore the abyss.

2000 meters below the abyss.

The air here is unbreathable.

Weird forces are everywhere.

Even from time to time, a crack in time and space will appear, tearing Victor's body to pieces.

In this case, the immortal body can only complete the virtual reality transformation again and again to avoid death.

(End of this chapter)

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