Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 191 Flight 815

Chapter 191 Flight 815
On Flight 815 at the airport, Victor closed his eyes and meditated.

He was in the window side seat in the ordinary cabin.

"Hi, friend, I'm Boone Carlisle, nice to meet you." A man tried to strike up a conversation with Victor.

His facial features are somewhat similar to Damon's.

But his eyes were not pure, and he would glance at the famous Patek Philippe watch that Victor was wearing from time to time.

The watch was a gift from Jean Gray in return.

Victor glanced at Boon who was speaking lightly.

Next to him sat a white girl.

The girl smiled generously and said, "Hi, sir, my name is Shannon Rutherford, you don't need to care about my brother, he is not a very nice person."

"My God, Shannon, how can you say that about your brother? Although your father is my stepfather, we are brothers and sisters who grew up together." Boone showed a frustrated expression.

"Boone, I'm warning you now, please don't harass others!" A black lady glared at the noisy Boone with a very unfriendly expression.

Boone showed an embarrassed smile and said, "Officer Anna, I'm a good person now!"

"A good guy just released on bail from the police station?" Anna mocked disdainfully.

At this time, a five or six-year-old cute little boy jumped up and down in front of Victor, stretched out his little hand holding a lollipop and said, "Uncle, do you want some candy?"

"Oh, Jennifer, you can't run around."

A single young woman hurried over, picked up the little girl and said, "I'm very sorry, sir, Jennifer disturbed you. I'm Blair."

A touch of whiteness appeared in front of Victor's eyes.

What a plump career line!

Victor looked away and smiled slightly: "Hello, Blair, I'm Victor, your daughter is very cute, and she will definitely be a star when she grows up."

"What's so good about a star?" A super fat man who was eating cheese muttered.There is a man and a woman on his left, and they are leaning on each other, which should be a couple relationship.

Glancing at the big fat Victor, his brows were deeply frowned, and his eyes were on the couple.

The facial features of the woman are very good, and it is somewhat similar to the cover girl in a certain magazine.

It can't be said that they are similar, they should be the same person.

The most important thing is not this.


There was a touch of death around the top of the woman's head!
She has killed people!

Victor looked away.

The murderer or something has nothing to do with me.

At the same time, he looked at the woman's companion, and there was also death energy surrounding his head, and the death energy of the two was connected.

Does it mean they killed someone together?

Well, couples killing people is still a bit of a gimmick.

"Sorry, Rang Rang, I'm in the front." A man with a high nose bridge came over.

He carried a suitcase and was in a strong build.

However, the man has a lot of dead energy, but no resentment, he should be a doctor.

"Oh, Dr. Jack, nice to meet you, are you going to Portland too?" Blair said with a happy smile while holding his daughter.

Jack glanced back at Blair.

His eyes were on the latter's chest, and he paused for a second before retracting his gaze in embarrassment and smiling: "Yes, Ms. Blair, Jennifer has grown taller again."

"Yes, she looks different every day, and now is the time to grow taller." Blair smiled.

at the same time.

A cursing Korean couple boarded the plane.

This couple gives a very strong visual impact.

Because the Korean male looks like a porter, but the female is beautiful, generous and charming.

"Oh Kim, you can't do this, that's not our place!" the Korean woman complained.

Korean men don't speak English.

Muttering and mumbling all the time, they finally found their seats and sat down.

The scene in front of him gave Victor a strange yet familiar feeling.

Flight 815 to Portland.

Before the flight started, there was a strange atmosphere.As the plane lifted off into the atmosphere, the cabin fell silent.

Occasionally snoring can be heard.

"Hi, Uncle, do you want a lollipop?" The little girl appeared beside Victor once again, with curious and puzzled eyes.

Victor smiled.

Said, "Yes, I do."

"Oh, Jennifer, you can't run around!" Blair came back from the toilet with a helpless expression.

Victor, holding a lollipop in his hand, gave Jennifer a thankful look.

It's a little cutie.

A middle-aged man sitting next to Victor suddenly said, "Sir, do you want to know the latest stock quotes? Oh, you don't have to look at my legs. They went on strike 20 years ago. I'm John. Locke, a disabled trader on Wall Street."

"I'm Victor Hugo, nice to meet you." Victor's eyes were clear.

John smiled gratefully.

Most people are either surprised, pitiful or contemptuous when they see his legs, but Victor's eyes are so clear that he treats him as an ordinary person.


Disabled people never want to be seen as disabled.

Although it's a contradiction, isn't it?

"Sir, I have an insider tip. If you are interested in joining the stock market, it may be worth a lot to you." John Locke thought for a while and said, "Have you heard of Trask Industries? It is a global Sexual military-industrial enterprises."

Victor nodded.

Did not interrupt the middle-aged man's words.

The middle-aged man continued to say with a mysterious face: "To tell you the truth, recently, my friend, a high-level manager working in Trask Industries, revealed that they have developed a new type of weapon against superpowers, and it will be released soon." It will be put into the practical stage, and once it is approved by the military, the stock of Trask Industries will inevitably soar.”

Victor squinted his eyes and thought.

Trask Industries?

Speaking of which, the little man has been hiding in the corner, doing some anti-mutant experiments in a sneaky manner, is it possible that he has achieved some huge breakthrough?
Is the confidence of the military coming to power this time from the little man?

Victor shook his head.

Because he is not a mutant, this matter is no secret at the top of the Federation.

So where did the military get the confidence to compete with themselves?

It is impossible for them not to know that they are immortal!
Victor doesn't underestimate anyone.

Not to mention the armed forces of a country.

Do you really think you can do whatever you want with an immortal body?
Yes, you can do whatever you want!

Victor suddenly thought that even Anubis, the god of death, would have nothing to do with him, unless the military could call out the father-level boss to fight him.

Or the supreme sorcerer Gu Yi will end in person!

Under absolute power.

Can make all conspiracies come to naught. .
"Sorry, I'm not optimistic about Trask Industries." Victor shook his head and refused.

"Yes, I was not optimistic about it either."

John gave a very natural smile.

He didn't show any frustrated expression because of Victor's refusal, which shows that he is a stock trader who pays great attention to self-cultivation.


Victor turned to look out the window at the clouds.

A breath of rage erupted from his body.

In the clouds, a fierce flame roared at supersonic speed.This is a missile of mass destruction!
(End of this chapter)

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