Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 182 Hellfire Inner Circle

Chapter 182 Hellfire Inner Circle
this afternoon.

Victor signed the letter of appointment as the CEO of Shinhwa Group Asia.Zheng Xianxian has officially become a domineering female president in charge of tens of billions of dollars of investment.

Asia is the top priority of Shinhwa Group's global layout!
Especially Huaguo.

Victor has been here for more than half a year.

At least let Felicia come forward and spend tens of billions of dollars to support private enterprises and land enclosures.

Among them, the three emerging Internet companies accounted for the bulk.

To this end, Victor also used the power of mutants to drive out the island nation's competitors.

For the big market of Huaguo.

Victor is unwilling to have islanders participate.

Although Victor has never expressed his attitude towards China.But his series of behaviors.

As long as you are not blind, you can see it!

That's why Zheng Xian made concessions to Victor, and even took the initiative to fight for him. He turned a blind eye to Victor's previous actions in the offshore area.

With Victor and Barbara boarding the Phoenix fighter.

The affairs of Huaguo have come to an end for the time being.

Looking at the distant coastline, Victor's eyes were a little erratic, he was missing a certain city.

But Victor is avoiding that city.

Because he has a sense of fear in his heart.

If there are people he used to be familiar with in that city.

What should he do!
Or, did his parents and another "he" also live there?

This is contradictory.

And it is a very likely problem!

"Do not disturb is my best choice."

Victor closed his eyes.

Barbara's eyes were also erratic.

This trip to China.

Complicating her relationship with Victor.

Although Europeans and Americans are more open, and Barbara is still a top secret agent.

But what if you get hooked?

Yes, Barbara has a crush on Victor.

Victor's boundless physical strength was something Barbara had never felt before.

Victor conquers Barbara.

What is a woman's greatest fear?
Or what is an agent most afraid of?
It is the heart that is conquered!
"What the hell, how should I explain to Hill when I go back?" Barbara felt a sense of collapse spreading in her heart.

You must know that Hill specially sent her to Modu.

Just to "watch" Victor.

Avoid surprises.

In Barbara's understanding.

Accidents can be of two types.

One is work and the other is affair.

Yes, the former is ignored for the time being, because Barbara can't move an inch against the Spear.

And the latter.

Well, I am Victor's affair.

Barbara sighed, clutching her forehead.

"Have a glass of Moutai?" Victor took out the Moutai specially presented by Zheng Xian before leaving from the wine cabinet.

It is said that this box of Moutai is specially provided by Zhongnanhai.

"You're an asshole!!"

Barbara glared fiercely at the bewildered Victor, then reached out and quickly took out a bottle from the wine cabinet and opened it.

Gulu Gulu poured into the stomach.

It's like a cow chewing peony!

The flight was four hours long because it was going straight to Atlanta, Georgia.

ok I admit it.

After the Phoenix fighter plane entered the Pacific Ocean, it trembled slightly the whole time.

This is the vibration of some kind of physical exercise taken to the limit.

It is worth mentioning that there have been many mutant attacks in Atlanta, Georgia recently.

The government had to restart the Sentinel program again.

But this time, the plan became open and transparent under the request of the new governor. The mutants captured were all held in visitable prisons and treated relatively humanely.

At least there was no mistreatment of mutants or even experiments on mutants.

This has been approved by the public.

Whether it is mutants or ordinary people, if they make mistakes, they will be punished.

An extremely beautiful Phoenix fighter plane appeared at the Atlanta airport.Fighters can land at the airport, of course, with permission from the airport.

Because Victor is not the only one on the fighter plane.

And Barbara, the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Barbara has communicated with the airport in advance.

After getting off the plane, Victor looked at the flushed Barbara and said, "Are you sure you don't want to come with me? Actually, I shouldn't be here for too long."

There is a goal.

Victor believes that the inner circle of Hellfire will never escape.

And with the joining of Sentinel Bob, does the Howler of Hellfire need to escape?

You must know that Sentry has the power of millions of stars!
Even Odin, the heavenly father of the Norse gods, may not be able to win against Sentinel Bob, okay!

"No, no, I refuse, I still have tasks to perform." Barbara left these words with struggling eyes, took her luggage to the airport hall, and transferred to a flight to New York.

She declined Victor's invitation.

Barbara worried that if she stayed with Victor, she would become a poor person.

Yes, only know how to claim certain aspects of slavery.

This is absolutely unacceptable to her!

Victor shook his head regretfully, waved the Phoenix Fighter back to the underworld, and at the same time straightened into the air to head to the Hellfire inner circle organization at the fastest speed.

He doesn't need to look for it.

As long as you find the newly established Sentinel Special Service, you will naturally get the news you want.

Not all said.

Is the one who knows you best always your enemy?
At Sentinel, Victor runs into an acquaintance.

"Are you a Chinese in the bar that night?" Max asked in surprise.

As one of the two leaders of the mutant underground organization.

Both Max and John became Sentinel Service non-staff contractors, because the Sentinel Service is not what it used to be.

The current Sentinel Secret Service is open and transparent, and has obtained the permission of most of the people.

To ensure that mutants are not treated differently.

Max and John were invited to join the Sentinel Secret Service, and the entire underground organization turned into a weapon in the hands of the state government against mutants from the evil camp.

It's like Charles' Academy for Giftedness.

"The plot is messed up."

Victor sighed inwardly, and then said: "I need all the information on the Hellfire inner circle organization."

"Yes, they kidnapped Lorna!"

Victor added a sentence.

Maxton's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly said: "The inner circle has been very active recently, and they seem to have mastered a magical element that allows ordinary people to gain mutant abilities, especially the Sentinel Bob under Black Empress Reeva Page. , has unimaginable power for ordinary people, and our actions against them have failed many times."

"Tell me where they are!" Victor said.

Max hesitated and said, "At the end of Fourth Avenue, there is a factory there."

"Well, you are really weak." Victor looked disdainful, knowing the headquarters of the inner circle organization.

He could only watch helplessly as the inner circle moved again and again without help.

Is Sentinel Bob really that powerful?

Victor became curious.

End of [-]th Avenue.

With dark clouds covering the land, Victor appeared outside the factory gate. Inside the gate was a modern technology factory, but now it became the base of the inner circle organization.

"Who are you? Get out of here immediately!"

A boy with yellow hair shouted when he saw Victor coming straight to the factory.

Victor shook his head and recalled.

The yellow-haired boy in front of him seemed to be a boy named Andy, who had inherited the gene of Baron Slackett and possessed powerful mutant abilities.

Still, it's just a kid.

"I'm here to find the whereabouts of the two girls, can you tell me?" Victor said.

Andy frowned immediately when he heard the words, and said with a puzzled look: "Sorry, sir, we are not a police station here, so we can't help you find missing persons."

Andy's nature is not bad, but because of the persecution of mutants, he rose up to resist.

As for Andy now.

Still in the rebellious period of life, so I chose to join the Hellfire Inner Circle organization.

"No, they're here with you." Victor looked into the factory, and at the same time a group of people trotted over from a distance, led by a black woman.

(End of this chapter)

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