Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 130 The Legend of the Heavenly Court God

Chapter 130 The Legend of the Heavenly Court God
"I don't believe in this evil!"

Victor stared, possessed by King Kong's divine power, hundreds of tons of power suddenly made the surrounding air restless.


The earth vibrated like a tsunami.

Thor's Hammer is about to move.

This is not enough!

The King Kong giant ape in the pet space raised its head to the sky and roared furiously, its strength suddenly increased tenfold again.


In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and the wind howled.

In the vague void, the gaze of a god is watching here. He has white hair and sharp eyes.

Victor raised Thor's hammer.

With the power of Thor added to his body, at this moment Victor is even confident that he can easily penetrate the entire earth.

This is the power of the Father!

Yes, Thor also has different levels.

If Thor lifted Thor's Hammer, he would only have the strength of a god, but Victor is the master of death!

In theory.

The ruler of death is even higher than the Father.


Victor waved Thor's Hammer, pointed forward, and suddenly endless thunder and lightning poured down, instantly destroying the mountains and rivers in the distance. At this moment, he is the invincible Thor!


Suddenly, someone roared in the void.

As if to warn Victor.

Are you going to fight me in Asgard?

This is the idea that Victor caught in the dark.

He dropped Thor's hammer.

He pursed his lips and said, "Odin, I'm not your enemy, I just borrowed your son's hammer for fun!"

at this time.

An old man with a gun appeared in the distance.

His only remaining eye stared at Victor and said, "You have the divinity of the Supreme God, which is incredible!"


Victor looked surprised. He didn't expect that Odin would really descend to the earth himself. Was it because he lifted Thor's Hammer?

"Yes, it's me!" Odin said with a sudden smile, "Are you interested in sitting down? My time is running out."

What does time is running out mean?
About to burp?

Victor nodded, and he summoned an old tree root tea table and said, "Sit down, Odin, the king of the gods, this is how we orientals treat guests."

"Thank you!" Odin sat on the tea table, glanced at Victor's skillful movements, and said, "The east has always been a forbidden place for the gods. Since ancient times, no western god has stepped into the east. You know why. ?"

"Why?" Victor asked curiously.

Odin took a sip of tea, like an old man on the verge of death, lost in memory and said: "Even the supreme god will become an ordinary person the moment he steps into the eastern world. This is the power that all gods fear!"

Victor frowned immediately when he heard this.

He didn't understand.

There are no gods in the East at all.

Why is there such a mysterious power shrouded in it?

"Even you don't know the reason?" Victor asked in a deep voice, "I have never been to the East."

Odin shook his head and said: "I was lucky enough to meet an Eastern God. It was thousands of years ago. His name was Yang Jian. He called himself Zhenjun Erlang. Defeated Zeus, the god-king of Olympus, while I was watching from afar!"

"Erlang God?" Victor was dumbfounded.

Could it be that there is a heaven in this universe?

Why is there no clue?
Could it be that Erlang God is the only heavenly god in this world?

Since there is God Erlang, there must be Monkey King!
The two of them are enemies in the myth.

By the way, in the timeline of the Spear Bureau, there is a superhero who claims to be Monkey King and inherits the inheritance of Monkey King!
Could it be that the Heavenly Court God has been hiding in the dark?


at another latitude?
"Yes, some people call him Erlang Shen!" Odin nodded and said, "I just met him briefly, and then he disappeared in this universe. It is possible that he just entered this world by mistake and then left. New God, I feel the same breath as him from you!"

"On me?" Victor fell silent.

His underworld system is related to the God of Heaven, there is no doubt about it, the Temple of Heaven in the black prison is exactly the same as the Temple of Heaven in Fengdu in oriental mythology!
"You are also a foreign god!" Odin said: "But the breath on your body is not ancient, you are a new god!"

"I'm really young!" Victor touched his nose.

Odin shook his head, he didn't mean that, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became cold.

Both gods, the new one and the old one, have something on their minds.

"Odin, you appear here because you want to ask me for help, right?" Victor said with a smile.

"Yes!" Odin said calmly, "Thor is my only son."

"You also have a daughter named Hela"

"Cough cough."

Odin glanced at Victor helplessly.

Originally, he thought it was just a secret that he and the Asgardians knew, but he didn't expect a new god to know the existence of Hela, which immediately disrupted his thoughts.

After a while, he continued: "I hope you can help Thor become a real god!"

"What good am I?" Victor asked.

This world is very real.

Even if you are Odin, the king of the gods.

He has no reason to help in vain!

Odin was silent for a while and said: "I will leave Odin's treasure house to you, as long as you can help the Asgardians five times!"

"Five times is too much!" Victor curled his lips: "There is only one Eternal Flame in your treasury that has any value, don't you know it yourself?"

Odin blushed immediately upon hearing this.

Hell, who told this new god these secrets?Could it be Heimdall?
Odin frowned.

"Okay, then three times! I will leave my weapon Gungnir to you too!" Odin said in a deep voice, this is the biggest bargaining chip he can take out. If they die, they will also be buried with weapons.

It can be seen that Odin did not play tricks.

Victor mused.

After a while, he nodded and said: "I will help Asgard three times when necessary, but if even I can't do anything, then I can only say sorry."

"I understand! Within your power!" Odin nodded, and suddenly his figure faded away.

He came here just as a projection.

Instead of the real body.

All the tea he drank just now spilled on the ground.

This is Victor's temptation!

If Odin really has the strength to come down to Earth in person, then Victor has to think carefully about the possibility of this cooperation. A strong man at the level of a heavenly father will definitely not be fooled so easily!

"New God, I hope you keep your promise!" Odin was still worried, and finally left this sentence and disappeared completely.

Victor took a sip of his tea.

Really fragrant!

(End of this chapter)

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