Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 116 The Prophecy Girl (Please Subscribe, Please Recommend, Please Order All)

Chapter 116 The Prophecy Girl (Please Subscribe, Please Recommend, Please Order All)

Take a picture of the poster and send it to Norman.

Let Norman know about this Jurassic Park.

He plans to go there in person when the time comes. The Jurassic trilogy once left a deep impression on him.

I don't know where I am.

Do you have that feeling?
Keep going.

The streets of New York have it all.

This is a metropolis with tens of millions of people.

There are races from all over the world.

Just an intersection.

Victor saw a young man wearing the military uniform of an island country during World War II stalking the streets.

He glanced lightly.

1 minute later.

The young man died at the intersection because he ran a red light.

The brains are spilled all over the floor!
Victor's eyes were cold.

The system shows that this young man is of Chinese descent!

Victor felt blushed.

Is it possible that in the past few decades, the Chinese have forgotten the pain that once happened in their own country?
Forget it, this is Chinese, not Chinese.

It cannot be generalized.

Sighing, Victor turned his head and looked at a girl painting by the side of the road.

The girl held a sketch in her hand.

The content in the sketch is that a man in a suit was pierced through his chest by an iron bar, and the ground was stained red with blood.

"Why is there a strange feeling?" Victor was curious, and this painting felt very real to him.

It's not that the girls are good at drawing.

This is abstraction.

Rather, the content gives a sense of prophecy.

The girl looked up at Victor.

Eyes calm.

There is a kind of emptiness in the eyes that sees through the world.

How could such eyes appear on a young girl?
His eyes narrowed.

Could it be that this is a person with super powers of prophecy?
The girl doesn't have magical fluctuations, nor does she look like a mutant. Could it be pure painting?
Just then, a man and a woman came over.

The girl hurriedly stepped forward to stop the passing man and said, "Sir, can I give you this painting?"

"What is this?" The man asked curiously.

But under the gaze of his female companion, he could only hold back his curiosity, thanked him and left with the sketch.

He's even proud of his charisma.

Not every man has a girl running over to strike up a conversation when walking on the main road, okay?

I didn't see a black-haired young man of Chinese descent.

Standing there with empty hands?
The man smiled confidently and continued to move forward.

And in front of him.

There is a tower crane in the transfer direction.

Victor glanced thoughtfully.


Just then, someone shouted.

The man who was lowering his head to show off to his girlfriend looked up in astonishment.


An iron bar pierced his chest in an instant.

Scarlet blood was scattered all over the ground!
"my God!"

The female companion screamed and yelled for help.

At the same time, the sketch in the man's hand unfolded.

Above is a man lying in a pool of blood, the scene is basically the same as before.

When the painting girl saw this scene, her face turned pale, she hurriedly turned and left, she didn't want to cause trouble.

And it's not the first time this kind of thing has happened.

Every time she gets inspired.

Always comes with death.

This put her mind under tremendous pressure.

She lowered her head slightly flustered.

Victor took a look.

After only hesitating for a second, he followed.

on the bus.

The girl looked out the window sadly.

Heartbroken for the lives lost.

Victor intentionally sat next to the girl.

The girl glanced at Victor, with a nervous look in her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Why are you following me?"

"Can you predict death?"

"No, that's not a prophecy, that's a nightmare!"

"Can you see my death?" Victor suddenly asked curiously. As the master of death, he has not yet acquired the ability to predict death. Is this a bug?

Not all said.

Hades let you die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch?

Hades can be so awesome.

As the master of death, his authority is pitifully small.

The Black Prison is obviously a ghost town in Fengdu, but it was cut down one level abruptly. It can only be said that the system is too good at playing.

"No!" The girl quickly shook her head and said, "I can only see fragments of death occasionally, rather than predicting death!"

He frowned slightly.

If that's all, it can only be said to be a special ability related to time, not a prophecy or a foreshadowing.

"Have you succeeded in preventing death?"

Seeing the girl's defensive eyes, Victor quickly took out his FBI ID and shook it.

The girl immediately withdrew her gaze.

He said cautiously: "Officer, will you arrest me? I haven't committed a crime, and I'm not a bad person."

"Don't worry, ma'am, how can I arrest you, I just want to know your ability." Victor said.

FBI documents are very intimidating to ordinary people.

For the FBI.

The vast majority of ordinary people will not deliberately fight.

Nor do they have the courage.

The FBI is the most powerful law enforcement agency of the federal government.

Commonly known as a license to kill is an FBI certificate.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words.

She thought for a while and then said: "My ability is very unstable, and it doesn't work every time. I can see the death scene of the dying person, but sometimes it will suddenly fail. I'm not sure what this ability is. Good or bad, but my life is messed up by it!"

"I can see it." Victor said in a deep voice, "Then have you ever thought that your abilities belong to the x gene?"

"I'm not a mutant!"

The girl quickly shook her head and said, "There was a laboratory that did an experiment on my gene, but they didn't find anything unusual, and they didn't detect the x gene!"

Victor fell silent upon hearing this.

What kind of ability is this?
Is it about death, or about time?
It seems that it is not possible to distinguish for the time being.

Victor is the source of death, he has a special sense of death, but it involves the soul level.

Prophecy is not his category.

He can easily take away a person's soul.

It even allows the soul to be reincarnated and reborn, but it cannot be the same as the design human death in "Death is Coming", and at the same time, it cannot see the remaining lifespan of others.

My master is indeed a bit low!

I don't know when the system will give some strength.

Is it possible to climb up a little bit like climbing a tree?

Maybe this is what the system wants?

"My name is Victor, and this is my contact information. If you need it, you can contact me at any time!" Victor shook his head and stopped thinking about continuing to explore.

"You can be Luoxi, Luoxi Nandi." The girl accepted the pure gold business card with a shy smile, and put it seriously in her bag.

The case of a young girl should be a special case.

Victor left the mark of the underworld on the business card.

In case of special circumstances.

He could sense the girl's position.

Just when he was about to get off at the next stop.

His eyes narrowed.

His eyes suddenly fell on a man!
This man is not the point.

What matters is the girl he strikes up a conversation with.

The girl has a heavy death energy, even to the point of being haunted by evil spirits, but the latter doesn't notice it!
 Silently drifting over to ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone clicked.


(End of this chapter)

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