Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 11 New Missions of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 11 New Missions of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Inside the judge's hall.

The girl on the ground, Hardy, woke up leisurely.

From the immature face, it can be seen that the young girl Hardy is only seventeen or eighteen years old, her eyes are clear and bright, and she does not look like a wicked devil.

"Could it be?" Victor was taken aback.

Immediately thought of a possibility!
"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Is this hell? Wow." The girl covered her face and burst into tears when she saw the horrifying scene around her.

This scene caught everyone off guard.

"This is the underworld!" Victor corrected.

Actually compared to Western hell.

The underworld in the east is still relatively cultural. Look at the exquisite murals on the surrounding walls, which side is not ingenious?
This is the art of China.

Much better than the brimstone-filled hell in the west, okay?
"Hell? Isn't it hell?"

"Hell belongs to you Westerners."

"I'm a Westerner too!"

"Fack!" Victor was very tired.

Why is it so difficult to explain the difference between hell and hell to these white and black people?
Could it be that they like sulfur all over the place.

A hell of demons everywhere?
"Do you want to reform the black prison?"

Victor has an impulse.

You Westerners deserve to be oppressed by capitalism, and you still have democracy. The real powerful is the lord of the people. Ordinary people have to pay taxes for every breath, okay?

"Tell me, what level of mutant are you!"

"Ah? Why do you know that I'm a mutant, no, I'm not, I'm a human, I'm not a mutant, please don't take me away, okay?" The girl shivered with a panicked expression on her face.

Ordinary people are extremely repulsive to mutants.

Moreover, once mutants are discovered in the human world, most of them will be forcibly taken away by law enforcement agencies.

If the mutants cause serious public harm in the process, the end will be very bleak.

"Because I am the master of death!" Victor's tone was cold and proud.He is trying his best to make himself look like the character of this title, otherwise he will not have any majesty at all.

The girl Hardy was stunned for a moment, and said, "Oh, I see, is he the same hell lord as the legendary hell lord, Mephisto?"


Miss sister, which eye of yours sees that I look like a devil?
Victor's eyes twitched.

Ignoring the strange eyes of Mo Fei and other ghosts, I directly opened the system interface to check the information of the girl Hardy. I am very tired of communicating with you.

Hardy is a poor girl!
It turned out that Hardy, who was working this morning, accidentally awakened the X gene and gained the ability to release toxins.

Hardy, who couldn't control his superpowers, exuded strong neurotoxins all over his body, causing harm to others indirectly.

In fact, Hardy's neurotoxin is not fatal, but it can cause hallucinations, similar to some kind of contraband.

Well, not fatally though.

But the scene was a bit scary. The police who arrived shot and killed the young girl Hardy on the spot. This is the reason why Hardy appeared in the underworld.

"How many origins do you need to transform a third-level ghost into a ghost pawn?"

【100 points】

"What? Why don't you go grab it? Ordinary ghost pawns can be transformed with just 1 point of origin!"

[Third-level ghosts with special abilities are worth the price]

Victor silently gave the system a middle finger.

Look at your own origin.

Victor has the urge to cry, there is not even a fraction of the inventory.

"Well, guys are about to start work. I hope you can try all the damn criminals in the prison before sunset. As for this lovely and beautiful Ms. Hardy, I will make arrangements later." Victor took a picture Clapped and said.

The strength of the third-level evil spirit is not strong, and after transformation, it can barely hold the position of a small team leader.

The question is that the underworld is now empty and empty, can you find a second third-level ghost?

"God, this is a difficult task!" Murphy Dirada looked unlovable.

Although the trial of ghasts is just a process, the system will give reasonable suggestions.

But the number of prisoners in the prison has been increasing, let alone before dark, when it gets dark it is estimated that a new wave of evil spirits will be thrown into the black prison.

There is no burden.

Victor, who was habitually a hands-off shopkeeper, left Hardy in a single room without punishment.

Then left the underworld.

It is worth mentioning that.

Hell is a transit station between heaven and hell.

Above the black prison is a vast surface space, a symbol of freedom and hope.Below the black prison are eighteen layers of hell, symbolizing blood and punishment.

After returning home.

Victor dialed Jean's private number.

"Have you been to the underworld dimension?"

"Yes, it is indeed beautiful there."

"What are your considerations?"

"Can you remove your statue?"


Victor looked up at the sky with a speechless expression on his face. My heart is so tired, can I still have a good communication?

How do you feel like a Santa Claus who gave gifts, was caught by the police and prosecuted for illegally breaking into a house, and slapped in the face?

"Damn Charles!"

It is Victor's political correctness to scold the bald head when he is not happy, and to scold the bald head when he is not happy.

"Didi, Didi"

Business is a bit busy today.

Victor looked surprised when he saw the calling number.

It turned out to be Natasha Romanoff, what does this black widow want to do?Fancy yourself?
"Hey, beautiful lady, it's just getting dark, do you want to buy me a glass of bourbon?" Victor said with a smirk on the phone.

"You're dreaming, Victor!"

The bad memories of that night are enough, okay?
On the phone, the Black Widow sneered, gritted her teeth and said, "Why didn't you invite me, I'm not a gentleman at all!"

"Gentleman? What is a gentleman? Can you eat it?" Victor rolled his eyes. He never paid the bill when he went out, and he didn't feel that he needed any gentlemanly demeanor.

What, don't you have to pay to go to the bar?
It's a must!
Of all the saloons in Hell's Kitchen, which one doesn't have a gangster platform behind it?These gangsters dare to accept Victor's drink money, fearing that they will be kicked out!

"Are you looking for me to chat? Did you find yourself fascinated by my handsome appearance?" Victor snickered.

Natasha was silent on the phone for a while.

After a while, there was a crackling sound, and then he said calmly: "The director assigned you a task, and I specially asked me to inform you, I hope you don't refuse."

"What mission?"

"Protect someone!"

"Let me be a bodyguard? Are you sure you speak human language?"

"Damn it, what you said is not human!"

"Okay, who to protect and how much is the appearance fee?"

"God, can you not talk about money?"

"Could it be that your S.H.I.E.L.D. uses love to generate electricity?"

The two bickered on the phone for a long time, and finally Natasha was helpless and said: "The object of protection is Norman Osborne of Osborne Industries. This is an application sent by him, saying that there have been mysterious gangs recently. Trouble him and hope S.H.I.E.L.D. can protect him."

"That old guy Norman knows about your S.H.I.E.L.D."

"SHIELD also needs financial resources."

"Understood, I have accepted this task."

Victor nodded and hung up the phone.

Norman Osborn is a cunning and cunning figure, who single-handedly created Osborne Industries, one of the Big Three in the United States!

Osborne's main business is biotechnology, and his side business is energy.

Does biotechnology sound familiar?


Spider-Man is a new human being indirectly developed by Osborne Industries after more than ten years of investing countless dollars.

It is a pity that the final research results were not obtained by Osborne Industries. This is a sad story.

Peter Parker's parents stole this research from Osborne, in the name of preventing it from being used by evil people.

This is the result of countless manpower and material resources spent by the Osborne Group. You are the one who is responsible for research and gets paid.

Turned around and said that although this thing has been researched.

But I feel in danger.

So I decided to only use it for my own kids.

Can you be human?
If you change it to hundreds of years ago.

Peter's family was going to be hanged.

The hapless Norman Osborn is a tragic character.

Oh, God.

as a father.

He just wants to cure the family genetic disease.

At the same time, he saved his child, Harry Osborn, who was about to face a serious illness. Was he wrong?
Anyone can blame Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn, who later turned into Green Goblins.

Only people from the Parker family are not eligible.

Especially Peter Parker.

You know Peter Parker and Harry Osborn are very close friends.

When Uncle Peter was accidentally killed.

It was Harry who arranged everything.

But when Harry needs Peter's spider serum to save his own crumbling genes.

Peter Parker said no!
What's more, he pulled out the old father's last words, and watched his friend become the second-generation green goblin.

This is a good friend, a good brother.

Victor was speechless about the Parker family's coquettish manipulation.

(End of this chapter)

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