Basketball K God

Chapter 40 Training Vacation Part 2

Chapter 40

The first thing Xie Kai retrieved was not his shooting, but his layup skill package.

Compared to shooting, layups are slightly faster to adapt to.

In the summer league match against the Kings on July 7, Xie Kai made 20 of 20 shots, including 12 of 12 free throws. He scored a personal high of 6 points in the summer league and helped the team defeat the opponent.

Xie Kai performed well, but did not attract much praise.A Houston local media said that what the Rockets need is not a No. 3 who can only be active in the 2-second zone. The 3-second zone is Yao Ming's area.As the No. 2 position, you need to hit long shots from the outside, which is the most important thing to do.

However, there are many people who support Xie Kai. Another Houston basketball media said that Xie Kai is getting better and better. Attacking the rim is such a threat, and his physicality is really underrated.

Xie Kai doesn't care about what these media people say. The media people just want to find topics. How can they attract attention without topics?Where is the traffic coming from?I know my own situation best. If I do everything according to what the media says, then I will really be at a loss.

The 9-day Las Vegas Summer League came to an end. After the last day of the game, Russell Robinson invited Xie Kai and Dorsey to dinner.

"Thank you both for helping me in these few games!" Russell Robinson is not good at words, but he is not a fool. Xie Kai and Dorsey have been creating opportunities for him and letting him perform. How could he not know.

"You're welcome Russell, we are all friends, if you join the Houston Rockets, both of us will be very happy!" Xie Kai said.

Dorsey nodded approvingly.

Xie Kai didn't know if Russell Robinson had gotten into the eyes of the Rockets' management.However, although he was unwilling, he still knew very well in his heart that his old teammate wanted to stay, but he didn't have much hope.


After the summer league ended, Xie Kai devoted himself to hard training. He didn't have much time to waste because he needed to adapt to this brand new body.

Xie Kai found that although the scores in the personal ability quantification table have not changed much, the scores of specific items have changed dramatically.

The reason is very simple, that is, my body has become stronger, but I can't adapt to it yet, and the original shooting and other technical scores have become lower.As a result, the score on offense has decreased, but at the same time, the score on defense and physical fitness has increased.

The average may not change in the short term, but once you get used to it, there will be a huge improvement.

Among the 4 major numerical values, except for the last item "spiritual quality" which has not changed, the others have basically changed.The current specific situation is as follows:

Offensive Power: 44
1. Scoring ability: 39
Scores with the ball: 30
Points off the ball: 33
Base Shots: 25
Free throws: 45
Throwing: 44
Against projectiles: 33
Face frame strong shot: 23
Shots on the move: 34
Face frame distance: 34
Turn over middle distance: 30
Fixed-point 3 points: 20
Strong 3s: 17
Ultra Long Range: 12
X**D cast: 12
Hooks: 30
Against hooks: 20
Basic Baskets: 60
Against layups: 30
Base dunks: 67
Buckle: 50
Breakthrough: 60
Fouls drawn: 34
Back technique: 20
Alley-oops: 60
Basic air cut: 60
Inner cut: 51
Circumcision: 55
Copy the back door: 66
Steal chicken: 68
2. Tactical literacy: 52
Reading Contest: 77
Off-ball screens: 48
High pick-and-rolls: 40
Fake Cover: 30
Tactical Execution: 74
Offensive rebounds: 40
3. Passing ability: 38
Half-court passes: 50
Ground passes: 45
Spotted passes: 44
Passes on the go: 30
Cross-court crosses: 10
No-look passes: 30
Behind the back passes: 30
Passes per game: 35
Breakthroughs: 40
Double teams: 45
Pick-and-roll shots: 36
Jump passes: 44
Hand-offs: 60
4. Ball handling ability: 45
Base Ball Handling: 45
Crotch dribbles: 40
Dribble behind the back: 39
In-out: 41
Crossover: 48
Goals scored: 40
Sam Gold: 39
Eurostep: 49
Skips: 60
Step back: 49
Triple Threat: 40
Tentative steps: 50
Feints: 60
Feint shots: 50
Feint: 60
Bow Buddha: 30
Hand changes in the air: 20
Change hands behind the back: 30
Feints: 40
Turns: 50
Defensive ability: 53
Steals: 60
Single defense: 55
Stick defense/follow defense: 55
Help defense: 59
Flanking: 60
Over Screens: 40
Bypass Cover: 75
Pick-and-Roll Switches: 65
Caps: 24
Fouls drawn: 67
Made mistakes: 60
Defensive Positions: 61
Defensive projections: 69
Rotation speed: 60
Pass Contests: 46
Contested shots: 29
Inside top defense: 30
Card slots: 30
Defensive Rebounds: 40
Retreat Speed: 77
Physical fitness: 62
Bounce: 70
Bullet speed: 70
Airborne: 65
Explosive power: 70
Reaction Speed: 87
Boot speed: 86
Maximum speed: 80
Variable speed: 70
Emergency stop/start: 57
Traverse speed: 80
Base Strength: 50
Upper Body Strength: 50
Lower Body Strength: 49
Abdominal strength: 40
Core Strength: 30
Back strength: 40
Coordination: 49
Stability: 50
Stamina: 70
Anti-fatigue: 69
Against: 45
Dexterity: 85
Mental quality: 71
1. Concentration: 60
2. Compression resistance: 65
3. Competitiveness: 99
4. Hunger: 99
5. Willpower: 77
6. Emotional control: 67
7. Endurance: 66
8. Self-confidence: 60
9. Effort: 99
10. Aura: 20
Xie Kai and Dorsey stayed in Houston for training after the summer league ended.They both knew that the Rockets with Yao Mai in the new season were determined to hit the championship. If they wanted to enter the rotation, they needed a lot of training and worked harder than others.

Xie Kai currently lives in a bachelor apartment that his agent found for him. The rent is not high, and it is very close to the Rockets' training hall, so the transportation is very convenient.He doesn't have too many demands on where he lives, as long as he can have a comfortable bed.

Xie Kai plans to spend this summer completely on the training ground or in the gym. He really wants to improve. He knows that he needs training very much, and needs to make this stronger body match his own skills.When he returned to the residence exhausted every night, he would feel extremely fulfilled.

At the end of July, Xie Kai received an invitation from Westbrook, who invited him to go on vacation.At first he refused, but he couldn't hold back the other party, so he had to agree.

One day in early August, on the beach of Hawaii Island in the Pacific Ocean, several people were sunbathing.

The most conspicuous ones here are Xie Kai and Westbrook. Both of them are over 190cm tall. Lying there, their area is much larger than others.

In addition to these two, there are 1 male and 4 females.The 1 man and 4 women are Westbrook's younger brother Leonard, girlfriend Nina Russell, Xie Kai's girlfriend Zhou Jing, Zhou Jing's best friend Wang Mengqi, and Xie Kai's cousin Yang Yixin.

(End of this chapter)

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