One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 90 Flame Island Monster (4 more)

Chapter 90 Flame Island Monster (Fourth Update)
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Looking at Cocoa Island, which was getting farther and farther away, Li Bin planned how to develop the power of life to the greatest extent.

Lola's rolling pirate ship has never been very good in previous lives, and I have never even heard of a bounty. This may be related to Lola's kind character, but it was directly picked up by the "Seven Martial Sea" shadow fruit ability Moonlight. Moria cut the shadow, so Li Bin felt that he needed to do something.

Now that we have met each other now, seeing how weak they are, it is really a shame to lose him. In fact, Li Bin is just making an excuse for himself in order to develop his power.

"Let's gather together. Starting today, I'm going to give you some special training! If anyone's ability can beat Adam, they can be exempted from the special training. Otherwise, just accept the training honestly!" Li Bin said loudly declared.

"Yes!" All the members became excited when they heard that Li Bin was going to train them. You must know that Li Bin is a man who can compete with Charlotte Smoothie. Don't want to be strong?

"Very well, let's start after the boat is running smoothly!"

Li Bin went to Adam: "Adam, give me some of your branches, I want to make some weight-bearing tools and testing tools!"

"Okay, boss!" Adam tore off a bunch of branches from his body and handed them to Li Bin.

"3000kg, 5000kg, 10000kg, 15000kg... 30000kg!" Li Bin quickly created a bunch of loads made of Adam wood.

In addition, by adjusting the growth density of the catalyzed Adam wood, he made a special instrument for measuring strength, and determined the size of the manpower by compressing the length of the specially made Adam wood according to the impact force.

Li Bin first did a test, and now he has a strength of 16000kg, which is equivalent to 3200 force points, and his physical growth rate is getting slower and slower, and ordinary training can't speed him up even if it hurts his cells. The strength has grown, it seems that the dividing cells at this stage have grown to the limit!

Even so, by the time Li Bin reaches adulthood, he should be able to break through 4000 power points, and it should be no problem at all to beat a strong man like Rob Lucci!
"Everyone who is fine, come here to test your strength first!" Li Bin said, "I will formulate different requirements according to the training situation of each of you."

"Yes!" Everyone hurried over.

This first ship is a relatively high-end ship belonging to the Charlotte family, with a total of 58 rooms and a crew of 200 under normal circumstances, but Li Bin and others hijacked it in a hurry. Only 85 people.

In a short time, 52 people came running over and began to line up to test their own strength. Li Bin deliberately picked out a pleasing-looking pirate named Mangzhu Lulong to be the recorder.

"1000kg! Pass"

"500kg, failed!"

"300kg, you suck! How did they recruit you?" Li Bin asked.

"My lord, I am a navigator, and my physical requirements are not too high." The pirate said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, navigators should take special care of them, you stand here!" Since you are a talent, you have to treat them differently. Although you can't break ten thousand, you can still break two or three thousand.

"1200kg, pass!"


After the test, only 81 of the 20 people passed the test, and most of them were around 800kg, but it is normal if you think about it carefully, because the existence of 300 Dao force is considered a small monster, and 800kg is 160 Dao force Left and right, they can be regarded as the existence of elites. Even if they go to the navy, they can get the title of lieutenant after a long time.

The name of this navigator is Amaro. He joined the Charlotte family at the age of 18 and has been a navigator for 11 years. He can be regarded as a relatively outstanding existence among navigators.

"I originally thought that you guys were a little bit worse, but I didn't expect you to be short of a mountain! Starting today, divide the teams, train these personnel in the morning, and train those personnel in the afternoon, do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Li Bin!"

So starting from the afternoon, every three people were assigned a 3000kg load by Li Bin, and everyone complained.

"Listen well, if anyone can't hold on, be careful, I'll throw him into the sea to feed the fish! Sweat more in peacetime, bleed less in wartime..."

At night, those who participated in the training were exhausted to death, and some even had their spines broken because they couldn't carry so much weight, and they were sobbing softly. It can be described as a tragedy in the world!

Those who hadn't participated in the training were all trembling with fright. They had known that Master Li Bin's training was so cruel, so they just pretended to be sick.

"Very good, you have performed very well, it's time for me to perform next, don't resist my ability!" Li Bin walked over one by one, put his hands on them one by one, and began to stimulate their vitality to restore their strength. Body……

By the time the last wounded was healed with life force, Li Bin's physical strength was almost exhausted, but all the members who participated in the training had recovered to full strength.

"Oh... Lord Li Bin is too powerful, thank you Lord Li Bin for saving your life!"

"Well, it's okay. Since I guide you to train, I won't put your life in danger. Let's train boldly. I hope everyone can improve." Li Bin pretended to be a master with a well-thought-out plan.

"I thought Mr. Li Bin had a special habit of abusing people. It turned out that he was really kind to us, but this level of training is too torture!" Someone whispered.

"Everyone is hungry, eat more, we will continue tomorrow afternoon!"


After half a month of training, the improvement of this group of pirates is still obvious. All of them have increased to more than 1000kg under Li Bin's devil training, and there are even three or four talents who are particularly outstanding, and have already increased to 2000kg. Degree.

In addition to their daring efforts, the main reason is that Li Binsheng's power has been developed to a higher degree. He almost touched the bodies of those people, and those minor injuries healed in an instant. The only bad thing is that they improved. The speed is very fast, and the cell division is also a little faster, just half a month, some people lose at least three or four years of life.

If they found out about this, Li Bin would have to be scolded to death, what a hard training.

"Hey, Master Li Bin, the Flaming Island is ahead, I wonder if we should stop here for a while?" Navigator Aman Luo asked.

"Of course, as long as it is an island with a special climate, we must go up and have a look." Li Bin replied.

Want to know what is the most in One Piece world?It must be a strange plant. During this period of time, Li Bin has also collected a lot of plants with special properties, such as the poisonous monstera, the bladderwort that can promote the reproduction of wild animals, and some giant pigs. Cage plants, etc., but none of the plants that are resistant to fire and ice have been found.

So when Li Bin saw the smoldering Flame Island from a distance, he was very excited and finally found some plants that could resist the flames.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo..." came a strange voice, it seemed like a lion's roar and a bit like a cat's breath.

Everyone's skin went numb after hearing this voice.

"Why are you hesitating? We have encountered so many islands, and which one has blocked us?" Luo Luoxing said impatiently, she really wanted to show more in front of Li Bin.

 Fourth, please collect and recommend!One chapter will be added for every 50 recommended tickets or 10 monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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