One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 85 Forced to withdraw Smoothie (4 more)

Chapter 85 Forced to withdraw Smoothie (fourth update)

(PS: Thank you Shu Xiaoxi for your tip and update! Recommendation tickets will be added later, please collect and recommend!)
Charlotte Smoothie, female, 26 years old, second in the four dessert generals, currently offering a bounty of 8 million Baileys, is an extremely dangerous woman.

In the previous life, Li Bin even felt that Smoothie's strength would surpass Katakuri's sooner or later. After all, she was too young. In this world of One Piece, where her combat power reached its peak at the age of 40-55, she The development space is undoubtedly very huge.

Li Bin looked solemnly at the pirate ship that was chasing after him, on which stood a beautiful woman with long legs and an impressive figure.

"Hey, boy! You should know me," cried Smoothie. "Take Laura and go back to Cake Island with me. Mom won't kill you."

"Hahaha, how could a man be intimidated by a mere little woman!" Li Bin laughed loudly, he wanted to provoke Smoothie deliberately, so as to gain an advantage in the later battle.

"Hehehe, are you looking down on women?"

"Of course I don't look down on women, but I look down on women like you. You are too old to take care of your husband and children at home, and you are crazy like a hooligan."

"Boy, I didn't expect your mouth to be so powerful. I just don't know if your strength is so powerful compared to your mouth." Smoothie was originally a woman with eyes above her head. Such words are irritating, and it is not normal not to get angry.

Smoothie pulled out a long sword from his waist and slashed at Li Bin's position: "Water Sword!"

Li Bin knew the power of her move. The huge sword energy of the water sword could not only split the objects it touched in half, but also drain their water.

But here is the sea!Belonging to the paradise of seaweed, these days Li Bin has not only developed a move of the seaweed monster!
"Very good, the seagrass barrier!" I saw a dense seaweed jungle growing on the sea in front of Li Bin like a wall, blocking him like a wall, and quickly pushed forward, forming a 50-meter-long barrier. Seagrass Wall!
These seaweeds are not only lush and dense, close to each other, but also mixed with a large amount of seawater, which is enough to absorb the squeezed fruit.

The sword energy of the Shuishui sword disappeared without a trace after only destroying more than 20 meters of seagrass wall.

Smoothie frowned. Based on her usual knowledge, it was impossible for something as fragile as seaweed to resist her water sword. The opponent's boat should have been easily split in half by her.

But she didn't expect the other party to deal with it so easily. Although she could make many similar slashes, such a meaningless move would be too ridiculous.

"Captain Smoothie, we're blocked by seaweed again!" one of her crew reported.

Similar things have happened more than once. Although her boat is much faster than Li Bin's, but every once in a while, that is, when they are about to approach the opponent's boat, their boats will be destroyed by the seaweed made by Li Bin. Block back.

"Then just stop and clean it up!" Smoothie looked at Li Bin and the others who were going away, thinking about ways to deal with Li Bin's ability.

Using fire-type attacks on the sea is tantamount to thankless efforts!She is not a red dog with explosive vitality. If every seaweed of the opponent gets a little bit of sea water, the fire attack will be useless.

She, Smoothie, is not very good at ice-type sword skills, and she simply can't deal with such a tricky ability.

"It would be great if we fought on land, it's easy to rush over!" Smoothie thought, "Look at this little boy's age is not very old, his physical strength will definitely not be my opponent, and he won't last long in hand-to-hand combat !"

"Hey, adjust the way of attack, follow them from a distance, and tell me when they go to the island!" Smoothie finished, and then lay down on her big recliner, squinting her eyes.

"Hey, Laura, do you know Smoothie?" Li Bin asked.

"Understand, Sister Smoothie is good at melee combat, because she is a juicer who squeezes fruit, and any opponent within her attack range will be easily sucked out of the water inside her body!"

"In addition, her ability can also make her body huge by extracting moisture from the surrounding environment, coupled with the domineering gift of the armed color, her attack power is very powerful, and she can even fight against the admiral for a period of time without losing the wind .”

"I'm afraid she's just holding on under General Kizaru's subordinates. Under Aokiji and Akainu's subordinates, she can hold on for 5 minutes to the top!"

Laura was a little embarrassed: "It is indeed the general of the yellow monkey. The attack power of the other two natural systems is too abnormal. Except for my mother and brother Katakuri, I have not seen anyone who can fight against them."

"That's already pretty good. To be able to persist under General Kizaru for a period of time is a pervert! I have seen General Akainu kill a great swordsman who is stronger than your sister in a short period of time!"

"Really? It seems that Akainu is much more terrifying than we imagined. I'm afraid it's not much worse than mom. Mom hasn't killed any great swordsman yet!"

"Shouldn't it be?"

"Mom is a soul soul fruit capable person, but it doesn't have the slightest effect on the great swordsman who has an invincible sword heart. Although Weiguo's attack is powerful, the great swordsman knows that he can't beat the Four Emperors, and he won't fight with his mother." Fighting. In fact, my mother has long wanted to subdue a great swordsman, but she is a woman, and even great swordsmen look down on women!"

"Hahaha, I thought Kanshiro was the only one who looked down on women, but it turns out that all great swordsmen think so."

Some people will say that Momotu is not the strongest swordsman in the navy?But everyone has also seen that she is the strongest swordsman, and she is still far from the great swordsman!

Otherwise, seven years later, it will not be the turn of the navy to recruit troops from all over the world, and two generals will be recruited. This shows that the strength of the new generation of the navy is not enough to serve as generals and deter pirates!

"Does Laura know what your sister Smoothie is going to do next?"

"I don't think she can gain the upper hand in the battle with Li Binjun on the sea. She must be planning to wait until we land on the island before launching an attack!" Luo La said.

"On the island, then she does have an advantage over the sea. After all, on the sea, she has to prevent my seaweed from attacking her, and she has nowhere to rely! But on the island, there is no such situation!"

Li Bin thought to himself, if you want to fight me on the island, it depends on whether your boat can get my permission!

Li Bin activated the ability of the lush fruit, and the green armor covered his whole body in an instant, and then he jumped into the sea.

Soon, a lot of seaweed appeared around Smoothie's pirate ship.

"Master Smoothie, it's bad! Our boat seems to be caught by seaweed!"

"What!" At the same time, Smoothie also felt that the boat was tilting!

She hurriedly jumped into the air, and swung a huge slash to cut off the water plants holding the boat!

At this time, dozens of large trumpets made of water plants popped up from the sea around Smoothie's pirate ship: "Smoogey, this is just a warning for you, if you chase after me again, your ship will be sunk by me !"

Smoothie has never been threatened by anyone since she was a child, her face is very calm, but her crew members know that their captain is furious.

"No Captain, our...our..." He dared not speak again when he saw Smoothie's gaze.

"Say it!"

"There's a big hole in the bottom of our boat!"

Smoothie directly grabbed the crew member and squeezed it into juice: "Very good, fix it on the spot, and send someone to repair the ship!"

 Thank you Shu Xiaoxi for the reward and update, and please collect and recommend, and the recommendation ticket will be added later!

(End of this chapter)

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