One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 75 The Direction of Awakening

Chapter 75 The Direction of Awakening

(PS: Please collect and recommend, thank you Shu Xiaoxi for your reward, I will add more later!)

That's right, what Li Bin grabbed from behind him was Binz's crippled mind who had been following him all along, and a group of crippled minds were those freshman sailor companions who lived in his memory.

The will of these people was inherited by Li Bin, so their will has always followed Li Bin, no matter where he goes!

However, the method used by Dun to induce the soul made him understand how to induce the remnants of will behind him. As long as there are violent fluctuations in his soul, these remnants of will will take the initiative to protect his soul.

This time Bam, the tree king of the forest, showed him how to use Homiz to create anthropomorphic creatures, so that he could fully understand how to create wooden monsters under his own control, that is to combine those wills that have been following him with his own. At the same time, the soul power penetrates into the manufactured plants, conceives them with the vitality of the plants, and then communicates with them to finally erupt with powerful fighting power.

Those existences that were originally crippled will disappear because of the loss of sustenance unless Li Bin dies. Otherwise, no matter what the state of the plants they possessed, even if they are destroyed, these crippled wills will not disappear. It will return to Li Bin's body, and at the same time bring back his soul power.

Binz's will is the most powerful of these, because of Li Bin's promise, or the body itself hides Binz's will, so that he can feel the existence of Binz's will almost as soon as he activates his soul up.

Because of the separation of the soul, the avatar skill developed by Li Bin can also pass on part of the perception.

Of course, when this trick was developed, due to the influence of Li Bin's soul strength, every time a clone was split, his state would become a little worse, just like the consumption of the soul.

So far, he can split about 20 Treant clones, but as these Treant clones nurture his soul power during the growth process, his soul will become stronger and stronger in the future!
Li Bin was not the first to develop such a soul skill.

In the early manufacturing process of some weapons, many casting masters used this method: they integrated their will or thoughts and part of their souls into the swords they forged, making these swords have some inexplicable Ability, known as the demon sword by the world.

When the demon knife devours blood and life, it nurtures its inner soul, then its power will become stronger, and its backlash power will gradually increase, because the old master has been adapting to it and can't feel it. After finding a new owner or being touched by a stranger, these people will feel the gnawing aura of the demon knife!

"Finally, we have developed a moving plant. The rest is to resonate with the natural elements based on itself, so as to form a perfect ratio of the substances around us, and then we will be able to awaken!" Li Bin said. think.

"Hey, Bam, I will stay in the Forest of Temptation for a while, and I will trouble you to take care of it from now on. By the way, I like to eat meat. Let Adam go hunting some beasts with you!"

After Li Bin finished speaking, his ability communicated to Adam Treasure Tree, and he saw that Adam Treasure Tree's body began to grow stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and later turned into a little giant more than five meters high.

"No problem, our love!" Bam nodded.

Bam's body told it that it actually wanted the person in front of him to stay by his side, but its wisdom told it that if it had to keep this person, it would definitely attract the attention of the Charlotte family. In that case, its lover may lose its freedom forever, which is not allowed by it.

Seeing that Li Bin stayed, the flowers and plants sang happily again.

Li Bin, on the other hand, was sitting on the ground, activating and withdrawing his abilities over and over again. The grasses closest to him were overjoyed, but after a while, the grasses that were no more than the height of a palm more than doubled in size high.

The night passed in a blink of an eye, and Bam and Adam were going to hunt a huge crocodile in the sea together. Yes, they went into the sea!
They can go into the sea, and the ability to flourish fruit only promotes their growth, and the growth is irreversible, so they don't have the slightest discomfort.

This side of Cake Island is Bam's Temptation Forest, which is also its territory. As long as it doesn't make too much noise, generally no one will come to check it out. It naturally walked into the sea with confidence and boldness, because it and Adam Because of the wood and the drainage of the root shell, they can freely control themselves to float in the sea.

"I didn't expect that I could swim in the sea in my life, it's all a gift from my lover!" Bam exclaimed.

"Yeah, is this the smell of sea water?" Adam pondered, "Boss can't go into the sea by himself, but we can, it's amazing."

"That nasty crocodile is here again, Mr. Adam!" Bam said hastily.

"I see!"

Adam swam ahead first and poked the crocodile in the head with his branch arm.

"Who is so arrogant, see if I don't swallow you!" The crocodile thought so, and looked up, "It's a lump of wood!"

"That's not a lump of wood, that's a big dryad!" A little crocodile not far from him hastily reminded.

"This is obviously a lump of wood!" The crocodile poked it with its forelimb.

At this moment, the vines of Adam's Treasure Tree entangled it, making it terrified: "Mom, I met a big tree demon!"

It scrambled with all its strength to break free, but it was too slow, when Bam's vines reached up too, entangled him and pulled him out of the water.

This was the first time the crocodile had seen such a powerful dryad, and it was also the last time he had seen such a powerful dryad.

"Little guy, I told you to be arrogant, can't you run? Keep running!" Seeing Bam's vines wrapping around the big crocodile and gently whipping it to the ground, the big crocodile suddenly lost its breath.

"What a weak existence!"

Bam shook his body, then rushed towards where Li Bin was...

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Bin's ability utilization has also been greatly improved. He doesn't know how the other devil fruits are awakened, but he already has an idea of ​​the direction of his own devil fruit awakening.

At this time, Li Bin closed his eyes, and then used his knowledge and arrogance to capture five small buds not far away, and stretched his hands in front of him: "Come out, tree giant!"

I saw five tree giants comparable to the size of Bam appear in the Temptation Forest in an instant!In order to verify their combat effectiveness, Li Bin manipulated them into fighting each other.

The results show that these five tree giants have the power of giants. If they attack this cake island at the same time, they can also cause the entire cake island to vibrate!

Li Bin didn't try to make them do this, he didn't want to provoke the Four Emperors yet.

He made a rough estimate of his current ability, and he is still in a state of false awakening.

What is false awakening?
It just doesn't take too much physical effort to create a forest, but it hasn't reached the level where its own ability can easily change the environment of a huge island like the Red Dog and the Chocolate Giant.

He can only change the environment within the five-kilometer perception range of the knowledge-colored arrogance. Yes, under the boost of the tree giant, his knowledge-colored arrogance can be improved a lot in an instant, and Akainu and the others are definitely not guided by the knowledge-colored domineering With their abilities, they naturally affected the environment just like instinct, so his fruit development level is still a level lower now.

However, he can instantly create about five giant tree giants like Bam, which can be regarded as a great improvement in strength!
Then he lightly tapped the five tree giants five times, causing the tree giants to split unevenly, and the tree giants burst open, and the entire Temptation Forest was covered with branches.

At the same time, a cool and comfortable feeling rushed to his heart, and his soul became stronger again.

Li Bin nodded with satisfaction: "This move can not only create conditions for the arrival of the tree world, but also recover your own soul power and restore your state!"

Not only that, because those branches once had his soul power, after his ability is truly awakened, he can even manipulate some of them to do some simple actions!

At this moment, Li Bin's five senses seemed to find something unusual outside the Forest of Temptation.

"Enemies have invaded!" The flowers and plants in the distance panicked when they sensed any movement!

 Please collect and recommend, thank you Shu Xiaoxi for your reward, I will add more later!
(End of this chapter)

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