One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 61 The town with the power of chocolate

Chapter 61 The town with the power of chocolate
(PS: Today's 50th recommendation ticket will be added, please collect and recommend!)

Can people live without a heartbeat?

No one would believe it!Li Bin was also a little shocked for a moment, but he felt that Uncle Geno had something to say to him, so he kept silent.

"This is a magical place, a place that gives people hope, or a place that makes people despair." Geno said something that made people scratch their heads.

"Are you confused? In fact, the land in this small town is very special. It is not life, but it has the ability of devil fruit, the ability to transform matter into chocolate, and the ability to transform ordinary animals into chocolate animals. It even has the ability to transform people into chocolate people! In fact, many people living in Chocolate Town are chocolate people transformed by its ability."

"Of course, this is what we were transformed voluntarily, otherwise a piece of land would not be magical enough to take the initiative to change people's life forms! While it empowers us with chocolate, it also restrains us. We cannot leave the town. Once we leave If you go out, you will become statues made of chocolate."

"And we stay here, unless our lifespan reaches the end, we will not be killed by external forces!" Geno said, tore off an arm, and then ate his own arm like eating chocolate, In the next instant a new arm grew.

"What a magical ability!" It was the first time Li Bin saw such an abnormal fruit ability.

"Yeah, that's what I thought at the beginning. I really felt that I was omnipotent, but then I found that I no longer lived like a person. Because we lost the sense of pain, taste, touch, and we don't need There is no pain or preference for eating, and there is nothing else to do every day except making chocolate."

"No, how can I feel that you still have feelings in your body, uncle?"

"Of course, when the soul exists, the emotion exists. If the emotion is gone, the person is really dead!"

"Hahaha, Uncle Geno really knows how to joke! Once Grandpa Dun told me a very funny joke: There was a very talented senior chef who didn't even need to use a knife to make desserts. During the cooking process, the dessert will automatically grow into the shape he wants!"

"Because this kind of food already has a simple soul, he continued to study it as a glory, and one day he made a food with both emotions and souls, and then he never ate again, and finally starved to death Already!"

Geno was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Why doesn't he eat?"

"I think he regards those foods that have both life and emotion as his relatives, and he feels ashamed to eat them!"

"Do you think I'm still human?"

"Not only I think, but even Grandpa Dun thinks so, and you have even been approved by the Four Emperors!"

"Hehe, no matter how powerful the Four Emperors are and how wonderful their wishes are, it has nothing to do with us, does it? We can't let her turn everyone into monsters like us who are neither human nor ghost? I just want to I just want my family to be happy and happy, and I don't care about anyone else."

"Why did Uncle Geno tell me this?"

"Because you are the only one who doesn't have a different vision for us monsters. If possible, I would like to entrust little Mary to you." Geno looked at Li Bin with some pleading, as if grabbing a life-saving tree. straw.

"Sorry, I can't promise you."


"Because little Mary has her own life, and I have mine!"

As soon as Li Bin finished saying this, the lights in the entire chocolate town went out, and the whole world fell into darkness!
"What a ridiculous idea. We also have our own lives, but why should we be trapped in this place, becoming human and ghost?"

It seems that there are dense figures gathering from a distance, and countless voices are resounding.

"No one's life is free. Everyone is born to be affected by the external objects of this world, and should be manipulated by fate! Accept or die!"

In the darkness, a powerful aura came from the opposite side, suppressing Li Bin's body!

Li Bin felt a weight of tens of thousands of catties suddenly pressed on his body, making him breathless, and wanted him to bow his head and surrender. If he succumbed, this strength would disappear immediately.

"I choose to refuse! Even if it bends my waist and breaks my bones, I won't give in!"

"Boy, you are too crazy, even the Four Emperors can't get benefits here, so what are you doing!" A huge palm came over like an ant. He watched helplessly as the slap hit his body, directly hitting him deep into the ground.

Feeling that several ribs were broken, Li Bin had no choice but to mobilize his vitality to give him emergency treatment, but the giant in the dark didn't give him any time to recover!

"Accept or die!" Immediately afterwards, another huge palm clapped it down!

Li Bin felt a little bitter in his heart: "Is it still unreasonable? I just have to stand up and resist!"

"Adam!" Following Li Bin's call, the Adam tree, which had always been around Li Bin, rushed over and blocked him. At the same time, its roots stretched down rapidly, protecting Li Bin And tried to pull up.

"Sapling?" The voice paused first, and then was very angry, "Even if it's a tree spirit, it still can't protect you."

With just one blow, Adam Baoshu's upper body was shattered!

"Boy, either die here, or agree to Geno's request!"

With the sound of the voice, Li Bin felt that the other party had a stronger power gathering with his knowledgeable domineering.

Li Bin was finally rescued by Adam Baoshu at this time, and was deeply protected by it!
"Are you kidding me, can a mere chocolate fruit really make me succumb?" Li Bin's breath finally stabilized, and he tried his best to inject his own strength into Adam Baoshu's body.

In just a split second, the Adam Treasure Tree, stimulated by the lush fruit ability, turned into a giant!Under Li Bin's command, a light palm interrupted the opponent's conceived attack!

"What ability are you?" The giant made of chocolate seemed a little afraid of Adam's current appearance, so he asked.

"Some people call it lush fruit, others call it cluster fruit, but now I think it's rebirth fruit!"

"A lush fruit of the plant system? Then you don't want to leave today, sweet bomb!" I saw a huge chocolate bomb thrown from the other party's hand, hitting the torso of Adam Treasure Tree, and immediately exploded a Huge hole.

"Why don't you hide?" Li Bin asked.

"I... I haven't put you in my body just now!" Adam Baoshu replied.

"Will such an attack hurt you much?"

"It's okay, as long as it's not completely destroyed, I can recover it again."

The exchange was completed between the two of them.

"Haha, I thought how powerful the tree spirit can be. It turns out that it is a thing made by outsiders. I think you can still eat a few sweet bombs from me!"

Another sweet bomb flew over!
This time, Adam Baoshu had put Li Bin into his right leg that opened up the space, and then hurriedly dodged away!At the same time, a dense root system emerges from its body, constantly attacking the surrounding chocolate houses...

 Today's 50th recommendation ticket is added, please collect and recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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