One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 57 Who Deceived Who

Chapter 57 Who Deceived Who
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"Brother Li Bin, do you think my father is no longer my father?" Little Mary asked worriedly.

"What are you talking about? Little Mary, how can you doubt your father?" Li Bin rubbed her somewhat messy hair angrily, and it became more and more like a chicken coop. "I want to understand a People don't look at his appearance, but look at his heart!"

"But look," little Mary said worriedly, taking out the special hair in her hand, "look, this hair I found in my father's room, and the ones on his head The hair is exactly the same, but it's a bar of chocolate..."

Li Bin was not surprised at all, but Grandpa Dun was a little dumbfounded: "What is going on, let's go back and ask Geno!"

"Don't ask, it's nothing. You can eat a special devil fruit as Uncle Geno. Grandpa Dun, can't you feel the soul of the ingredients?" Li Bin pointed to other people in Chocolate Town , "You can feel the people in the whole town. There are some things that you don't need to know so thoroughly, as long as you know that they have always been a group of very emotional people."

If the entire Chocolate Town had problems, the Charlotte family would not allow a town not under their control to exist. When Li Bin stepped into the town for the first time, he understood the uniqueness of the town .

Leon closed his eyes and said, "I can feel the souls of all of them."

"Well, and I can also feel the feelings they can't hide. If someone destroys these, then there will be no peace! Let's treat it as someone else's privacy, shall we? Little Mary."

Although little Mary was still a little curious, after hearing Li Bin's words, she nodded with half understanding: "I believe in Brother Li Bin and Grandpa, and I also believe in Dad."

Uncle Geno, who followed the three of them in the corner, burst into tears. No, what he shed was not tears, but milky white chocolate cream.

The three of them soon came to the east gate of Chocolate Town, and stepped out.

When Uncle Geno, who was following the three of them, walked to the door, he seemed to want to step out too, but the next moment his body trembled, and he retracted again. He knew that he would never be able to step out in this lifetime. Trapped in this small town forever!
So he stood blankly at the door, looking at the figures of the three leaving, not knowing what was in his mind, the wind could not move his clothes made of chocolate, and his whole body stood there like a sculpture.

"Now I feel that the houses made of wood are really kind!" Little Mary ran happily, and there was no such suffocating chocolate smell here.

"Hahaha, people can only know its preciousness when they lose it! Well, that big house should be the house that Uncle Geno said to prepare for us!" Li Bin pointed to a tall and white house not far away. Said the three-story small western-style building.

"Oh, oh, we're going to live in a big house!" Little Mary ran to the door of the house and jumped up excitedly, "My dad is the best dad in the world."

"Of course!" Dunn agreed.

Li Bin took out the key that Geno had prepared for him, and was about to open the door, but the door opened automatically, and a plainly dressed old man walked out of it.

"Who are you, why did you open the door of my house for no reason?" The old man said with an unhappy expression.

"Hello brother, my nephew bought this house for me, and we are here for the first time today..." Dunn was about to explain to him, but he interrupted him.

"What are you talking about? Old man, I have lived here for 30 years, and I have never sold the house. Don't try to fool me! If you want a house, go to someone else's house, don't come to me, I don't welcome it you."

With a bang, the old man closed the door.

"What's going on here? Could it be that Geno kid is deceiving us?" Dunton was a little annoyed, "Come on, I'll go back and teach that kid a lesson. I haven't seen you for so long, and he can even deceive the uncle who raised him! "

The three of them were about to leave when the owner of the house opened the door and came out, asking loudly, "Is this the first time you have come to Chocolate Town?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Li Bin asked.

"The Geno you said didn't lie to you, and I didn't lie to you either!" The old man replied.

"What's going on? Brother." Dun asked eagerly, as if he had a bad premonition.

"Sin, a few years ago, a group of deceitful people sold a group of houses in the small town to those who couldn't come to see them. In fact, those houses had owners! My house must have been sold at that time Give it to the Geno you mentioned! Don’t blame him, he’s just a hard-working person.” The old man looked at little Mary who was listening to him attentively, then stopped, and closed the door .

"Grandpa, brother Li Bin, what does this grandpa mean? Why can't I understand?"

"You don't understand now, but you will understand when you grow up. It's good to understand some things slowly!" Dun explained patiently.

"It's a secret that children should never know. I really want to grow up!" Little Mary was very dissatisfied, and muttered, "Then we can't get into the big house now, so we have to go back to Chocolate Town? To be honest, I can't get used to those chocolates!"

"Li Binjun, why don't we buy a house nearby? When I came here just now, that kid Geno handed me a package. Look, it's full of money!" Uncle Dun opened the corner of the package. , for little Mary and Li Bin to see.

"It's really a lot of money!" Little Mary saw so much money for the first time, her whole little eyes seemed to turn into the shape of money, shining with golden lights.

At this time, what Li Bin was thinking was that it would be fine if someone sold the house. If no one sold the house, he would be easily given away by someone who cared about him and wandered around in a strange place with so much money. targeted.

So Li Bin launched a domineering sense of knowledge. In this place, no one sells intact houses, because there are no materials for building houses on this island. The materials for their houses are transported from other islands, which is laborious and time-consuming. How can anyone sell it if it is not enough to live in?

And most of the houses that are going to be sold have no roofs. Who would buy such a house?
"There's no need to be so troublesome. I think this place is good and suitable for us to live in!" Li Bin pointed to the half-collapsed house not far away.

"Li Binjun, how can such a house be the owner?" Dun frowned, "Let's go buy a new one!"

"Hahaha, Grandpa Dun, you don't have to worry. In the past, people couldn't live here because there were no professional architects to come here, but now there are. Wait a moment, I will do a magic trick for you!" Li Bin is confident He replied bluntly, and then he turned around and asked for some branches from Adam's treasure tree.

"Magic?" Little Mary was very excited, "Brother Li Bin can do magic, what kind of magic is that?"

"This magic is very great. Some people call it 'The Art of Wooden Dune Xiaoyanglou'!" Li Bin said and walked towards the collapsed house.

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(End of this chapter)

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