Chapter 5 Exercise ([-])

"Ai En, you can chat with the teacher for a while when you are here. I will go get some food. I must have not eaten for such a long time. The teacher must be hungry." Li Bin smiled slightly and walked out of the ward.

"It seems that Binz has grown a lot!" Seeing Li Bin's leaving figure, Zefa couldn't stop daydreaming, it seems that only pain can make people stronger and better.

"Yeah, Binz woke up this time, it's like a different person. He also lost a lot of joy, and became a lot more mature and stable. He even put down his beloved clothes and saber." Ain said.

"Binz has shouldered the will of his companions to protect the world, so he is no longer a child, he is now an adult!" Zefa said, "The will of a companion is not just a suit of sailor clothes, but Deep responsibility, caring for the weak, expelling demons!"

"The teacher is right! Ai En is also the teacher's will, and vowed to drive the enemies ahead for the teacher." Ai En said with serious eyes.

Zefa waved his hand and said, "Ain, you are not the teacher's will, nor are you a tool man. You should have your own dreams and pursuits, you know? The teacher is old and can't protect you like before! This time The incident is not only because of Weibull, even if there is no Weibull, there will be some Libble and Heibull in a short time. It is the teacher who is unwilling to grow old, too arrogant!"

"Teacher, you are not old, you are still very young!" Ain said hastily.

"Hahaha, Ai En, don't let me deceive myself anymore, I am old when I am old! People, you can have dreams to chase, but you can't be complacent and arrogant. From now on, Binz has already shouldered my responsibility to protect justice. Will, I am relieved, and I will no longer be competitive!" A trace of loneliness flashed in Zefa's satisfied eyes.

Anyway, as long as Li Bin is alive and Weibull hasn't joined the Shichibukai, Zefa won't be that ruthless "Z".

"Then Ain will protect the teacher's will!" Ain made up his mind.

"It's up to you, the matter of you young people has nothing to do with me, an old man." Zefa closed his eyes, thinking that this girl is really difficult to communicate with, and it's not as comfortable as talking with Binz.

"The meal is here! The meal is here! Teacher Zefa wants to compete with me who eats the most?" Li Bin's voice came in from outside the door, and then he pushed two big dining carts in, behind him Carrying two wooden tables.

"Hahaha, Binz, your kid's appetite is still comparable to that of the old man, in half a lifetime!" Zefa said loudly.

Li Bin said confidently: "That's not necessarily the case, I can eat food for at least five people in one meal!"

After arranging the food, Li Bin and Ain helped Zefa off the hospital bed.

"Then let's start, I want to see how much Binz has grown now!" Zefa began to quickly pick up food with his remaining left hand, showing no signs of weakness.

Everyone in Pirate World is indeed a foodie monster. As long as eating is mentioned, the whole person changes a lot.

"Teacher, you are the first!" Li Bin also hurriedly sat down at another table, and started to move his chopsticks. In fact, he was already hungry after wasting so much energy using his abilities.

Although Zefa started to eat first, he was bedridden for a long time after all, and his body was also very old. He only ate food for two or three people, and he couldn't eat any more.

At this time, Li Bin had already eaten the food for five people on his table, but he was still a little hungry: "Teacher, if you can't finish it, I will eat it!"

"Asshole, is this old man a food waste person?" Zefa said angrily.

Li Bin knew that Zefa was trying to save face, so he didn't hold on to it. Instead, he came to Zefa's table with the cheek to eat quickly, and quickly finished the food that Zefa couldn't finish.

Li Bin found that with the further development of the power of life, his body could store more energy and eat more and more.

After eating, Li Bin scratched his head on purpose, and said awkwardly, "Hey, Ian, I accidentally finished your portion of food."

"I think you didn't bring my food at all!" Ain, who had been neglected all this time, said angrily.

"Hey, I found out. I just forgot. I'm so sorry! I'll invite you another day, hahaha!" Li Bin said with a smile.

"It's really rude to say it directly. I thought Binz you had become more stable just now, but I didn't expect you to be so naive." Ain turned his face and said.

Zefa also felt very warm when he saw the only two remaining students making the whole ward lively.

"Ai En, please clean up the tableware that the teacher and I messed up. I will go out with the teacher." Li Bin helped Zefa out of the room as he spoke, leaving Ai En alone. The house is messy.

Every time he walked through a place with green plants, Li Bin would stimulate the lush fruits to promote their growth. He and Zefa only walked around, and the air in the entire Naval Hospital was much fresher. You must know that it is already It's five o'clock in the afternoon.

Lush Fruit is a real air purifier!
As a result, Li Bin received waves of thanks and respect from the medical staff, and he became one of the most popular people in the hospital.

Along the way, people greeted one after another: "Instructor Zefa, Second Lieutenant Binz!"

Both Zefa and Li Bin nodded back to them.

"I didn't expect Binz to be so popular!" Zefa laughed.

"Hehe, thanks to my teacher," Li Bin scratched his head, and then changed the subject, "Teacher, do you think I can practice physical skills in the morning and develop fruit abilities in the afternoon?"

"It's not impossible, but I think you'd better develop the fruit ability in the morning, practice physical skills in the afternoon, and use the ability to restore your tired cells in the evening. This is more efficient. You must know that developing the fruit ability also consumes a lot Physical." Sure enough, Zefa came up with a useful method.

Although Li Bin's mind is wide open due to the experience of the two lives, his cultivation experience is still much worse than that of Zefa, who is in his 60s.

"The teacher is right, I wrote it down." Li Bin nodded. He hadn't thought about it so much before.

"In addition, you should do things step by step, and don't be careless. This is especially true in the practice of physical skills. If you accidentally damage your body, it will be too late to regret it."

"Yeah, I remember!" Li Bin nodded.

After sending Zefa back, Li Bin returned to his ward, and began to use his fruit ability to continue nourishing his body. The nourishment of the body by the power of life is more refreshing than massage.

Li Bin lay on the bed, did it over and over again, and then fell asleep comfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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