One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 395 1 Niansheng Oasis (2)

Chapter 395 One Thought Oasis ([-])

"So much population has been reduced?" The two personalities in Li Bin's body were shocked.

"Yeah, that's why I hate the Shichibukai system!" Cobra said bitterly, "Many parents lost their children, many children lost their parents, and there were really Yi It’s a hell on earth everywhere!”

"Well, without further ado, let Mr. Warwick and I go up and lie down!" The second personality called the green phoenix down, and then pulled Warwick up to stand up.

"Can Mr. Warwick find out where the oasis is?"

"Of course, old man, I ran across these oases myself!"

"That's good, I thought I was a little reckless in doing things!"

"No, Mr. Li Bin is a warm-hearted person, and he doesn't want to see the suffering of the common people. He is really a kind person!"

"Thank you for the compliment, you should point me to the location of an oasis first."

"Okay, right there, about 35 kilometers away, there used to be a fairy oasis over there!" Warwick pointed to the southeast.

"Very good, we are going to speed up, I wonder if Mr. Warwick's body can withstand such a strong wind!"

"Of course there is no problem. I really want to see the day when all the oases are fully recovered!"

The green phoenix roared past, and arrived at the destination in 5 minutes.

The second personality radiated out the domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge, and found that the surrounding plants were all dead, exuding a breath of death.

If there was a fire, it could burn everything down, and no one would ever know that there was an oasis in this place.

"It's really troublesome!"

The second personality frowned. It's true that he can find seeds in the soil, but he really doesn't know where there is water.

"Release the power of fruit awakening, so that the plant seeds that meet the growth conditions will naturally take root and germinate." Li Bin's voice sounded from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, I see!"

The second personality immediately radiated the power of the lush fruit.

After a while, green grass and some strangely shaped cacti began to emerge from the oasis.

"It turns out that the water source is here, so it's much easier!" The second personality took Warwick and flew over in the green phoenix.

"There are green plants growing out. We have been here to look for it some time ago, but there is nothing!" Warwick said in surprise.

"Old Mr. Warwick, wait here first, I'll come back as soon as I go!" After the second personality finished speaking, he jumped directly onto the green phoenix.

"It should be Mr. Li Bin's ability to wake up these sleeping seeds, otherwise the leaves wouldn't be so tender. It's really an admirable ability!"

After the second personality jumped down, a dozen ten-meter-high wooden figures were created, and they began to dig down towards the place where the grass grew.

Not long after, gurgling springs emerged from below.

"It's really good. If these springs can continue to flow, an oasis can definitely be regenerated! Let me help you again! The lush oasis is coming!"

The green plants centered on the spring grew rapidly, and slowly expanded outward...

Only after expanding the area by ten square kilometers, the second personality felt that the spring water in the oasis was not enough.

The reason is simple, those desertified lands can easily absorb the flowing spring water.

"It seems that the formation of the oasis did not happen overnight. Is there a way to get a lot of water?" The second personality thought.

"If we drive the celestial phenomena and pull the cumulonimbus clouds over the sea to the sky above Alabasta, it will definitely bring enough precipitation. At the same time, we can use our abilities to make the plants re-root and sprout!" Li said. Bin said.

"Well, the key is that it is impossible for us to pull the cumulonimbus cloud over. If Charlotte Lingling helps, then it will be possible!" The second personality thought.

"Such a powerful fruit ability, it is really a waste of time to fight, it is obviously an ability that can make a country smooth!"

Both personalities sighed a little.

"Hehe, there is another idea, that is to create a vine that is long enough to pass through the ground, and then use its plant pipes to release water to the surface, so that more places can get spring water!"

"Yes, although the disadvantages of this method are obvious, it can restore the oasis in a short time, and then rely on these springs to slowly restore the vitality of the land."

"Then act! Lush underground vines!"

A huge vine began to grow from the spring, and then a huge vine branched out and penetrated into the desert!

"It's going to do a lot of damage to this plant!"

"It's nothing."

"The oasis written on the map has an area of ​​40 square kilometers, right? Now the area of ​​the root of this vine will soon reach that!"


After feeling that the area was almost the same, the second personality stopped.

"Prosperity Plant Parasitism!"

Driven by the ability of the second personality to exert physical strength, the green plants with a radius of 40 square kilometers grew quickly.

At the same time, their roots quickly drilled into the vines and began to absorb the water inside.

"Very good, if we use the power of the plants to open a circular river on the surface, we will soon be able to completely restore the vitality of this oasis."

The plants that grew were nourished by water, and the consumption of physical strength was immediately reduced to the extreme. Under the manipulation of the second personality, a shallow river channel was soon branched out, barely enough for the spring water to pass through.

Because there is a root under the ground to protect the water, the running water did not consume much during the flow, and with the help of the plant branches, one third of the oasis flowed after an hour.

"It's really a god-like power, no wonder His Majesty Cobra invited him over!" Warwick looked at the vigorous vitality rising below, and admired, "If we ordinary people do it, I'm afraid it will take a lot of money. I couldn’t restore the Fairy Oasis in my previous life.”

"Okay, Mr. Warwick, the rest of the fairy oasis can only be recovered by itself!" The second personality returned to the green phoenix from inside, "We are going to the next oasis, and we will try to finish it within a day." Restore thirty!"

"Thirty?" Warwick opened his mouth.

"Thirty will almost exhaust my physical strength, don't be dissatisfied!"

(End of this chapter)

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