One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 39 Awakened Magma

Chapter 39 Awakened Magma

(PS: Please recommend and collect! Thank you guys)

"Damn it, Chief of the General Staff!" The retreating Revolutionary Army soldiers hurriedly stopped.

The lion mask crawled out from the ground: "Leave me alone, keep withdrawing!"

The revolutionary army in the rabbit mask looked at the comrades around: "No, if the chief of the general staff dies here, then all our hard work these years will be in vain. We must create opportunities for him to escape!"

"Ivan, we will not be opponents of Akainu. Even the leader has said that he may not be able to retreat from Akainu's hands! We are only a burden to the chief of staff."

"That's right, Ivan, our previous plan was a bit incomplete. We should wait for the Redosano to use the scope of the Red Earth Continent before we start."

"Don't be silly, this is the only place we can make a move. In that uninhabited sea, who can pass except the giant ship of the world government? Only by taking this first ship here can we bring great power to our revolution." Only with the funds can we attack the majesty of the world government and strengthen the momentum of the revolution!" The rabbit-faced man retorted.

"But how can we help the chief of staff!" These revolutionary troops couldn't help but panic.

"I heard that people who eat magma fruit have a violent and extreme temper. Let me provoke him to attract his attention, and then you take the opportunity to rescue the chief of staff!" said the rabbit-faced man.

"it is good!"

Now that they had a plan, everyone was prepared, but they didn't know that the next unintentional move of the rabbit-faced man pushed everyone into a desperate situation.

Just when Akainu wanted to arrest the lion mask, the man with a rabbit face jumped out and shouted: "Akainu, you lackey of the world government, for the sake of the filthy Tianlong people to destroy people's hope of rebellion, your parents You deserve to be killed by the pirates!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over! Little Ivan, how can you provoke him." In order to keep them, the lion mask didn't plan to live.

"You criminals, what right do you have to say about me, what right do you have to say about my parents!" Akainu's eyes turned red, and his body instantly turned into magma, "Since you are so provocative to me, then Prepare to bear the flames of my wrath! Come out, Magma Hell!"

As Akainu's voice fell, everyone was instantly enveloped by a huge heat wave, as if they were on a burning volcano.

Li Bin looked around, and the land he saw quickly turned into magma, which was caused by the awakening of the natural system and its impact on the environment.

"Mr. Sakaski, not far away is the Kingdom of Illusia, which is one of the countries that joined the world government. You must pay attention to it." Diamanti, with the help of Redosano's crew, hurriedly Flee to a small boat not far away.

Akaken regained a little sanity after hearing the words, hurriedly contracted his abilities, and secretly reminded himself not to be irritated by the enemy.

But the moment the ability of the magma fruit was released, it had already affected the entire Ilucia Kingdom.

Sensing the huge temperature change in the territory, the king of the Ilusia Kingdom, Huendaruka, rushed towards the source with his army.

"Boy Ivan, take them away, I'll stop Akainu!"

This time it was the lion mask's turn to go all out, and Li Bin, who was watching the battle on the Redosano in the distance, suddenly felt a little refreshed: "It was really fun just now, but now it's your turn to suffer!"

I saw a huge slash from the lion mask, which hit the red dog, and the red dog's body was cut in half.

"Could it be so easy to kill?" Li Bin was a little unbelievable. It is impossible for the great swordsman to fight against nature without overriding his domineering strikes.

But the lion mask in it didn't relax at all, and it was indeed hit just now, but it wasn't the real body of Akainu, and the figure turned into a puddle of magma and fell down.

"Let you taste the wrath from hell!"

The figure of Akainu suddenly appeared in the middle of the revolutionary army. Around him, the magma seemed to come to life, and stretched out one giant palm after another, grabbing towards the revolutionary army. Anyone who was caught by the giant palm Man, he was caught immediately!
For the man in the rabbit mask who provoked him, Akainu took special care of him and gave him a ghost dog directly!
"Be careful!" The lion mask seemed to be very concerned about the life and death of the rabbit mask, and rushed in front of him, blocking the red dog's dark dog with his sword. The dogs were burned to the ground.

"Chief of the General Staff, you shouldn't have saved me, you shouldn't have saved me!" The rabbit-face mask started to cry, "It's all my fault for being impulsive, and I shouldn't have made this plan."

"Little Ivan, it's nothing, I'm old, I should have died a long time ago!" The lion mask said, "But you must live, for the revolution!"

"You criminals, you still want to leave alive, stop dreaming!" Akainu roared, "Big fire!"

"General Sakaski, are you going to destroy the Kingdom of Ilucia?" Diamanti knew about Akainu's trick, and he didn't want to suffer the aftermath of the fire.

The red dog hastily changed into a dark dog, and bombarded the two of them!
At the same time, the lion mask used all his strength to push the rabbit mask out, leaving him alone to bear the wrath of the ghost dog.

The ghost dog fell on him, destroyed half of his body, and then burned rapidly!

"don't want……"

The roar of the rabbit mask echoed in the air, but nothing helped. Because the revolutionary army was too aggressive, all the senior cadres involved in this incident were killed except for the rabbit mask.

This had a great impact, causing the high-end strength of the revolutionary army to be severely depleted, and it hastily moved from the ground to the ground. In the next nine years, they did not dare to confront the world government head-on!
Due to the appearance of the great swordsman inside the revolutionary army, it also quickly attracted the attention of the world government. The bounty offered by the leader Drago increased rapidly, and finally became the number one criminal wanted by the world government!
After the red dog cleaned up the crowd, he wanted to kill the sad rabbit face mask, but at this time there was a discordant voice.

"Sakaski, you are so extreme that you want to destroy our entire Illusia Kingdom. I want to complain to the Five Old Stars!" The king of the Ilucia Kingdom, Huendaruka, has arrived with his people!

Sakaski stopped his hands and said coldly: "To destroy criminals, sacrifices are inevitable, not to mention that I have not had much impact on your country!"

"Not yet?" Xiuendaruka was so angry that he was about to jump up. If he couldn't beat Akainu, he would really step up and slap him, "You made the climate of our Ilucia Kingdom so hot, Do you want us to have no harvest? Then take the opportunity to starve us to death?"

Akainu was suddenly speechless, he forgot that he had accidentally released too many abilities just now, so he had to quickly withdraw these abilities.

With the end of the battle and the recovery of the ability of the magma fruit, the dry heat in the air was swept away.

"People from the Revolutionary Army came to attack the ships of the Five Old Stars. I was only ordered to arrest them. This person is their remnant member and will be handed over to the Kingdom of Illusia!" Akainu turned around and left after speaking.

Everyone didn't dare to stop them, so they had to grab the rabbit mask and take it back for interrogation...

"It directly affects the environment, and then affects the climate. My ability itself can affect the environment. Is the lush fruit a natural awakening?" Li Bin was a little puzzled.

 Please recommend and collect!Thank you guys

(End of this chapter)

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