One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 387 Immortality Experiment

Chapter 387 Immortality Experiment
"These four rooms live in four man-made ability users who have regained their status as free people. Would you like to take a look at them first, Mr. Li Bin?" Benjamin asked.

"Is there any difference between them and normal ability users?" Li Bin asked in surprise.

"There is no difference. Usually, they are the same as those with normal abilities, and they are also afraid of sea stones and the sea! Besides, I don't think they will necessarily give birth to devil fruits after they die."

"After the man-made devil fruit ability users die, they will naturally not give birth to devil fruits, because their bodies lack the unique energy that belongs to devil fruits."

"Really? I haven't discovered this before. It seems that before killing a devil fruit ability user next time, we must first weigh him."

"I'm talking about energy, not weight! Maybe this kind of energy reduces the density of the human body, or maybe it repels the force of gravity?"

"Oh, Mr. Li Bin is right. I was wrong. Energy does not necessarily increase the density of matter, but it may also increase its volume! Under standard air pressure, due to the buoyancy of the atmosphere, the surface weight may increase. Get lighter!"

"Yes, there was once a scientist who tested the weight of the dead and the living, and used the weight to prove that people have souls! I think it's a bit ridiculous. Why do you say that the soul of a person must increase the weight of the body? Perhaps they Will there be repulsion with the planet, otherwise how can there be a saying that pure souls go to heaven and dirty souls go to hell?"

Li Bin watched everyone listening to his speech seriously, and continued to talk nonsense.

"So, when we study science, we must not limit ourselves because of a fixed thinking mode! Any formulas and theorems are tools used by humans to understand nature, and they are not absolute. It is also possible that the body becomes lighter after death. The cause of the sudden increase in oxidation of carbon-containing compounds in the body."

"Mr. Li Bin is right. I suddenly felt that my inspiration came again. The reason why the offspring of the capable person cannot inherit the abilities of their parents is because their genes have changed? If a cell of a capable person is used to create a If it is a human clone, will this clone have the same ability as this ability user?" Benjamin expressed his thoughts.

"Well, this idea is very good. You can try it. If the genes are not lost during the process of cultivating cloned human embryos, I guess this clone will also have the same ability!" Li Bin suggested. .

"In addition, even if this clone has no ability, we can inject the corresponding ability factors into his body, because the body cells are of the same origin, there will be no rejection! Most of them will have similar abilities. Ability or a slightly weaker ability."

"Well, but only Germa 66 knows the most detailed method of making human clones. If we make human clones here, we can only produce clones with the purest personality and may not have human-like intelligence. "

"If you want the method of human cloning, you can also apply to the world government. Vegapunk has also studied the knowledge of human cloning."

"It turns out that's the case, then it's even better!"

At this time, as everyone moved forward together, a huge font appeared in Li Bin's eyes—the experiment of immortality!
"What is this experiment for?"

"Hahaha, it's a bit ridiculous to say it, just because they collected the body of a person with an earthworm fruit ability, those people imagined that one day they would be able to live forever! But 800 years have passed, and no one has researched it. A way to not die!"

"No, I heard that the fruit of the operation can perform the operation of immortality! Since there is such a legend, it means that this matter is true. It can make people's body and soul immortal at the same time. It is really a powerful ability! "Li Bin said.

"That's right, what Mr. Li Bin said is right, we'll be there just two steps ahead!"

Soon, the big characters of the artificial ability laboratory appeared in Li Bin's eyes.

Benjamin opened the door of the laboratory first.

The air inside is very fresh, without any smell that a laboratory should have.

There are many experimental benches and precision experimental instruments around, and there is also a special incubator with a large number of petri dishes inside.

"It's really a different laboratory!" Li Bin praised.

"That's nature. An artificial ability user in our laboratory has the ability to purify fruit! He can purify the dirty impurities in the air, which is very helpful for our experiments." Benjamin laughed.

"Well, that is indeed a very practical ability. It can create a sterile and fresh environment and save more lives!"

"Yes, the two of us have saved many criminals through his ability!"

Li Bin sometimes has some daydreams, if these extraordinary abilities are not used for fighting, but for improving the living standards of human beings, how damn beautiful this world is.

"Then I'm starting to do the experiment. Mr. Li Bin can guide me beside me!" Benjamin walked to the biggest experiment table that belonged to him.

"Okay." Li Bin nodded.

Benjamin didn't extract the genetic factors hastily and directly find an experimental subject to inject them into it. Instead, he tried to introduce these genetic factors into a certain fresh cell and observe how it reacted.

Li Bin began to watch carefully. During this period, when he used the power of life to spy on the cells, he did not forget to give Benjamin some useful suggestions...

The day ended quickly, and Benjamin's experiments allowed him to learn more about the influence of genetic factors on the body. He also made many suggestions, which were recorded by the researchers.

To go further, more experiments are needed.

As for the immortal earthworm cell culture dish, Benjamin didn't even glance at it.

It is already covered with dust, but there is still a person with the ability to purify the fruit, so it looks a little conspicuous.

This kind of situation can only show that everyone has not taken care of it for a long time!
In the middle of the night, Li Bin was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and said to the dark place: "Since you are here, don't hide your head and show your tail!"

"Hehehe, Mr. Li Bin should be able to guess who has such a powerful influence to make you come here step by step?"

Five figures dressed as gentlemen suddenly appeared in Li Bin's room.

"Is the establishment of this laboratory what you mean, or the world government?"

"Is there any difference?" One of the oldest gentlemen came out, "Introduce yourself, my name is Don Quixote Aguramo!"

(End of this chapter)

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