One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 364 The Planner of the Top War Plan

Chapter 364 The Planner of the Top War Plan

Xiong is not in a hurry, even if he is in a hurry, he will have to wait until the World Conference two years later.

After all, what the revolutionary army is changing are some unequal systems, rather than launching a world war. Sooner or later, they will come to the world conference.

If the Revolutionary Army can only wage wars, it can only be called an extremist terrorist organization, not a Revolutionary Army.

"Well, I'll take my leave!" Xiong said and left.

After Xiong left, Ai En said, "The Tianlong people actually helped the Revolutionary Army?"

"Everyone's thinking is different. For the Tianlong people, they probably think that all the races in the world belong to their subjects, and it is their duty to protect their own subjects."

"But the World Government defines the Revolutionary Army as the most dangerous organization!"

"Not necessarily after the World Conference in two years' time."

"Li Binjun means, will there be other countries to help them?"

"Of course, and more countries will respond to them! If all countries in the world oppose the revolutionary army, they will not be able to develop to this extent!"

"Yeah, I'm hungry!"

"Okay, I'll make you something to eat right away!"


"Blu blu blu!"

"Hi, I'm Li Bin!"

"Boy, I'm Huckle!"

"Mr. Huckle, what do you want from me?"

"To make a long story short, how is Ain's body doing recently?"

"Not bad, eat well and sleep soundly!"

"This does not mean that her body is not bad. You must know that her heart has been seriously injured. You must pay more attention to prevent heart diseases. There are many people in this world who have suffered from heart damage. Great reduction."

"I see, thank you Mr. Heckle!"

"Well, then I hang up!"

Li Bin hung up the phone with Heckle, and his originally very relaxed mood became extremely heavy.

Over there, a gentleman with a very noble temperament was standing beside Heckle: "Did you finish the call?"

"Yes, San Francisco!"

"Hehe, I haven't been a dragon person for 30 years. You don't have to call me San Francisco! From now on, we can just call each other friends!" Francisco said calmly.

"My subordinates dare not!"

"Hehehe, Erasti did a great job. If I could have half of him back then, it is estimated that the ability of the fruit of the operation has already been exerted on me by others!"

Francisco is Erasti's great-grandfather, so even if he has not been a dragon for 30 years, others are still very afraid of him.

After all, his grandson and great-grandson still remember him.

"Elasti is the most exalted god who ever lived."

"You praise him so much, I don't know whether I should be proud or jealous? Oh, forget it, I'm leaving, if he asks me, just say you haven't seen me!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After Francisco left, Huckle wiped the cold sweat off his back.

Regarding the secrets of the immortality of these Tianlong people, most of the current Tianlong people do not know except for a few leaders.

Huckle dare not tell Erasty that Francisco is still alive, unless he wants his whole family to be buried with him...

After Li Bin answered the phone, he became worried.

Yes, old McCann, who lacked a kidney, only had 6 years left to live. What about Ain, whose heart was severely injured?

He quickly found the watch that could show the lifespan, and when Ain fell asleep, he stuck the watch to Ain's bare skin.

The number on the watch immediately changed to 30!

"Is there only 30 years of life left?" Li Bin murmured, "Can a wound in the heart cut off more than half of a human's life span?"

Li Bin's face became even uglier, those people are really calculating!
Just sending a watch can shock my heart to such an extent!

30 years is a long time, but a short time!

Seeing one's most beloved stepping into the grave step by step, I am afraid that no one can accept it.

Li Bin was struggling in his heart: "Is it the medicine of immortality? Can I try it? Otherwise, what should I do?"

A few days later, the newspaper reported: "Big news, Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, was captured by Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach and dedicated to the World Government!"

"Ace is still caught!" Li Bin sighed as he watched the news.

"Blu blu blu..."

"Hi, I'm Li Bin!"

"I'm Warring States, and you also saw the news that Blackbeard Tiki captured Potter Carter D. Ace?"

"Yes, I don't know why Marshal Warring States is looking for me?"

"Did you and Garp know that he is the son of Pirate King Goldo Roger?" Sengoku asked angrily.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I don't understand what you said. I only know that he is the grandson of Mr. Garp, and he has never harmed civilians."

"Well, your justice is different from ours, so I won't pursue it! But I plan to use him to attract the Whitebeard Pirates, and then wipe them all out."

"It's not good to do this. Suddenly there is one less emperor in the sea to maintain stability, and the world will definitely go berserk!"

"This is also a big military training for me. If the navy can completely destroy the Whitebeard Pirates and still retain its strong strength, then it means that the strength of our navy is enough to wipe out all the pirates in the world. In this way, we can end the war of the sea. In the age of thieves, the world will be restored to peace!"

"Admiral Sengoku is joking? How sure are you that the navy will destroy the Whitebeard Pirates and face the attack of the three Four Emperor Pirates head-on?"

"We are deploying troops in Marin Vanduo, and the other four emperors can't catch up to support. At the same time, the five old stars also want to see the combat power of our navy!"

"Is this battle plan meant by the Five Old Stars or by the Marshal of the Warring States Period?"

"Aren't they all the same?" Warring States asked back.

"If Marshal Warring States launches such a war, no matter whether he wins or not, it will be a huge blow to the navy! When will the navy declare war on a pirate group?" Li Bin asked rhetorically.

"You guessed it, this is the meaning of the five old stars. We feel that the strength of the navy is almost unbearable, and we need to carry out a large-scale conscription all over the world, but they want to see the strength of the navy. Therefore, I can only go out This is the next move!"

Li Bin's pupils shrank slightly, and it was exactly what he thought.

The Warring States said that the five old stars meant that the world government wanted to see how many pirates its naval forces could fight against, so they had a good idea.

In this turbulent era of great pirates, they feel that the current navy is stronger than the navy at any time, but they don't know how strong it is.

But they are worried that the navy is too strong!

Therefore, they are making preparations in advance for whether they will weaken or strengthen the navy's power in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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