One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 351 Battle against the Boeing Islands (2)

Chapter 351 Battle against the Boeing Islands ([-])

"Armed all over, let me drive!" Li Bin roared angrily.

Although the strength of the entire Boeing Islands is very strong, it does not mean that its body is tough enough.

A plant is still a plant no matter what, once it is invaded by advanced weapons and destroys its structure, it will be as fragile as a piece of thin paper.

Li Bin directly tore off the vines wrapped around him!
"You are really a strong little life, but if you fall into my stomach, I will tear you to pieces!"

The huge body of the Boeing Islands began to close, trying to throw Li Bin into its stomach.

The huge stench was transmitted to Li Bin's nose. After seeing it with his knowledge, he immediately understood the origin of the title "Baron of the Stomach".

That is really an incomparably dark devil's lair!
Higher plant life is no longer enough to describe the particularity of the Boeing Islands.

The surroundings are covered with black and red fleshy walls, and some scorched yellow liquid has been secreting from them, which dripped onto the remaining animal bodies inside, and immediately corroded a deep hole.

Besides, the stomach wall below it was still wriggling, slowly crushing the bodies of those animals into fine pieces.

Whether it is an animal or a plant that falls into it, it is quickly digested by it under the action of the two forces.

"Ugly guy, no matter how glamorous your appearance is, you can't hide your disgusting inside!" Li Bin struggled to stabilize his falling body, "Longsheng Armor-piercing Spear!"

A spear full of lightning appeared in Li Bin's hand, stabbing fiercely at the branches of the Boing Islands.

Thus, Li Bin hung in mid-air, the sunlight above had been blocked, and what was waiting for him below was an extremely filthy devil's lair.

"Since you've gone too far, don't blame me for being rude!" Li Bin became a little irritable due to the depressing atmosphere around him, "Then I'll burn you in your stomach again and again. If it doesn’t work, just do it a hundred times, I don’t believe you can persist!”

"Grow the lightning vines for me!"

Immediately, the seeds of transforming Leihuo Chiba were shot from the herb sac into the air to take root and germinate, entangled on the inner branches and leaves of the Boing Islands, and began to spread.

Boing Islands sensed the heat in his body, and was a little surprised, and soon discovered the burning special plant!

"How is it possible, how did you find this plant that should have been extinct?"

"Hehe, then I won't bother you. You continue to close it and see which of the two of us can't bear it first!" Li Bin said angrily.

"Really? You know we are in the sea. Although this plant is very powerful, it is very afraid of water!"

The petal-like branch at the outermost edge of the Boing Islands scooped up the seawater and poured it down on itself.

The falling sea water was like a waterfall, and the burning Leihuo Chiba and the surrounding burning places were all extinguished by it.

Fortunately, Li Bin was surrounded by armor, otherwise he would have become food in someone else's stomach!

"Flames are useless to you, and yes, if you can't do this, I'm afraid you will have been burned by humans who hate you."

Li Bin frowned and continued to think.

"Fire doesn't work, so try ice! Lush Ice Vine!"

The ice grass seed soon turned into a huge vine, wrapped around the torso built inside the Boing Islands and began to take root and sprout.

The whole environment is getting colder and colder!

"I don't believe you can still set yourself on fire!"

Icegrass absorbs heat and turns the environment into a world of ice and snow.

Soon, the surrounding world was full of frost, and a huge ice cube was slowly frozen out.

Then it fell into the stomach of the Boeing Islands with a snap.

Li Bin felt that the speed of its stomach peristalsis slowed down by several minutes.

"Sure enough, you are afraid of the cold!" Li Bin nodded, "Boing, aren't you going to let me out? Believe it or not, I'll turn your whole body into ice."

Li Bin is just scaring it, he is not Aokiji, how could he turn the entire Boing Islands into a world of ice!

At most, he just added ice cubes to the body of the Boing Islands. Without photosynthesis, the ice grass can only grow by his physical strength, and at most it will affect the distance of a few kilometers, which is already very good.

But the Boing Islands, which have never felt the severe cold, are a little scared!
Like most plants, it does not like cold and has no means of fighting cold, so it needs warm sunlight.

The closed Boeing Islands soon showed a crack, and finally stretched completely.

Li Bin was very excited to see the sun again, but he didn't dare to leave immediately. The resonance trick shown by the Boing Islands just now made him fresh in his memory.

Li Bin was thinking that this place is the closest to its stomach, and it should also be near its main body, so it will definitely not be attacked by large-scale sound waves here.

"Flourishing and rapid growth!"

The icy vines hit the sun and took root fiercely on the Boing Islands. In an instant, they covered an area of ​​several kilometers, and at the same time, they spread rapidly towards the distance.

"What do you want to do?" Boing Islands panicked, even facing the temptation of the fruit breath released by Li Bin, it did not dare to accept it casually.

"Hehe, of course I want to turn against the customer. This is the only chance to deal with a monster like you! If I want to leave here, will your violent attacks not let me go?" Li Bin laughed.

The Boing Islands suddenly fell silent. This is the way it just thought of, to launch an attack and kill Li Bin directly when he left the island.

For other rapid growth abilities, let's wait until there is a chance in the future before cheating.

"What do you want me to do, so that you are willing to let me go?" Feeling that the speed of photosynthesis in the whole body is rapidly decreasing, the Boing Islands began to soften, otherwise, if the cold continues, its consciousness will fall into a deep sleep.

"Is your main consciousness hidden under this stomach?" Li Bin asked suddenly.

"Do you want to kill me?" The entire Boeing Islands trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred.

"Quiet!" Li Bin's voice seemed to be magical. The fast-growing ice grass erupted a batch of seeds and took root, which immediately made the Boing Islands understand their situation.

"Please don't kill me!" Boing Islands made a pitiful voice, as if the tiger just now no longer existed.

"It's okay not to kill you. After all, your value is still very high, but I need to plant a piece of ice grass near your main consciousness! Otherwise, you will go crazy at any time, which is really worrying!"

(End of this chapter)

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