One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 318 Change the celestial phenomenon

Chapter 318 Change the celestial phenomenon
He has always wanted to use the special virus created by Plague Quinn on Li Bin.

But Li Bin's entire body was covered by a layer of tough and dense wood. Unless it was a move that directly attacked the soul and spirit, it was difficult for ordinary abilities to cause any decent damage to him.

There is another move, that is, the advanced armed color has a strong penetrating ability that can destroy the structure of matter.

"It's really troublesome, Jhin!" Li Bin said loudly, "If you only have this level, I'm going to use my big move!"

The most indispensable thing in the sky over the sea is cumulonimbus clouds. Li Bin is going to use the empty vines to induce thunderstorms. After all, the combination of high-level armed colors and thunder and lightning can exert the greatest power.

Also, he can create a tornado through the empty vines to suck sea water into the air, and use sea water to perform powerful attacks.

"Really?" Jhin's face hidden under the mask became even uglier. He glanced at the sea, and the pirate ship where the Don Quixote family was still hadn't traveled too far.

"Dover, I'm dragging him, you guys get out of here quickly, I have a bad feeling!" Jhin said, when he faced Li Bin, he had the illusion of facing the pirate general.

After all, there are many vice admirals in the navy. Although some of them still bear the title of lieutenant general, their real strength has far surpassed that of a lieutenant general.

After all, there are only three titles of generals!
In an instant, a small empty vine stretched out from the back of the ice dragon, and in the next moment it turned into a huge vine hanging in the sky, and the sky in a radius of five kilometers was a bit dark!

Jhin was seriously injured by the explosion in the cage space just now, so he didn't dare to shoot directly at the empty vine, for fear of causing a more violent explosion.

"Okay, I got it!" Looking at the darkening sky, Doflamingo also had an ominous feeling, "We have to work harder!"

"It's too late to run now!" Li Bin said quietly,

Then he said leisurely to Jhin, who had almost recovered from his injuries: "You missed the best attack opportunity just now, but fortunately you didn't launch an attack, otherwise I would give you a taste of directional blasting! "

"Stop talking big, I think your strength is no more than this, if you have the guts, fight me hand-to-hand!" Jhin challenged.

"It's funny, why didn't you let me cut off your head with my own hands and feet, but it's not too late now, the flames on your body that can never be extinguished are good igniters!"

"Flourishing Covering Strike!" The dense seeds were shot from the huge empty vines, covering a radius of ten kilometers. Even if they wanted to run now, it would be too late.

The seeds of those empty vines came to Jhin's side and were heated by the flames, and immediately exploded!
"What, even the seeds have such power, so if that piece of plant is on my body, how much impact will it have!" Jhin was a little scared, as expected of a candidate for admiral, he was still a little careless.

It was rumored that the candidate for the general already possessed a combat power comparable to that of the general, but Jhin was not very willing to believe it at first, because the peach rabbit and the tea dolphin did not show much deterrent power.

But now it seems that the general candidate is a proper general's combat power!
He is now ready to escape!
The green pheasant in the distance also saw the astonishing vision of the entire sky. After all, such a huge vine suddenly appeared in the sky, and it was impossible for many people not to notice it.

"Occupy the air domain? I'm afraid it's not much worse than the Golden Lion! But it's very difficult to make him perform such an attack. I need to go and take a look!"

Aokiji stepped on the sea after saying this, and walked slowly towards the center of the battle.

At this time, Bogart still looks like a toy soldier, but he has been tied up by everyone, this is also to avoid any sudden riots from him being controlled.

As for things like sea water and sea stones, they have all been tried by the navy, but they are still of little use to Bogart who has turned into a toy.

Atmos, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates in the distance, also discovered the astonishing celestial phenomenon near Murloc Island, and hurriedly picked up the phone bug and called the Whitebeard Pirate Ship.


"Hi, I'm Marco, who are you?"

"I'm Atmos, and I'm in the territory of the fishman island Seaman Jinbe. It seems that a terrible battle broke out here. Although I don't know who the people in the center of the battle are, but Marco, you'd better fight with Jinbe. Ask on the phone!"

"Okay, I understand, Atmos, you should also pay attention to safety!"

"It's okay, we are the Whitebeard Pirates, no one dares to provoke us without looking at us."

"Well, Ah Mo's words are really reassuring!"

The two hung up the phone quickly, and the center of the battle had changed dramatically at this time, because Jhin's body had a never-ending flame, and Li Bin kept sending him the seeds and vines of the empty vine for him to ignite. .

Therefore, the range of the explosion is constantly expanding. At the beginning, it was only tens of meters around Jhin, and then it became hundreds of meters, and finally developed into the roaring of the entire sky.

"Damn navy, I must let Governor Kaido kill you!" Jhin couldn't fly normally because the explosions kept happening around him, but was forced to fly by the force of the explosions. Float up and down in the air.

The members of the Don Quixote family below had turned pale, and the sugar was trembling in Qiu Yin's arms.

"Dover, you should leave us alone. If you were alone, you would have left here long ago!" Diamanti said.

"What are you talking about, we have survived so many dangerous days, let alone now?" Doflamingo created a large amount of thread to wrap around the surrounding seaweed, and was rapidly dragging the entire seaweed. The thief boat slid forward quickly.

However, due to the impact of the explosion on the sea water, the pirate ship is constantly heaving, and it seems that it may be swallowed by the sea water in the next moment.

Moreover, because the heat generated by the explosion evaporated a large amount of seawater, a faint mist had already appeared, and the sun above his head would not be visible for a while, so Doflamingo reversed the direction of the boat!
"Huh, Brother Doflaming?" Aokiji's figure slowly walked over.

"Kuzan, didn't you agree to let us go? Why did you go back on your word?" Doflamingo asked.

Qingzhi didn't answer him immediately: "You are here now, so who is that enemy in the sky?"

"The big billboard of the Beasts Pirates——Fire Calamity Ember!" Doflamingo said with an ugly face, "You know my identity, why did the navy go back on what it said?"

(End of this chapter)

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